HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 27 1972 CMNinutes of the regular meeting? of the Mayor and · . ~ ~.n.~l ~o~ ~ ~'~e city m~tnicipa! building June 27~ 1~.~. Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant at 8:00 o'clock present: Mayor Cotant, ~.~c~as~:h :~m~ghorn, Menard and Romriel]., Attorney Wise and clerk Vera Armstrong. r ........ ~ .... ~xuse ~ou~%.~a.~ ~ay~or excused ~--~ of Illness · 1~ C~'~ ~,~,~ johnson ~<rs ~ .... ...... pres ent e'i o -" a din. Az! street, =h_~N ....... ~.~ uN EAST ~:n~''~'~T'''' ~-r.. that the engineering firms 3f FarsEren¢ Fnrkiri?, a A~*,-n .... ,~ ;T,?- ~ '~ +. -,--, & s-~'veying is different, on property-,-~z~a street right-ur-way to i,h.~ sou~h ~n ...... +-~ ~ ...... . ....... , ~ representing Road on the ~,;:,st bench. !b~i~h De~son c:l ~:am.t!,,~,. and v,~.~le,~ was ~q ':" c~'~'"" "' Denton ~!.~{~es !~.~ would contact L~r'r2- ~'~-,~-~ and work with R.:,~,.. hut{ and also satisfy the new ieveloper Jack ~..ena~' r,d. -.,~v~:.~,,..~:.~.~ z ........ ~,.~, .~..,z,~u_ - l,{ayor reed ..~. following notice of tlne pLio~13 h68ring ~"~'~ NCTiC? !a I~RRBY C~/7'N that a p'abi! c hoarfig wii,] ~e held 2n the City of Chukt:':ick~ Count~- of Ba,~ock~ idaho~ a.% %h.e city ~:ff!ce~ }lit Yei!oxsi, one~ Chubhu_ck~ idaho~ ~n~, hour of 8. ,_ p.m. the 2~,~.~ cf june~ 1972. Tile purpose of said meeting ch?il be to hear testLlony with res&rd tc the environ~ me~Ital impact of the proposed ~mnlcipai sewage collection s}~s{em of the city of CNubbusk~ Idaho. A draft envircr~mentsi assessmen~ has been prepared bC~ {he engineer- ins f~r~ of Forsgren.and Perkins~ Rexhurg~ Idaho~ and said ira, fL is ~}.vailabie fop ~eview at the Chubbuck City OCfice d'aring re~ls~P The public is invited, to appear and give test?m~q'i} a% said hear~ig. Dated. this 7th day of June~ 1972. u~u~,,pacx city clerk. There was nc. one present to ....... ~ ,e,_,i.~,~. to the envirc'im~er~tal aspects ~z +v ........... ~ sewer project. Any concerned sro-iN or indivi~kai -~'' be given 1 ~ $~,, %o s~bmit V}~IANC? RECb%ST - Michael b~ice, Tree Valley Rd. has reauestcd a variance to allow him to place a mobile home on his ten acres which is zoned %gric~t'~a.1 Transitional. This variance was approved LZ~' Piarming and Zon~.g co~v~ission ~ a public hear~g ~Tlme os ~ ~,,~ After a varied discussion a one year conditional variance to allow l{F. Bunco %o place a %ra~er cn his [roperty. !:tomriell seconded. Nell call vo~e: Kinghorn~ nc; Nenard~ yes; Romriel. l~ 2es. Clerk requested +c ' c:: ' . ~{~ei.~ file all var!ar, ecs and related business so to be able to inform zoning cor~issi.cn and. ~-'- ' .... re~_plcnts o::e r..ontn in atvcacce as to when they are due to appear with request to e}~m'Id variance ~id review. DI -A,:~ ...... A-I~N ?LEQLm?T - Don Hanmond and Dale Ear, cock haveoeh~-~ a ±u. uer*-+~ to.. Attorney Wise requc.~ting the city disa.nnex their ~.ropert2 -..m.~t of Hiline ~,:.,:d. CounciLman Romriell suggested Attorney !'rise send a letter tc Er. Hm~riiond alld Hr. Hancock requesting them to attend the Planning & Zoning meeting with lheir request. After more discussion it was decided, for attorney to inform fir. Hah~icnd end Er. Hancock the city does not desire to disannex their property and th% will be required to take legal action to be withdravm from the city. Mayor Cotant reported on a meeting with tee hayer and ~ ', ~ '- .,_ 3lt~ iian&ser r~f Pocatei!o whereby they talked k%th h~m a~ut the desire %0 el~nex all Ch~dhb~ack city yPoperty south of Interstate 12-[. PARKS & SO~S GAIiBAC~ RATE TT,Tm:r,,~q~, IdEQt~:ST- Mayor Cctant read a letter from !lelvin Parks stating they would require an increase from !.70 to 1,95 per resident and desire to have a 5 yr contract with a 5 yr renewal option~ a cost of living incre~se after the second anniversary of the contract ~'~e , · ~ nard Said he felt the contract should be put out for bid. Mayor Corot stated he would write letter to Parks & Sons s~d inform them that if the increase ia fee cannot be kept ~ present rate it will be necessary to put the cities garbage collection out for bid and would guarantee bidder all co~m~ercial pick-up also. WATE_Z L[;,~ES -BURLEY DEIVE :~Al~ LAkE - ,,2I,~:~ Com~cilman - ~=~,c~ stated the majority of residents on Evans Lane and Burley Drive are in favor cf setting a water line in- stalled. Suggestion made by [[ayor Cotant to have z~ans sign a petition of ap~ova= for construction of water lines. Discussion followed on L~stallation of water line on Hingc. ~,t'. Mervin Smith requested i;ingo Lane be posted dead-end. ~ISCOE NOAD RE-ZC~NC - Sew~r~l requests have been received from residents cf Briscoe Road requesting their area be zoned so that tr8ilers will not be allowed. ' Cunc ~lmen .... ~e~,ra moved a ~.ublic ...... , ~ ~e~r~ng be called %c re-zone Briscee nc. from R~2T to R-3L. K~nghorn seconded with all in favor. Hearing to be JuTv 2~ 1972 for the ~lanning and Zoning Co~m~ission. -~ FIt%E HYD~i~f~ _ Report was made that Carousel ~{o'cile Court needs a fire hydrant in the new develoN~ment, kr Robson to be advised cf such. Councilman Menard also stated h~ h~d reviewed Henry Street for Fire hydr~nts and there is one available in the required 3eOf eot of each home. DOG. LEASH Of[DiN?.NCE # 109 - Neviewed and studied by mayor and council. After discussion Mayor Cotant read the ordinance in full. Councilman Ron~iell made motion to dispense with rule of reading or~inar~ce on three separate days Seconded by .... ~, nom~ call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Nenard, yes; Homriell, yes. ~{c.tion to adopt Leash Law Ordinance ~109 nmde by Councilman Negro. rd and seconded bb- Kinghorn. z,olz ca== vote: Kinghorn~ yes; }4enard~ yes~ Romriell~ yes. Councilmah ~ i K nghorn reporte~ on meet[r, gs he attended at the AlS convention the past week. Fir. Kinghorn stated all bid requirements should meet.with the Occupational Safety ~md Health Act. ~ Clerk to check with insurance Company on liability ~'~.suro~ce if it e~,ends to counci]mten, n-ayor ~d employees of the city as far as a libcl suit. Meet~g r:ecessed at fl:CO p.m, mnt~l f~ther notice if necessary. ~sra ~. Armstrong, clerk ' ~