HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 11 2000 CM53 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 11th, 2000 Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, April 11th, 2000. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Steven M. England, Marvin C. Gunter, B. Kent Kearns, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mayor Cotant asked for corrections and additions to Special Meeting Minutes of March 28th, 2000 and Regular Meeting Minutes of March 28th, 2000. Councilman Kearns moved to approve Special Meeting Minutes of March 28th, 2000 and Regular Meeting Minutes of March 28th, 2000 as read, subject to the addition of Councilman Kent Kearns being added to those present at the March 28th, 2000 Special Meeting. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT - GARDEN OAKS SUBDIVISION - An application by Working Performance Company, 697 E. 1600 N., Idaho Falls, Idaho for a preliminary plat for Garden Oaks Subdivision. Property is located at south of 5564 Hawthorne Road and west of 355 W. Siphon Road. Property is presently zoned Limited Residential, (R-2). Councilman Kearns expressed concern the Land Use & Development Chairman told residents at the Land Use Meeting, the application would be advertised to go before the Council in May. Residents are of the opinion the application will not be on tonight's agenda. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Willard Price, Working Performance Co. presented the plat to Mayor Cotant and Council. The following concerns were discussed: 1. Pipeline needs to be addressed. 2. Is there going to be modular housing. 3. Require developer to note zero lot lines. 4. Calculation of amount of duplexes. 5. Park is not located in a good spot. Would prefer the park be in the center of the subdivision. 55 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) April 11th, 2000 PUBLIC HEAR1NG - PRELIMINARY PLAT - GARDEN OAKS SUBDIVISION - (cont.) Councilman England moved to table the application for the Garden Oaks Subdivision Preliminary Plat until the April 25th, 2000 Council Meeting, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of the motion. PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY PLAT - MYSTIQUE SUBDIVISION - An application by Terry Ray Commons, 4876 Yellowstone Ave. for a preliminary plat for Mystique Subdivision. Property is located at 158 E. Chubbuck Road. Property is zoned General Commercial, (C-2). Council reviewed the preliminary plat. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, asking for comment from public, there being no comment, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Gunter moved to approve the Mystique Subdivision Preliminary Plat as presented, Councilman Kearns seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. Councilman Keams moved to authorize the Building Department to issue a partial building permit, (for foundation work) prior to receiving approval of the final plat, Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An ordinance of the City of Chubbuck amending Chapter 18.28 to provide that designation of Geographic Areas shall go though the public heating process. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Mayor Cotant read the ordinance by title only for the first reading. Council tabled the ordinance until the April 25th, 2000 Council Meeting. FY2001 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND YELLOWSTONE CORRIDOR PLAN - Mori Byington, Bannock Planning Organization stated during the public and agency involvement portion of the TIP development process, there were three possible projects to add to the FY2001 TIP. The selected project will be placed in FY2006. The projects are 1) Widen Hiline Road from Chubbuck Road to Flandro Drive, 2) Widen Yellowstone Highway from Hiway to Tyhee Road, and 3) Widen Hawthorne Road from Quinn Road to James Ave. Council reviewed a summary sheet for each project. 57 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) FY2001 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND YELLOWSTONE AVE. CORRIDOR PLAN - (cont.) BPO is currently in the preliminary public involvement phase of the TIP. They are gathering input and priorities from the public and agencies involved. Mr. Byington stated the Policy Board will meet in June and select which project will go this year. Mr. Byington gave an update on the Yellowstone Corridor Plan. The planning effort will begin shortly. The finished Plan will identify and prioritize transportation improvements on Yellowstone and other routes. The timing of an additional interstate interchange on I- 15 will also be addressed. BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Don Chouinard, 1661 Beth Street, Pocatello has applied for a license to go door to door to explain his Investment/Securities Plan. Police Department did not have a problem with the application. Councilman England moved to grant a business license to Don Chouinard, 1661 Beth Street, Pocatello to go door to door explaining his investment/securities plan, Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, no. Motion passes. JOINT RESOLUTION - Larry Kohntopp, Asst Planner presented a suggested resolution which the City of Pocatello will consider. Pocatello, Chubbuck and Bannock County representatives on the Build-Out Analysis Committee wants joint expressions of support for the implementation phase. Mayor Cotant suggested some of the meetings on the build-out analysis be held in the City of Chubbuck area. APD Kohntopp said he will advise the committee. Council directed a City of Chubbuck Resolution be prepared and presented at the April 25th, 2000 Council Meeting. ORDINANCE #527 - Providing for change of Land Use District with respect to certain lands within the boundaries of the City of Chubbuck from Limited Residential, (R-2) to Limited Commercial, (C-2); declaring that the City Council finds that such a change in Land Use District is compatible with the Land Use Pattern prescribed by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #527 in full for the first and final reading. 59 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) April 11th, 2000 ORDINANCE #527 - (cont.) - Councilman Quick moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #527 on three separate days, Councilman Kearns seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. Councilman Kearns moved to adopt Ordinance #527 as read, Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, yes; Gunter, yes; Kearns, yes. HAWTHORNE ROAD CANAL BID RECAP - (REDMAN LATERAL) - Rodney Burch, Rocky Mountain Engineering stated at the direction of the Mayor, he designed and bid the proposed canal crossing on Hawthorne Rd. The following bid came in: Bannock Paving Desert Sage H & K Contractors $16,742.00 No response Responded with no bid. Mr. Burch stated because of Bannock Paving's time constraints, Mr. Burch needs to have a decision on whether or not to proceed ordering the material for the project. After discussion, Council decided to table the project for now. COTANT PARK CONCESSION CONTRACT - Parks Superintendent Larry Miller and Mayor Cotant worked with Attorney Holmes in drafting this contract. PS Larry Miller recommended because of 1) the City not receiving any other bids on the Cotant Park Concession Contract. 2) and baseball games starting next week, the Council authorize Mayor Cotant to enter into contract with Susan Witt, 56 Creighton, Pocatello, Idaho to operate the Cotant Park Concession Contract. Council directed, Kermit Morrison be notified of the City Council's decision. Mayor Cotant said he will talk to Kermit Morrison. Councilman Kearns moved to authorize Mayor Cotant to enter into contract with Susan Witt, 56 Creighton, Pocatello to operate the Cotant Park Concessions, subject to a Police Department check and approval, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 61 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) April 11th, 2000 GENERAL DISCUS SION - 1. Discussion about Mary's Park Plan. 2. Location of skate board park in Chubbuck. 3. Complaints about noise and looks of air stripping addition to Heritage West Well. 4. Fire Chief Eric King gave a report on bomb scare at the Pine Ridge Mall. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman England moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented, Councilman Keams seconded. All council members vote din favor of motion. At 10:00 p.m., Councilman Gunter moved, Councilman England seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. ~ant, Mayor - Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk