HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 26 2002 CM39 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 26', 2002 Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, February 26h, 2002. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, Marvin C. Gunter, B. Kent Kearns, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to the Special Meeting Minutes of February 12'h, 2002 and Regular Meeting Minutes of February 12th, 2002. Councilman England moved to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of February 12''', 2002 as read, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. ^„ Councilman Quick moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 12`h, 2002 as read, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. 619 W. CHUBBUCK ROAD - MICHAEL GARVIN - Mr. Garvin wants to discuss putting a mobile home on the back of his lot at 619 W. Chubbuck Road. Mr. Garvin gave Council a site plan showing the proposed location of a temporary mobile home dwelling. Mr. Garvin stated he purchased the home in November, 2001 specifically for the purpose of having his mother of 90 years of age live close by. Mr. Garvin said he contacted BI Ray Griffin, one of the discussions was hooking up the sewer line to mobile home. The City does not allow the proposed mobile home sewer line to be hooked into Mr. Garvin's sewer line. Asst. Planning Director Larry Kohntopp took the matter to Staff Meeting, Staff required the proposal go through the conditional use permit procedure. Mr. Garvin stated the proposed mobile home is temporary, he does not want to be a landlord and the mobile home will be removed as soon as his mother leaves the dwelling. Discussion about cost of connecting the sewer line from mobile home to street. Mr. Garvin stated he will sign any agreement stating he will remove the temporary mobile home at such time as his mother leaves the dwelling. 41 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) February 26`x, 2002 619 W. CHUBBUCK ROAD - MICHAEL GARVIN - (cont.) Councilman England stated his concern is sending Mr. Garvin to Land Use & Development Commission in April, without having the sewer issue resolved. Councilman Kearns expressed concern about zoning issues by creating a duplex situation. Mr. Garvin stated he is requesting a solution from the City Council on the sewer line issue so he can apply for a conditional use permit. Attorney Holmes said PWD Smart and himself need to prepare a recommendation on how to resolve the sewer issue for the Land Use and Development Commission. Council told Mr. Garvin the City Staff will work the water and sewer issue out. HILINE ROAD TO EAST CHUBBUCK ROAD CITY LIMITS ROAD CONSTRUCTION - Residents from Hiline Road to E. Chubbuck Rd. city limits were invited to this Council Meeting to discuss the proposed road construction from Hiline Rd. east to E. Chubbuck Road city limits. PWD Smart presented drawings showing the proposed construction and how it would affect each of the properties.. PWD Smart stated the City is proposing to build the street out to the existing right -a -way so the back of the curb would lie on the existing street right -a -way line, if the property owners are willing, the City will build a 5' sidewalk on the property owners property. The City is asking the property owners to deed 8' easement to the City with 5' a sidewalk easement and 3' a utility easement, then the City will construct the sidewalk, curb and gutter. PWD Smart stated the road will be two lanes with a center turn lane. The following concerns were discussed: 1. Concern about trees being removed. 2. Mayor Cotant stated the City will try to save any trees we can. 3. The street is proposed to be 50' wide. 4. One resident said he will not give the City an easement for a sidewalk. Mayor Cotant said he did not have to, but giving the easement will be the only way the City will construct a sidewalk on a property. 5. Concern about a three lane road causing traffic to go faster. 6. Some properties have a visibility problem mainly because of the hill. 7. Ed Bowman, 847 E. Chubbuck Road concern about lack of space between the road and his front door with him giving an 8' easement. 43 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) February 26`'', 2002 HILINE RD AND E. CHUBBUCK ROAD CONSTRUCTION DISCUSSION - (cont.) 8. No parking on street. 9. Fences and sprinkling systems will be replaced by City. 10. Discussion about liability if a person gets hit by a vehicle while a postal truck is delivering mail. 11. Discussion about area where bike paths are needed. 12. Most residents felt there should be all or none on the construction of sidewalks. 13. City wants to start construction the first day school is out while finishing the day before school starts. Bruce Wiese, U.S. Postal Service was present and presented his concerns, also suggested the City and the Post Office work together on mail delivery to residents. Postal Service is not in a position to install gang mail boxes on E. Chubbuck Road at this time. Postal Service is in favor of group mail boxes. ,--% PWD Smart encouraged residents to call with any questions or concerns. City Staff will contact each individual property owner to discuss easements. