HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 18 2002 Ord. 554PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock LN8332 KAREN MASON SUMMARY OF being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That SHE ORDINANCE NO. 554 was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States An ordinance of the of America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk City of Chubbuck, a of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, municipal corpora- tion of the state of printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and Idaho, adding Chap- ter 2.34, "Tree Advi- having a general circulation therein. sory Commission and Standards, pro- viding definitions; That the document or notice, a true copy of which is Advi- creating a Tree A attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE sory Commission;; providing for terms of JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: office for Commis sion members; pro- APRIL 18 , 2002 2002 viding for the Com- 20022.002 ' mission to create a Plan of Work; setting , 2002 , 2002 forth the contents of 2002 2002 the Plan of Work and , applicability; granting the Parks and Recre- ation Superintendent That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly the toe published to said Count for period of seventy-eight p y p ish procedures tablish procedures with respect to trees, eeks prior to the publication of said notice of advertisement both public and pri- for is a newspaper within the meaning of the laws of Idaho. vate; providing landscaping and public tree care; set- ting forth a list of vio-Uv t lations and public nuisances, establish- ing theat the owners of trees or vegetation have a duty to abate STATE OF IDAHO any nuisances; pro- viding for notice of vi- olations and penal- On this 18TH DAY of APRIL in the year of 2002, before ties; providing for the repeal of conflicting me, a Notary Public, personally appeared KAREN ordinances; provided MASON known or identified to me to be the for the severability of the provisions of this , person whose name subscribed to the within instrument, and ordinance; providing that this ordinance being by me first duly sworn, declared that the statements shall be in full force therein are4true,aknowledge to me that she executed the and effect after its passage, approval and publication as ak lowed by law. same. 6The full text of this or- dinance is available blic for Idaho �at the City Clerk's Office, Chubbuck Residing at POCATELLO City Offices, 5160 Yellowstone, Chub - buck, l0 83202. My commission expires :FEBRUARY ,2003 1 have reviewed the foregoing summary and believe it pro- vides a true and cor- rect summary of Or- dinance No. 554 and that the summary provides adequate