HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 12 1956 CM Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in.the Municipal ~uilding in the Village of Chubbuck on June 19, 1956. This was the recessea Meeting of June 12, 1956. Meeting called to Order 8:05 P.M. Members present were Ward, Fenwick, Hanson and Valenty. Absent was Frasure. Village Attorney Max Whittier arrived at the Meeting at 9:55 P.M. Minutes of the last Meeting were then read. Correction of minutes of M~y 8, 1956 Meeting. (see P.S. page 223) Motion was made by ~r. Ward to increase the Salary of Mr. Hensley, the Police Chief, from $260.00 a month te $300.00 a month. Motion seconded by Mr, Frasure. All members present were in favor. Minutes of the last Meeting were then approved as read. Bills for the month were then read and approved for payment. Motion for approval was made by Mr. Hanson and seconded by Mr. Yalenty. All were in favor. Bills were as follows: Sinclair Refining Co. $ 29.6h Hamilton & Voeller 38.2h Continental Oil Co. 12.09 Burnett & Humphreys 60.00 A. J. Brennam ......... 223.38 Telephone Co. 19.d2 Pocatello Police Dept. - ........ h2.50 Idaho Power Co. .... 5h.20 Brennan' s Hardware ............. 2.10 Chubbuck Lumber & Supply Co. ..... 1.20 Ward's Conoco Service 5eOO Chubbuck Service Corner 66.25 Body Repair Service .......... 32.50 County Commissioners ........... 9.00 Intermeuntain Publishers .... 19.92 Financial Statement for the Month of M~y, 1956 was then presented to the Board. Outstanding delinquent water accounts were read to the Board and they decided to shut off all water connections not up to date. These accounts were Fred Falter, Melvin Hattie Gunther, Cora Fore, Chas. Frasure, Brennan's Rental House, Glen Pyne, W. Fold, McOmber Apartments, Harvey Adams, Reed Zundell and W. V. Sabin. Mr. Valenty is to talk to the new owners of the Western Motel. W. V. Sabin's son is to be contacted to see if he can help paint the water tank and in that way work out their water account. Repairs to the ~ater T4nk- The Board feels that the Engineers were at fault in installing the tank and the lines to and from it. Mr. Ward said that in the repairs the new hook-up should be made with no less than 2 flex-joints, and thus allow for expansion. The tank is due for a repaint job now and that will require al,,mlnum paint. The inside should be painted now it is empty. That will require a special wtaer tank primer. The tank is rusted through from the inside to the outside in one place. Mr. Yalenty will inquire and see who will do the work. LeRoy Sabin is to be asked to paint to help pay their water bill. It is the opinion of the Board that Hamilton & Voeller are at fault in their supervision of the installation of the ~ater Tank. Mr. Valenty is to talk to them as well as to Arringtion Construction of Idaho Falls. Mr. Hensley is to check with Mr. Bell of the Bell Trailer Court and find out when they started using water and they are to be signed up for a water connection. Mr. Ward said that the Board should make a policy and stick with it in regards to water charges on Hotels, Motels and Trailer Courts. it was brought out that Mr. Whittier is supposed te be making an Amendment to the Water Ordinance to cover Motels, Hotels, & Trailer Courts. Old or Unfinished Business- Cowwring the ditch south of the Municipal Building. Hensley reported that Mr. Draper told him he has been very busy and had lots of trouble with the ditches this year and that he will try to get to this ditch by the First of July. Magleby water account - Meter reading was taken and he used 20,320 gallons of water from April 28 to June 5. He is to be billed according to the metee reading instead of a flat rate. Licenses - Beer Licenses approved - Myrtle's Place, Five Mile Inn, Green Triangle, Kennedy's Cbld Storage and Bill's Food Center. Store Licenses approved - Walter S. Griw~, Kenned~r's Cold Storage, Cloverdell Motel, Myrtles Place, Five Mile Inn, Bill's Food Center, Chubbuck Service Corner, Ward's Conoco Se~.ice, Talbot's Blacksmith Shop, Oil City Serviee, Parrish Co. Discount Store, Green Triangle, Bair's Service. Those who have not replied are to be sent applications again. The Board decided that Joe Brennan did not qualify for a Store License and the Clerk will notify him of that decision. Safe - Mr. Hillman is having it repaired and it should be coming soon. Brennan ~ater Account - It was decided earlier in the Meeting to shut him elf. Village liability on reporting rent for apartment furnished Mr. Hensley as income or salary - Mr. ~hittier stated that according to the Internal Revenue Code, the law sa~s that if it is required that a man be at a Post of Duty and an Apartment is furnished at that Post, then, that is not considered as Income. Budget for the Police Dept. - Letter from Mr. Hensley was sent in as requested. It was read to the Board. The contents were as follows - $ ~.