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04 29 2004 Treasurer
PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock ,2004 CAPITAL LN 10575 KAREN MASON being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That SHE IMPROVEMENT2004 SN -SW -WW -HSR $ 761,617.53 $ 162.73 led a citizen of the United States 0 CITY OF CHUBBUCK TREASURER'S QUARTERLY FINANCE REPORT 's of age, and the Principal Clerk Three Months Ending, March 31st, 2004 ANAL, a daily newspaper, 01/01/2004 RECEIPTS EXPENSES 0 8 =110, Bannock County, Idaho, and $ 0 BALANCE BALANCE -rein. GENERAL FUND $ 28,835.81 $1,341,316.68 $ 1,158,906.53 $ 211,245.96 a true copy Of which i5 attached, WATER FUND $ 430,305.84 $ 205,489.00 $ 218,157.84 $ 139,305.67 $ 417,637.00 $ 603,926.42 HO STATE JOURNAL, on .the SANITATION FUNDS $ 353,293.81 $ 389,938.28 $ 377,429.67 $ 261,476.33 $ 292,101.37 $ SEWER FUND $ 176,057.03 ]t111LlouSl and uninterruptedly FUND s R n C. onlin or identified to me to be the Ron C. Conlin, City Cierk-Treasurer o the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledge to me that he executed the same. ``��g4uuuaaaaa,,� Notary Public for Idaho ,,0R1..A. Sy�'y _:• NOr+,�©••r. Residing at ARIMO w• i A - My commission expires: FEB. 2009 r��,O %tfn >�0 I�0aaHai� ±H0��r ,2004 CAPITAL '2004 IMPROVEMENT2004 SN -SW -WW -HSR $ 761,617.53 $ 162.73 $ 0 $ 761,780.26 '2004 WW -SW ENIFRG. $ 0 $ 0 $ 147,633.27 , 2004 SERVICE FUND $ 147,633.27 SPECIAL REV. $ 3Q624,59 $ 0 $ 437,483.72 ]t111LlouSl and uninterruptedly FUND $ 406,859.13 )eriod of seventy-eight weeks TAX INCREMENT $ 308,646.69 $ 487,108.43 $ 122,509.40 $ 673,245.72 l0t1Ce Of advertisement and 1S a FUNDS A the laws of Idaho. SEWER REFUND FUND $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLAN $ 223,403.18 $ 87,495.36 $ 161,172.67 $ 149,725.87 PETTY CASH $ 170.00 $ 170.00 TOTALS $ 2,836,822.29 $2,919,564.74 $ 2,061,528.44 $ 3,69056.59 "CITIZENS ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE DETAILED SUPPORTING RECORDS OFTHE ABOVE FINANCIAL in the year of 2004, before STATEMENT". nne.irer{ KAREN s R n C. onlin or identified to me to be the Ron C. Conlin, City Cierk-Treasurer o the within instrument, and being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements therein are true, and acknowledge to me that he executed the same. ``��g4uuuaaaaa,,� Notary Public for Idaho ,,0R1..A. Sy�'y _:• NOr+,�©••r. Residing at ARIMO w• i A - My commission expires: FEB. 2009 r��,O %tfn >�0 I�0aaHai� ±H0��r