HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 14 1964 CM69 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, Held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Shubbuck on July 14, ~96~. Present - Worsencroft, Underwood, Ward, andMcDevitt. Absent- Hillman and Christensen~ excused, in hospital. Called to order: 8:03 P.M. Minutes of last regular meeting then read and approved as read. First order of Business, opening and reading of bids for petroleum products for Village for a one year term. Bids as follows: Re~.Gas Ethyl Fuel oil 1 Freeway Gas ~0.8-gal 3~.5-gal 20.O-gal Chubbuck Beeline .299-gal .359-gal .~8 -gal Triangle Service .28 -gal Fuel oil 2 16.5-gal · 1 5 -gal · 30 -gal . ~ 4.9-gal . 13 · 9-gal Havoline 50.O-qt. Beeline .45 -qt. Other brands .50-qt. 10-30 .60-qt. · 45 qt. $8.90 per case Triangle Service was low bidder and Clerk will notify him of results. Bills for month presented to Board. Motion to approve payment with certain exceptions marked on the particular Claim Forms, made by Worsencroft. Seconded by Ward. All in favor· Financial report for month presented to Board. East Burnside Road- Ward asked what had been done about the drainage problem on this road. Worsencroft explained that the State Hiway Dept. is going to oil this road. They have already dug out the barrow-pits and moved the dirt to the north side of the road to serve as a dike to protect the properties of the residents there· Correction of hook-ups on Briscoe propertirs and other residents off the 5400 block of Yellowstone Ave. After a discussion the Board decided they would approve the oroject as soon as they ha¥~the easements in writing presented to them, and also that Briscoe is to stake out the line so the Village will not be trespassing on private property. Sanitation on Parrish Drive.- Rod Parrish complained that the Sanitation charge is too high for them, as he thinks they should be classed as commercial. After a long discussion Worsencroft told Parrish that this matter would have to be refered to the Village attorney, and have him study the legality of such a proposition· Ward explained to Parrish that the Village cannot amend the Ordinance, and if the Village made an exception for them , other residents would demand the same privilege. McDevitt asked Parrish to chech with Pocatello and see if they have any sint!lar situation, and just how do they handle it. He asked ?arrish to help the Board reach a decision, by offering a solution, and not just the problem itself. Wor~encroft suggested that the Board confer with Parks before any decision is made· No action was taken at this time. Fire Station- Wo rsencroft stated that the exterior of the Station needs painting. Other Village Buildings should be painted now too before thev ~et too bad. Cost estimate for such jobs were as follows. Fire StationJ complete job, including labor and matertal~ plus fi×ing windows ,. $~J+8~50..Altern~te~bid for Fire Station- s~me wmrk, matermals, etc. as abovebut ~X~ludmng rear of ~eling - $266.00 Well No. 1 pusp house - $83.25. ~ell No. 2 pump house - $72.00. Fairgrounds pump house - $38.00. Park Restrooms - $~5.OO. Door at Well House No 1 needs to be covered with metal· Worsencroft will take care of door to Well Hous~ No 1. Motion to approve painting of Village Buildings mentioned above made by Underwood, seconded by Worsencroft. All in favor· Bannock Animal Clinic- Parrish asked the Board if they.knew just what kind of Building Dr. Hayden has in mind for his new location in the 4500 block on Yellowstone, which is just accross the street from the new Parrish Store. Worsencroft explained that according to the plans the building is to be soundproof and all the ker~nels will be inside the building. The building will also house a creamatory for dispos~_l of dead animals. Briscoe Lane- Worsencroft explained to Board that t~e paving of this road had to be postponed until all work is completed from Gas Co. and Waterline repairs. Board all agreed to let this road go for this year as it is in good condition now and by next year all repairs etc. will be completed and it will be oiled then· Park- Board all agreed to add a small building to the pump house to house the Lawn Mower. 71 Safety Hazards- Galloway property on Adams §t. Galloway asked for a~.other 30 days as he is out of town so much and cmnnot get the required work completed until then. Board all agreed to give him another 30 d~ys. Pigs owned by Page and on McOmber property. Page says he will sell all but 10 of them by July 20, and he will have the remaining l0 out of the Village by July 31, 1964. Board all agreed to extend his time limit to July 31, 196~. Trailer for hauling Village Tractor- After a discussion, it was the decision of the Board to keep the Trailer we now have, and fix it up with all necessary equipment such as flaps, lights, etc. Road Equipment- Worsencroft explained that the Village is badly in need of a light road grader to care for our streets. He will check and see what he can find and we will allow for it in out next y~ar's budget. Weeds- They are now becont'mng a fire hazard in the Village. Board all agreed that we should poison them before we run into real trouble. Police Phone Problem- Worsencroft explained that we need an answering service for the police phone, as the officer cannot be by the phone 2~ hrs. a day. The answering se~rice in Pocatello will provide the Village with this service, if the Village will have another phone put in at the answering service. Cost of installation would be $6.50, after that the cost of service would be based on the use of the service. They will keep a log of all calls for the Village and mail the Clerk.a copy of this log each month. In addition to this service a sign should be posted on the door of the ground floor of the Fire Station with instructions for calling Police, Fire, or accident calls. Motion to approve the above service made by Underwood, seconded by Ward. All in favor. Vandalism- Wayne Roderick, building a new home on Hawthorne Road has complained to the Board about vandalism occuring at the residence he is building. The vandals are ~ven stealing his carpenter tools. He would like to move his Trailer House on the property and live in it while he is completing construction of the House. He now lives at Bell Trailer Court. After a discussion the Board decided that the request was contrary to Trailer House Ordinance # 5~, and no action was taken. Meeting recessed at !l:lO P.M. till further notice if necessary. Chariamn of BoardY Village Clerk