HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 13 1972 CMMinutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held at the municipal building June 13, 1972. Meeting ca, led to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Cctant. Present: Mayor Cotant, Comncilmen~Kinghorn~ Menard, Romriell, Taylor and Clerk Yera Armstron~ Minutes of May 25 meeting approved as written. F~NGO 7~TER LINE - Several residents from Mingo Lane present to discuss installation of water line. Jess Coffey questioned frontage and it was determined his lot was the same as other lots on south of street, john L~rson questioned total frontage. This has also been checked and found to be correct. BURLEY D~-~IVE A~I} EVA~S LA~E ?A'LTU!~ LI~E - l~ayor explained to residents the city would offer the installation of the line if residents paid tl~e materials. Discussion followed. Cost estimates given those present, krs. Shaw stated that she a~d ~(rs. P~anstrom · ~ered to contact would contact residents on Burley Mrs Hitchcock and ~irs. Francis ~'~ residents on Evan's Lane. Councilwoman Kinghorn will work with the~ residents on further deYelopment. VARIANCE P~QUE~i~T - [~ay W. Echols, 5927 Sorrel Drive requests a variance to allow the operation of a greenhouse knovm as E. ~_ L. Cr~enhouse in an ~-2L zone· Planning and Zoning approved this variance for a year period az~d recom~ended to council for approval. After some discussion Councilman I[omriell ~de motion council approve variance for a years period subject to renewal. Kinghorn seconded motion with all in favor. L~VEo~C~K RE~'.[~RE~To - Y2P. Echols asked about livestock requirement on stallions. Council suggested Planning smd Zoning consider some control on this in the livestock ordLnance now under study. S~R F~{FJ~i~f - Dallas Millward asked if easement for sewer line just south of West Chubbuck Rd. would interfere with water lines in his back yard and if essement would put back to original state. Council assured him his water li~:e would be akay and easement would be restored as near as possible to original state, i, laycr info~7~ed Mr. killward legal descriptions and agree~'~ents would be prepared and a special meet~g would be called to meet with ail concerned. DCG CP~DINANCE - Darrell Burrows questione~" ~?ord~g of proposed ordinance concerning kennel license, fee of $10.©0 on third dog, ~o~m~d ~ster ~md animal control officer. ~.[r. Bu:ro~s also stated he felt he should be deputized to Lrotest him against any law suit that might arise from picking up doss. ~ ~,~=~ tcld him they hadn't ha~ time to study dog ordinance but ~..~ou!d study and consider these sections, also wouldsp to police department abcut deputizing hi~:. TR2,ILFi~ REQUEST - Earl ~(ay informed co'tonsil he is investigating into purchasir~g a piece of property between Cemn-Op a~;a Lion,el H:msens on ~. ~huo~a~:,~ Y~d and asked if it ~..;ould be perm~issabl:- to ~ ...... ~,~e trailer o:'~ this property. ~ounc±~ informed him it would require a variance reque~;t arm would have to go through Plm~ming a~:d Zoning. S?.[['~ITATION ~'~ATE I.~(CP, EASE- [.[slvin _~arks of Parks ~ Sons Inc. ~resent to discuss rate increase recuest, idayor asked what re!atio~ship t?e payment was from ~o and Chubbuck. Mr. Zarks stated he cc~n'( sa/ but ChuLbuck residents reou. ired more hauling per resident than Pocatello ~ecause ofTM= . -' zarg~,r lots The city ~s ~ow paying 1.70 per unit and Zarks are recuesting 2.0~ which is a 20/t increase. )-ir. Parks is going to study f, he situation a~d check back ~.Tith city. City will also check into possible requirement of puttLng cut for bid. '~JC'No~.. USE Miss ~v~r~ ~" *~ ' .... ~ ,:~n~r ~d Jackie Y~arnhardt reouestec the use the city quonset building prior to the ~ .... July f~, buildi~g a float They were informed the city is working Drc~ects ~t present tn~ ~,~ the us req~ e ~ qu ;}ns ~+ az~d couldn't say at this t~e. MOBILE }~L~,NOR - Max Parrish informed council Mobile Manor is having open house next week and Bannock Paving is going to lay asphalt street on [~,~itaker Rd. and recuests city inspector do necessary inspecting. Question arose as to Hamilton ~ Voe!fer's sewer plans of Mobile Manor being on file with city. Max and Kent Parrish were info.ned they hadn't brought a set of sewer plans to the city as yet. Parrish said he ,had delivered plans to city. Mayor said he would look into this. 47 Also discussed was water hook-ups for ko~.ile t(anor being made for cost which city ayyro~od recently, Determination of cost cuestioncd. ?Mo farther action. CDNC[~T,~E PIPE FOR S~ ~iOJECT discussed. Ccm~ci~aan Menard ~mved ~he council request the city engineer specify concrete pi~e in bid specifications. C3~:,cilman Taylor seconded with a unanimoas vote in favor. · ~ ~m~lln~ machine for BILLI~D I~CHI~ -?iayor asked co~ancil their feelings on ~n~sing ~ .... e TM city, ~{ayor and council all in favor. GREEN RI~P~ Oi'tDINANCE - Councilman Kinghorn asked if ChuLbuck has adopted this ordinance, Clerk to check with Attorney tfise, BURLEY DY~IVE LID - Arthur McCz~Zer appealed to council to declare an LIE on Zu. rlay. Counci]~,.a~ P~om~iell suggested he force the LID if he plsms to develoy the street in this manner. FINANCIAL STATES,PiNT for Msy presented to hayer and Council. CLAIt(S for June presented to Mayor and Council. Prices questioned on C)m.bbuck L~,ber charge also alternator for Fire ~epartment. Co~ancil agreed that all purchases must be approved try Mayor ~:d Councilman over the department through the city clerk, Councilman i~]ienard made motion to pay bills, Romriell seconded v?~th all in favor. Councilman l~omriell made sucge~tion Jordon check cut cost of city installing own street lights against city paying Idaho Power for installed lights. PE~hV[ITS - Suggestion made that city needs control cn construction such as curbs, gutter and fencing. Perhaps permits should be issued jf not charged for, kfATER - Councilman ~,ienard a~'.ked if city could furnish ~,~ater for' a sub-division on E. Chubbuck I{d. on the east bench. He was told this ~.muld have to be checked out with engineer. Meeting recessed until further notice if necessary at 11:30. Vera C. Armstrong, clerk