~d. OO a year increase in salary, plus $275.00 for an assistant officer in times of emergency and as a substitute during vacation; $720.00 a year for operating expenses of Police Car, plus $200.00 for tires, major repairs~ etc.. Motion to approve the letter from Mr. Hensley dated May 29, 1956 was made by Mr. Valenty, seconded by Mr. Ward. All were in favor. Letter from Clark Real Estate Co. was read requesting permission to move two buildings._' The Village has no Zoning Ordinance to cover this so Mr. Valenty said he had informed the Real Estate Co. that the Board could not give a decision on this matter. Letter from Garrett Freight Lines was read regarding a once a month billing. The letter is to be placed on file. Mr. L$ T. Clark has made arrangements to grade Burnside Road. He will pay for the grading but the County would rather worh for the Village than an individual, so Mr. Clark said for the Village to pay the County and he would reimburse the Village. Mr. Clark is to put his request in writing in a letter to the Village and it will be acted upon at the next regular Meeting. Mr. R. B. Johnson requested that he be allowed to pay his water account in full and close his account as of June 1, 1956. His property is vacant and he has never used the water, but has paid as per his agreement since the water was first put in. The Board approved his request. Mr. Valenty ~eported that Here is an Austin Western Road Grader in Boise that is for sale. It is 70 horsepower, 17,0OO pounds, h-wheel drive and h-wheel steering. New cost was $12,OOO.00. ~ill sell for $2,500.00. Mr. Ward said the Village will not buy one until they have to. Budget - The reading of proposed Ordinance to be numbered 35 was read in its entirety. Motion was made by Mr. Ward and seconded by Mr. Fenwick that all rules requiring the Ordinance to be read three separate days be suspende~ and that the Ordinance be read once in its entirety and twice by Title and be submitted to a vote at this Meeting. The following roll call vote was taken on the motion: War~----- Aye Hanson--- Aye Fenwick-- Aye . Valenty -- Aye The Motion was carried and the rules suspended. The Ordinance was then read by title twice, and a roll call vote on the passage of the Ordinance was taken. The roll call vote was as follows: Ward ~-~ Aye Hanson--- Aye Fenwick -- Aye Valenty-- Aye The Ordinance is to be published and Mr. ,~hittier said he will have it picked up in his Office for Publication. A Motion was made ~Mr. Valenty and seconded by Mr. Hanson to Authorize Mr. Whittier to Post Notice for setting of the mill levy at the regular July Meeting. Ail were in favor. On the New Church in Chubbuck - Mr. Hensley, the Church wants to know what will the Village do about charges for ~ater Connection and Monthly Water rent~l? Mr. ~bittier, no opinion off hand, but the Village has pledged the water system to p~y the bonds. Mr. Yalenty, we can't do anything without an Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Fenwick, no exceptions, they will only foul us up. Meeting a~journed at 10:25 P.M. Clerk of the Village Chair man of the Board of Trustees Minutes of the ~egular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of -the Village , .f Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building in the Village of Chubbuck on July 10, 1956. Meeting called to Order 8:10 P. M. Members present were Frasure, Ward, Hanson, Valenty and Fenwick. Max ~dxittier- present. Minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved as read. Bills for the month were read and approved for paint. Motion i'or approval by Frasure seconded by Hanson. Ail were in