HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 25 1972 CMMinutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held at the city building, 5160 Yellowstone on January 25, 1972. Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell, Taylor and Attorney Wise. Meeting called to order by Mayor Cotant 8:00 p.m.. Minutes of january ll meeting read and approved. Mayor announced bids had been awarded to Max's Custom Floors for the amount of $/,75.00 for office carpet and linole;nm job and $~97.00 for carpeting living room, hall and two bedrooms at the apartment o~er the Fire station. SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY request for Chubbuck's participation dis- cussed. Councilman Eienard made motion the city contribute $600.©0 to SEICCA for the year 1972. Taylor seconded with all in favor. FIRE CODE - Attorney Wise stated there is a Uniform Fire Code that most cities have adopted. Some safety requirements, are in the Uniform Building Code which Chubbuck has adopted. Attorney Wise to acquire the fire code book and report to council. GROUP INSURANCE - Consideration has been given as to changing Group Insurance Plan and was discussed. Blue Cross presented a plan in December for a cost of $15.~5 per individual, husband and wife at~3.45 and employee with dependents for $37.30. Present plan cost $13.05 per individual and employee with dependents for $32.65 Employees seem to favor Blue Cross insurance coverage. Councilman Romriell made motion to change to Blue Cross Insurance plan, Kinghorn seconded with ali in favor. RESOLUTION - Pocatello Area Urban Transportation Study. Attorney Wise reported he saw no reason why Chubbuck should not adopt resolution. Counc~lm~n Taylor made motion to adopt resolution, Menard seconded. Vote. as follows: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes. PROPOSED TRAIL~ ORDINANCE read and discussed. Several changes were suggested and written on proposed ordinance. Mayor Cotant suggested attorney and council secure sample trailer ordinances for further review. Engineer Perkins suggested any proposed trailer development ccmply with zoning and sub-division ordinances. PROPOSED DOG ORDINANCE read by Mayor Cotant. Councilman Kinghorn made motion to table action on any dog ordinance until after sewer election. Mayor proposed to hire Mr. Talbot as dog catcher and council agreed. LC~T BICYCLES - Councilman Romriell asked if when bicycles are found if effort is made to find owners. Chief Frasure assured him they do. SEWEY~, BOND PROJ]~CT - Jerry Nawlin, financial consultant from Idaho First National Bank, Boise, and Larry Perkins, engineer were present. Chairman of sewer project Dennis Leslie also present and gave his ideas as to plans for upcoming bond election. Mr. Nawlin stated legal requisite to sell bonds will take 30 days. Mr. Perkins stated bid openings should be no later than april. There probably will be a hook-up charge after initial syst~ is complete. After discussion Councilman Romriell made motion to draw ordinance for an election to be set March 7. Menard seconded with all in favor. DISAN~TION of city property of Gary Carlsen, Marvin Christensen, William Wall and farming area lying north and east of these homes discussed. Councilman Menard made motion that city attorney formulate an ordinance disannexing Gary Carlsen property plus city property lying east and north of his property. Councilman Romriell seconded with all in favor. WATER LINE TO TYHEE SCHOOL has been requested by School Distric~ Mayor informed council. Discussion follqwed.~t.no.~ction, M~et~ng rec~sse~ un%~±~urLner noLice Clerk Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held February 8, 1972 at the city building, 5160 Yellowstone Ave.. Present: Mayor Cotant, Councilmen Kinghorn, Menard, Romriell, Taylor and Attorney Wise. Meeting called to order 8:00 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. ~inutes of January 25th' read and approved as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor informed council carpet and linoleun jobs have been completed at at the city office and the apartment at the fire station. Mr. Talbot has been contacted as dog catcher. Suggestion made by Councilman Romriell to have article put in paper that license are expired and the city is taking application for a dog catcher. WATER LINE - MING0 LANE - Mr. John Larsen turned in petition with signatures of residents on Mingo Lane with the exception of one owner, ~..Garner. Councilman Taylor suggested the.'.,city go ahead ~ith the installation of the water line on Mingo Lane with the city absorbing cost of Mr. Garner's property and when this property requests a water hook-up the charges will need to be paid. All property owners have received cost estimates for materials on this project and city will install the line. All councilmen in favor and the city will proceed with project as soon as weather permits. SEWER BOND EIECTION- John T. Miller of Parkway Motel stated he felt the proposed monthly rate per unit of $9.80 as being too high. Charlie Frasure and Del Peters, trailer court owners also present and stated they would need to pass the cost onto the trailer rentals. ~ MOBILE HOME COLRT ORDINANCE - Del Peters asked if proposed trailer ordinance called for an annual space fee. Mayor stated he didn't think it would. SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT -'Mayor Cotant read letter requesting $1,599.00 for Chubbuck share of support to Health department. Mayor will contact department and check if other municipalities are paying the amount requested. MED-ALERT AMBULANCE - Chief Frasure told Mayor and Council Jim Allen had contacted him and requested city officials contact them. Mayor will contact the ambulance service also. Councilman Taylor made motion the city pay the Southeastern District Health the amount requested and Med-Alert Ambulance a monthly fee agreeable with Mayor after contacting them. Menard seconded with all in favor. BANNOCK DEVEI~P~ COUNCIL - Mayor reported Chubbuck should remain active in council and the present problem is a common garbage dump ground. FIRE DEPARTMEI~T - Councilman Romriell made motion the council award certificates of appreciation to each member of the fire department. WATER RENT BILLS - Councilman Kinghorn stated he felt the council might consider making an amendment that might protect the home owners on rental units as far as delinquent bills are concerned. The ordinance now states the home owner is responsible for the water bill if tenant fails to pay. Kinghorn suggested requiring a $20,00 water deposit on rental units. This subject will be open for review later. POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ Chief Frasure requested the purchase of Federal P.A. Systems for the police cars. All councilmen and mayor in favor. DtS-ANNEXATION (RDINANCE #103 read by Mayor Cotant for the first reading. Financial statement for January presented to Mayor and Council. 0 ~b~ · Claims ~ r month off'resented to MayOr and Council. Councilman Romriell made motion to pay bills, TaylorVseconded with all in favor. Gary Gunnerson presented the problem of the School District,s property in the Country Acres Addition on Victor and Teton Streets. Each year the weeds grow up and it becomes infested with black widow spiders or grasshoppers. M~or Cotant stated he also would like to see the lot improved and he will oontact the School District about this again. He has talked with them previously. After further discussion on the proposed sewer project the meeting was recessed until further notice if necessary. Clerk