HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 14 1956 CM )!inu~:,es ce the teou ar Meeting oe t~ .... ~Toard o~ '~ of Chu. hbuck, ?~ ~ ' - ..... - _r.~tees of the Village ~_e:_a in the Munff. cinal Eui!ding of t!"e Village of Chubt ck on 2ugust 1~., !9~. ' Neeting c?_~¢d to Order a:!~ P.N. Members puese~.t were; Tard, Frasure, Fenwick, Va!enty and Attorney ~.'~i:~.tier. Absent: Hansen, e?:cused T:ecause of work. ' 1-'iinutes of ~ ~._e last re~?:!ar meet~r:g and two adjourned meetings were then read and approved as read. Motion for annrcval by ?iard, seconded by Frasu~e. Ail in favor. -' Bi~s for the ~onth wer~ tbe~ rs~d for ~F~ .... -'- ~ ........ '~,.~. Motion to apnrove pa ym~nt by hrard, seconded by Frasure. :'tll in favor. Fills t.rere as fol!ows:;~latervrorks_ Idaho ~ower-!h6.6~, Ostler, Paint 1.$0.00, Banrcck Zlectric-ll ~0 C.H.Elie Construction-169 C0 Patton 9 Linton-9.70, Cauebucx Ssrvice-8i 6~, ~i~l's Food Center-~2~O, Brennan-141.86. General ~nd- R.i'~.?nittier-ll~.O0~ County Cc~m~issioners- ]$9.~0, Tom ?Iilson_3..9~, Idaho Power-~2.70, Sinclair Co.-24.24, Telephone Co.-21.63, Brennan Hardware-~.lT, Intermountain Yublishers-33.00, Kruse Insurance-208.93, Bair&s Ser~ice_3.~O~ and Continental 0il-7.00 ~e Waterwoks Special ~nd is ~347.76 short of paying their bills, ~o the Board granted permission to the Clerk to pay as many bills as possible now and pay the rest as the monev from the water rentals comes A Financffal rencrt for the month of July 19~6 was presented to the Board. 01d or U~inms~ed Business- Parrish Lane )~later Users- a written report fro~ Hensley shows that all houses on Parrish Lane are on Village water ~.rith the exception of the Parrish Co. Store., h~ater Amendment- See ho~.r the Board members feel about the Iqerger with Pocatel~o before spending money on the amen~ent. Mill Levy-Resolution on the !(i!l Le~y read in its entirety by Valenty. No ~'retest. Motion to adopt ti~e ~eso~ution made by Fenwick, seconded by t~lard. Roll call vote as follows: )lard-Aye, Frasure-Aye, Fenwick-Aye, and Va!enty_A7e. . · Application ~or Store License from Shady Lane Trailer Sales presented to Board. Hotion to apnrove License made ~y 5!ard, seconded by Fenwick. in favor. ~ -. Ail ?iater Tank Repairs ' - gor~ on the water tank is completed with the exception of a housing ow~r the inlet pipe on the outside. There is also a 2-inch drain va!~e that should be ins:.~lated.. The tank has been cleaned and the water purified according to State snecifications. ~r.~er ' th ~ ~ .... ~_. t.rm Poca~e~lo- Va~enty read a prooosed Ordinance for the Merger in ~ts ent~ty, section ~ section. ~ ..... n. itte~ discussion fo!~o~ed t~e ~e~d~ ~,~ Poll ~ th ~'~' - - ........ o. o~ - Board ~m~?=rs ~V roll call was as ~o~iows: Ward-Aye, V~ e~ty-A~e We~rff ck-~lay, Frasure-~.!ay, and Hansen-A~e. Hansen had sent his opinion to the Boa?d ':.s he could not be present at this meeting. Herb Voy!es made a motion to impeach the entire Board and Lew Clark seconded t~e I'Jetion~ut ~...~. ~ffh~ttier explained that their action was highly improper as well as unconstitutional and therefore should be disre~zarded, !'iard explained that 77~p!us of oa voting population of ,~nu_,_uck has ex~ressed their opinion .~ ~eing favora!~!e to the ". . ~ ~erge r _ ao~nst ~'~e l~i.esaern i~!otel note i:nown ~s Par!-n,~ay !.!otor Court- ~'Ir Donat does not b_~_:ak t t ~ fair for the Board to e~pect him to t~ay all that baci.: :.;ater bi~: '.ffard- hones Do:ont ~an appreciate tYe position ~n~s ~zoard and stated C~zat the Board t-fas delinquent in collecting old acc ~t~ Trasure- feel t~at the assessment should be ~inst the property. Fenwick--.o~. ~ · .~tever we do~ we ~hould do t~ze sa:r~e for all. ~lard- ~tudy all other delinquent account~ ~a~e resolution at next meeting~. t~n%.~l Unit- ~ill n t :-.~[d [' ~ ~&~Le~ty~ ~econded by - ~. . .~otzon by ~ ~ ~ ;- - . .~jo~rned ?_t 10:20 F.U. _ , ~,.~.~//