HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 14 1964 CM ~nutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of ~rustees of the Village of Chubbuck, held in the Municipal Building of the Village of Chubbuck on April 1~, 196~. Present-Worsencroft, Underwood, Ward, Christensen and McDevitt. Absent- Hillman, excused for illness. Called to order, 5:00 P.M. Minutes of the last regular and one recessed meeting then read and approved. Change in re~qular order of business was made to allow spectators to state their business. Trailer Ordinance # 5A - James F. Judkins asked why the new Mingo Sub-division could not be zoned to allow people to buy their lots and live in Trailer Houses on those lots. McDevitt explained that the Ordinance could not be amended without defeating the p~mrpose of the Ordinance, Worsencroft explained that Banks will not make loans on any property surrounded by Trailer Homes. Ward explained that the Federal Government will not approve any Federal Grants for shcools, or public utilities where Trailer Houses are counted as part of the assessed valuation, or the inhabitants counted as permanent population. Long discussion followed. No action taken by the Board. Ordinance # 5~ stands as is. Ambulance Service- Mr. Milberg explained that he has ~any accounts he has not collected and would like for the Village Board to give him a subsidy every month. After a discussion, Worsencroft stated that the Board would study this matter further before any consideration would be given, or any action taken. McDevitt asked Milberg if he w~nted a License to operate ambulance service in the Village, and Milberg said he would be willing to buy one. Property for Lagoon Type Sewer System- John Valenty was present and offered to sell the Village lA acres of land located along the west side of the Railroad tracks from East Chubbuck Road to Highway Ave. He would sell on any terms the Village would care to make, even very long terms. He paid $1,010.OO per acre for it about 15 years ago. The BOard stated they would consider the offer, after they get a perldminary survey on the Village regarding a sewer system. Ordinance # 60- Sanitary Code- Lena Hageman and John Valenty complained they have had no Garbage pick-up the last few weeks. Board advised them to contact Mel Parks and he will tell them where their cans should be placed for pick-up. Other residents have complained to different Board members that they do not need the service, but Board all agreed that they can make no exceptions in the residential areas. These people are to be billed the same as anyone else and when the bill gets too high the Board will' have the individuals finances investigated, and any action by the Board will be taken after this report is made, and studied. Worsencroft suggested that we make an agreement with the County to use their Dump Ground located on the Reservation for individual hauling of trees, grass clippings, and any other debris that is too large for the reo~lar garbage haul to handle. Street Light- Worsencroft stated that MUngo has requested a street light to be placed at the intersection of Yellowstone Ave. and Adams Street. Board all agreed to have Wrosencroft check into the cost of this before any action will be taken. Police Car-Worsencroft reported to the Board that he had received several bids for rental of a Station Wagon for this purpose. The best bid was from Intermount~in Chevrolet. They will furnish a 196&, A door, Biscane Station Wagon, with heavy duty tires and a V-8 engine for approximately $$5.00 per month. The Wagon will be prewired for the Red light on top of the vehicle, thus saving cost of installation of such wiring after it is delivered. Board all agreed to go ahead and order this Wagon. Bills for the month then presented to Board. Motion to approve payment made by Ward, seconded by Underwood. All in favor. Financial and Police report for the month oresented to Board. Purchase of Garbage Truck form Carl nensle~- Worsencroft explained that the V~_l]~e had never paid for this truck. Board all agreed to authorize the Clerk to make payment for this truck in the amount of $1,750.OO Civil Defense- St~ll wants Village to donate funds to them. No action was taken. Dog Ordinance # 9 - Dr. Hayden is getting ready to build a new Building with a cremator to b~ included. Board all agreed that the Village would pay a fee of $1.80 for each dog Dr. Hayden would destroy and dispose of for the Village. Streets Department- Three streets in the Village, namely, East Burnside Road, Burley Drive and Briscoe Lane are in very poor condition and badly in need of repairs. Board all agreed that these streets should be taken care of soon as possible, and Worsencroft is to contact L. H. Ballif and get an estimate of cost for repairs, before final action is taken. Safety Hazards in the Village- 1 5 residents of the Village have received letters form ~he Board pertaining to their partictular safety hazard. To follow up on these letters the Attorney is to write a second letter to each of these residents or owners of certain properties. The Clerk will furnish McOevitt with the names, addresses and particttlar hazard of each owner or resident. Proposed Ordinance # 61 - An Ordinance on moving buildings in, or relocating buildings in the Village was read in full by McDevitt. Motion to suspend the rules, read once in full and twice by Titla made by Ward, seconded by Underwood. Roll call vote for suspension of the rules as follows: Ward-yes, Underwood-yes, Christensen-yes and Worsencroft-yes. Proposed Ordinance # 61 then read twice by title by McDevitt. Roll call vote for passage of Ordinance # 61 as follows: Ward-yes, Underwood-yes, Christensen-yes and Worsencroft-yes. Ordinance # 61 was passed and approved and Clerk will have it published as required by Law. Well No. 2 Fund- Ward asked if we did have any money in excess of the amount needed for Bonds, Interest, and Sinking Fund, could it be used to improve to WaterSystem by adding another Well. McDevitt said such an expenditures could be made if the Board so desired. Motion to authorize Ward to investigate and see if we can get a well dug for approximately $5,000.00, and if we can, to go ahead and make arrangements for same, made by Worsencroft, seconded by Underwood. All in favor. Meeting recessed at 10:50 P.M. till further notice if necessary. VilTage Clerk