HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 10 1964 CM S9 ~-,,~nutes of the Regular Meetin~ of the Board of Tr,astees of the Village of Chubbuck, held. in the Municipal Build~ng of the Vi!Is.ge of Cbubbuck on November ~0~96&. Present-Wors~croft, Und~ood, Ward, Christensen, Hi!~n. Absent- McDe~tt~ out of to~. Called to order ~:00 ~.M. m~.nutes of t~:e iast reg~mlsr and on~ recessed meeting read and approved as r~ad. Bills for month ~oresented to Board. Motion to approve payment made by Hillman~ seconded by Ward. All in favor. Financial and Police report for the month pre~:ented to Board. Fire Dept. - Some fo the Vol~teer Firemen feel this truck is inadequate for .... a talked vd.th Mr. ~-~ ~e Snake River Mutual our needs. Ward explained that he ~' _ Znsuranc~ (~er of the truck) and B~ll said t~ ...... is all they can do for us~ and mayb~ w~ she,d be considering of purchasing one for the Village. D~ing th~ discussion, th~ Bo~d all agreed that w~ should b~ looking for on~ and will m~l out inq~ri~s to Ogden General ~epot, Idaho M~icip~ Lea~, and Bu~t~ ?ont~a. In the meantim~ the Volunteer Fir~m~n ~!1 meet this Saturday~ ~fovember ~ at t~e north ~nd of Stuart ~'=~k ~d will test all ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ Stat~ Health D~pt. - Albert ~kh~t was present and ex~slain~d to Board that the Vil!a~e must b~ r~g~ar ~th water sa~l~s from the Village for Stat~ Health ~.-~ the wi!]. be . ..... ~ or Village ~ut on the ~mnapproved list for FHA, or any other loans homeb~d~rs may apply for. To come up to st~dard r~q~drement we must have inspection samp!~s of Village ?~ter t~_ce a momth for the rest of this year. Motion to appoint Carl Hensiey to take care of th~s, and get samples the first and third week of ~ach month for the rest fo this ~fear, and after that dat~, to ~t a s~pl~ the ~zrst week of each month ard have it mnalys~d Ly the oolite Health Dept.~ ma4e by' ?lard, seconded ~- UnderwooG. Ail ~n favor. Sewer System - B~khart explained $.o [o~d that we will need a feasibility study ard report to deter~n~ which way to go, th~ s co~d be either by Lagoon T~e Disposal, or connecting with Pocate!lo Disposal '~'lant. After this report, the Village would b~ e!i~b!e for an a~vance p!amning loan from the Federal Gover=aent. This Io~ wo~].d be~r~p~d ~thout interest at th~ time w~ go ahead ~th th~ project. The Villag~ wo~d also b~ e~bl~ for a 50~ grant to d~fray part of the cost of main tr~k !in~. W~ must have a complete ~derst~din~ ~dth Pocatello b~for~ we do any study on this matter, just in case we worm consider hooking on to their sewer. Store Licens~ or P~r~t - H~pty Dmmpty Studio representative was pre~ent and requested a licens~ to so~cit for photos in the hom~s of residents of Chubbuck. Board agreed that they shoed mak~ application for a Licens~ and the Clerk will have the Attorney inv~gate and check v.~th Pocatello Credit ?ureau before any license wi~ be granted. B~M~id~ng Cod~s - [Jorsencroft explained that he had talked to l:'ocate!lo ~(anaser ?febb and it was suggested that we adopt the Pocate!!o Code in its entfrety~ and as time passes we could delete the para?aphs or sections not ~e ~ aess~ry~ ~. for [~fe could work with [~ocatel!o and on new construction their Bz~i]_din~z Ins;pector wo~d work for us or Satz~rday..?[e wo~d honor . o ~e~lo licenses and bonds to avoid duplication of costs, and they would honor o~ licenses and bonds in return. These ........... ~ ~ ~ Plumbers~ etc. ~erm~ts for ins~ect~ on would be ~ ~n~es refer to '~on~.r~.~tors~ ~5. for a a~ro~i~*e~y a 50 'f~r~ fee and bui!din~: fees wc~d be based on a percentage of construction cost. Ail this to be worked out later. Str~t ........... Lights- ¥ith t~e recent reduction i:~ power ~tes for the v'~'m~_~.age~ it is now possible for the ~i~e, ..... o to ad4 ~ new ~*~u._~et- ligJ~ts for m~ increase of a~-,out ~.5.00 per month over the o15 rate. LocatiOns suggested wer~- E. Chubb~ck Road at Brerm~ Lane~ approximately i~O E. Chubbuck Rosd, Corner E. Burnside ,~ Bur!ey Drive, West v~'h,~i_b~_ck~n - : Road at appro~mately 500 block, a~d~._ Stusrt Ave. at north end of park. Motion to approve i~sta!lation of these street lights made by Unde~ood, ~on~,ed by '.,,r~.s~,e~sen. Ail in fa,vor. ~e__s~.ey - Furnace at 'Fire Station is no'b working. Board ~ii have it checked and possibly conver! !,o Gas in the very near fut~e. t~:~et~n2_ . recessed at 9:75 I:.~..~'. till .,~"-~+~._ ~.~.. ..... notice ~e necessary. ~ S~. ~ ~ Chariman o:f Board. ~; ~illage 01erk