HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 07 2022 CM Study SessionCHUBBUCK l 0 R H 0 City of Chubbuck Council Study Session Minutes December 712022 4:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 290 East Linden, Chubbuck, ID 83202 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor England COUNCIL PRESENT: Melanie Evans, Dan Heiner, Norman Reece, and Roger Hernandez. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kevin England, City Attorney Ryan Lewis, Interim Public Works Director Bridger Morrison, Community Services Director Devin Hillam, Lieutenant Steve Young, Fire Chief Merlin Miller, City Treasurer Rich Morgan, and City Clerk Joey Bowers. GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Presentation by Bannock Development Corporation (BDC). This item of business was removed from the agenda. 2. Discussion about Policy for City Utility Connections Outside of City Limits. Community Services Director Devin Hillam presented the following recommended criteria for City Utility Connections Outside of City Limits. Single Lot County- Requesting City Sewer (replacing septic only): 1. Consent to Annex (recorded) 2. Agree that if the parcel redevelops or further develops in the future whether in County or City, that City development and planning standards will be followed as closely as possible in coordination with City staff. 3. Request letter from City of Pocatello indicating that the connection will not count against City capacity. 4. Same connection fee and monthly rate as city rate payers (to incentivize connections). Subdivision or Minor Land Division in County- Requesting City Sewer Only (New lots wl private or community wells): 1. Consent to Annex (recorded) 2. Agree that if the parcel redevelops or further develops in the future, that City standards will be followed where not followed under this policy. 3. Design development so that when water is available, developments with lots larger than 1 acre on average can develop in a consistent and efficient manner 4. Follow BTPO/City access management policy 5. Provide rights-of-way (and streets, if building) of such width and locations to meet City of Chubbuck's standards. 6. Follow most strict setbacks of Chubbuck and County for all structures 7. Request letter from City of Pocatello indicating that the connection will not count against City capacity. 8. Same connection fee and monthly rate as city rate payers (to incentivize connections). Subdivision in County- Requesting City Water Only (likely will be rarelnever) 1. Consent to Annex (recorded) 2. Streets to City minimum standards as if in City a. Typical Sections- curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt, striping b. ROW widths c. Road curves, block lengths, etc. d. Future Road class map road locations, including stubbed roads e. Fire hydrants 3. Follow BTPO/City access management policy 4. Follow most strict setbacks of Chubbuck and County for all structures 5. Provide canal public recreational easements 6. If surface water irrigation rights and source, to build and operate a private distribution system, HOA funded, maintained 7. Consent to meet all city standards when annex a. Trash enclosures 8. Same connection fee and 1.5 times the monthly rate as city rate payers. Subdivision in County- Requesting City Water & Sewer 1. Consent to Annex (recorded) 2. Streets to City minimum standards as if in City a. Typical Sections- curb, gutter, sidewalk, asphalt, striping b. ROW widths c. Road curves, block lengths, etc. d. Future Road class map road locations, including stubbed roads e. Fire hydrants 3. Follow BTPO/City access management policy 4. Abandon all wells and septic's on the property. If any buildings are connected to septic or well, they need to connect to City utilities. 5. Provide canal public recreational easements 6. If surface water irrigation rights and source, to build and operate a private distribution system, HOA funded, maintained 7. Consent to meet all city standards when annex a. Trash enclosures b. Streetlights c. Land uses 8. Request letter from City of Pocatello indicating that the connection will not count against City capacity. 9. Same connection fee and monthly rate as city rate payers (to incentivize connections). The Council directed City Staff to work with Legal Counsel to put together a resolution to establish a policy for City Utility Connections Outside of City Limits. ADJOURN: Mayor Kevin England adjourned at 4:19.