HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 11 1966 CMMinutes of the ~7 .... ~ ....... ~ N~etmn .... of the s, arm of Trn~ , ......... .... t. ka Viila~e~ of Chubbuck, held in the ~{unici}?l Building of %he Village of C?mbbuck on October 1~, ~966. Present- ?lard, Nenry and Nil!m~n. Absent- HcDevitt, exc~sed-ou.t of town, Buchanan and Underwood. Called to order 8:~0 P.H. Hinutes of last re{Tular meeting read and approved as read. Bills ~or month nresented to so,rd. }[orion to am_~rove pa2rment ef bmlz_s made by seconded by, .~e~r~'.~ ~1. in favor. Bill from I~aho i:'ower ......... ~o~ additional billing on t~ Booster P~ap will not be paid t~ TM ~ we check with the l~ower Co. and see w~ it is so high, and also wry the rate was not changed. Financial report for +~'e montk p ..... ~ ~ ~ ......... ntea to Board. Phone Co. - Application for a oermit to install_ a buried cao_e across ~nd on the east, side of Burley Drive was ap!i:roved by the Pioard with the provision that they not lay the cable ~ithin 5 or 6 feet of our water iine. Road llepair- Intersection of Ye!] owstone and W. Chubbu. ck lload , mostly !'i. Chubbuck Road proposal from Bannock Paving presented, to Board. No decision as this need more study and Underwood is to check and see just how many feet west then intend to go, and ho~s deep they intend to dis out before before addi~ag gravel and base. All agreed this should be done right this time, even if they have to dig down two feet or more. Country~, /kcres ~st Addition- Plan presented to Do,retd. ~ppro,~,~s.~.~.-' was rejected as the Plan was not seecific~ ~bo~.r~ fire hNdrants, or easements for ',~±,~l_~t~ .... ~e~ Fire Hydrant- Brennan reported t'~at we need to replace the Fire Hydrant on Yellowstone near Brsndy~s Chevron Station. He cannot get parts to re~air the hydrant located there. Hydrant Was broken by .?tare Hiway Dept. and they will have tc. pay for it. ~oard advised lSren~an to get a new Hydrant. Hah for Street ?fork- o I" 1~ ~o ' ~ ~ a..F ....... tmon~ presented to Board. No action at this time. Reader Addition Street Improvements- Lynn Swanson wanted to }now ~^%y the survey was n~t done for the curb &.?.tter tNere on Bcyd street ~'~ the rest of Sheppard street. Residen%.s want to get it ri_xed. ?ills,ge agreed to pay for Engineering cost. Swanson is to get cost estimate of ? drN wells before Village can decide on helping to pay for them. Sanitation- Letter from_ Tuel!er on Coloni_al iiotel Property owned by xcO~n.~er" b read by Ward. Letter is a%tac}'ed l'.erewitN to tn~ e:~ nim.:t..,!,~s. ' An:~m.al Ci~ ~'-;c- .w.~v,l~ ~ o. ~=sd~ to install a creematory. Hotion ~o approve bui]_dinR of the ~ ~ ~ ~l~ra~ seconded by T{enry. All in favor. ~r ...... ator~ made b~~ .......... , Snake River Fire Insurance ?o.- They umderstood that the Village did not want their Fire Truck now that the Village accuired a new Fire Truck. Nillman and I.[enmy both stated that if Snal{e ?aver would jive us a decent truck we would house i.t and man it for fighting fi.r~s in the cut!yang areas. We must have something that vSll run, iP order to offer this protection ontside our limits. Annexation- Hotion tc Rutboriz~ ........ llcDevitt to draw up and Ordinance .... axzns-' _ East Sidle' of ~i.%~taker Road to north ~s far as we already are, to north property line of Dan Kunz~ ~.~reener Pastures, and ~ou~ntry Acres. i'.iotion made by !{iilman, seconded by Henry. ~11 in favor. }iotion to reouest a new fire ratine._ for _~r~su~x,c~.. ~,ur~,~.~ made by _~Ll.~_man, seconded by Nenry. )!l in favor. taken. l:?ecessed ~O:~O.,F'M' till further notice if necessary.