favor. Bills were as follows: Wrater sorks System ~evenue Bond & Interest --- $3,300.00, ~. M. ~hittier --- $70.00, A. J. Brennan --- $222.08, Guaranty Insurance --- $123.OO, Oil City --- $3-75, Waterworks Equip. Co. --$37.07, Bannock Electric --$139.79, Sinclair Co. -- $17.59, Telephone Co. --$18.93, Idaho Power --$$52.30, Chubbuck Service Corner -- $5.00, Continental Oil --$11.28 , Bait's Service Station --$3.28. The matter of the bill presented by Sarah Devaney, for recording the suits for deannexation from the Village was discussed and Max ~hittier advised the Board not to pay the claims until the County Clerk proves that we must pay them. A financial report for the month of June 1956 was then presented to the Board. Old or Unfinished Business * Water Accounts - A full report on the Parrish Lane water users is to be made in writing by Hensley with the help of A. J. Brennan. It was brought out that all water users are subject to charge as of Jan. 1, 1956. Parkway Motor Court - Max Whittier advised the Board that a delinquent water charge is assessed against the property and not against an individual. The Clerk is to write a letter to Mr. Donat advising him of the Board's findings. LeRoy Sabin has been contacted and he will work out their bill. Mr. ~ard stated that the people have not kept their pledges to pay for the water and as a result of the neglect of some, the Village does not have a Sinking Fund. Ed. Brennan- Thinks he is overcharged and asked if it were legal for the Village to charge him as of Jan. 1, 1956. Max Whittier advised him that it was legal and that the Village was within Its rights to assess him that eharge. Valenty explained the .water Ordinance and said each Unit is charged for water. Mr. ~ard added that the Brennan Rental House is occupied by two families. The accounts that now have their water shut off are: Mark Long, Kenneth Campbell and Cora Fore. ~ater Tank ~epairs - Valenty explained that water saturation from bullet holes has cauaed the Base to settle and break the supply line and as a result !Of this the Tank had to be taken off and the Base rebuilt. The leak in the side bf the Tank was caused by the settling in the center fill. Painters are due this week to paint the Tank. New ~ater Amendment - Whittier has b~en busy and hasn't done anything about it yet. Road work on Burnside - L.T. Clark presented a letter to the Board agreeing to pay for the work, as was requested. The letter is on file. Store Licenses - Applications from Brennan's Hardware, New Colonial Motel, and The Parkwa~ Motor Court were read to the Board. Motion to approwe licenses made by Ward seconded by Frasure. All were in favor. Mill Levy - A Resolution on the Mill Levy ~as read in its entirety by Valenty. Motion to adopt the Resolution was made by Fenwick, seconded by Hanson. Roll call vote on adoption of the Resolution ~as as follows: Ward--Aye, Hanson--Aye, Frasure--Aye, Fenwick-- Aye, Valenty--Aye. Water Tank - The contractors feel that they are not at fault. The Board decided that they ~ould not place any charges against the Engineers at this time as they feel the damage was caused by the settling of the Base. Merger of Chubbuck with Pocatello - Committee appointed 3 months ago presented the advantages and disadvantages of such a Merger. Petitions were circulated among the residents & taxpayers of Chubbuck and Roy Neider presented the following findings. Of 2dO signers, 185 or 77% plus were in favor of Merger, and 55 or 22%plus against the Merger. A Bitter discussion of the Merger followed those facts. Whit~tier again explained the legal proceedure of the Merger. A Resolution on the Merger ~as read in full by Valenty. Motion to adopt Resolution made by Fenwick, seconded by Ward. Roll Call Vote on the Resolution ~as as follows: Ward--Aye, Hansen--~ye, Frasure--Aye, Fenwick~Aye, Valenty--Aye. New Business- Starlite Theatre requested permission to p~esent a Fireworks displa~ on July 2a,1956. Motion to grant permission for a Controlled Fireworks Display made by Fenwick, seconded by Hanson. Ail were in favor. The permit is to be in the form of a letter over ~he signature of Mr. Valenty, Chairman of the Board. At ll;15 P.M. the Meeting was adjourned to July 19, 1956 at 8:00 P.M. Village Clerk Chairman of ~he Board