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - PARK MEADOWS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - Final Development Plan for a planned unit development (PUD) located in the NW 1/4, Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 34 East. B.M. containing 160 acres, more or less. This property is located in Bannock County, Idaho, north of I -86, east of Philben Road and south of Chubbuck Road. Council did not receive the Final Development Plan for review. Councilman Kearns moved to table the Park Meadows Planned Unit Development, PUD Final Development Plan until the March 12', 2002 Council Meeting, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. FINAL PLAT - PARK MEADOWS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - Mayor Cotant and Council reviewed the Park Meadows Final Plat. PWD Smart stated drawings have been reviewed by Staff and recommends City Council approve the Park Meadows Final Plat. 45 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) February 26`h, 2002 FINAL PLAT PHASE 1 - PARK MEADOWS PUD - (cont) Darns Ellis and Jay Cornelison, Rocky Mountain Engineering expressed the following concerns: 1. High costs of the pavement section. Mr. Cornelison stated on Galena Street the Staff recommended 3 1/2" asphalt, the developer asked the Council to consider laying 3 ", with the other half inch being base. 2. Concern about City's requirement of a 40' street right -a -way on West Chubbuck Road. 3. Darris Ellis asked for the same consideration that was recently given to the developer on Alpine and require a 60' street right -a -way on Galena instead of the 66' street right - a -way. Councilman Kearns said he is not in favor of requiring less than the 40' required right -a- way on W. Chubbuck Road. Councilman England moved to approve the Park Meadows Planned Unit Development, PUD Final Plat as presented with 3" asphalt with a 1/2" base, instead of the 3 %2" compacted asphalt, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. ORDINANCE #552 - Vacating the easement for a future street on the western most 50' of Lots 1- 5 of Block 1, Greener Pasture Subdivision. Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #552 in full for the first and final reading. Councilman Kearns moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #552 on three separate days, Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #552 as read, Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. ORDINANCE - Adoption Chapter 2.34, Tree Advisory Commission and Standards. Attorney Holmes read ordinance in by title only for the second reading. Council tabled the ordinance until the March 12`h, 2002 Council Meeting. 47 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) February 2&, 2002 ORDINANCE #553 - Amended Section 16.12.300 of the Chubbuck Municipal Code to adopt the 2000 Edition of the Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction, making corrections to the source; amending 17.12.2 10 to require a plat to be submitted fourteen days before the Council Meeting adding Section 17.16.240 to require execution of a development agreement; amending Section 17.16.050 to clarify when development may take place prior to final plat approval and to provide for the posting of a subdivision completion bond. Mayor Cotant, Councilman England, Councilman Kearns and Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #553 in full for the first and final reading. PWD Smart recommended the requirement a plat to be submitted seven days before a council meeting be changed to fourteen days. Council agreed. Councilman England moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #553 on three separate days, Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #553 as read, Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. EVALUATION OF THE PHASE II STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS AFFECTING THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK - The evaluation report presented by George Spinner, Cascade Earth Sciences was tabled at the February 12', 2002 Council Meeting. PWD Smart gave a report and recommended approval of the City proceeding with the Evaluation of the Phase II Storm Water Requirements evaluation. PWD Smart stated the Phase II Storm Water requirements will be affecting the City, City of Pocatello and Bannock County are interested in participating together with the City of Chubbuck. PWD Smart stated first item on the list is the required storm water permit procedure. Councilman England moved to accept this evaluation and authorize City Staff to work on an intergovernmental agreement between Pocatello and Bannock County, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PWD Smart will keep Mayor Cotant and Council updated. 49 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) February 26"', 2002 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF DESTRUCTION OF SCANNED POLICE DOCUMENTS - Police Department presented a list of scanned police documents to be destroyed, (attached). Councilman Quick moved to approve destruction of scanned police documents as presented, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer print -out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Gunter moved to approve computer print -out claims as presented, Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. At 10:30 p.m, Councilman England moved, Councilman Quick seconded, with full council to adjourn meeting. P, O� 6'", Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk