HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 20 1955 Ordinances` Chu:bbuck., Idaho, A it 20 19 �5 VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK To _ _ Idaho 5tte Journal Dr. Address 3Q5 S. Arthur Podatello Idaho READ --Items must be entered in detail on this voucher and show Purchase Order number, Use a SEPARATE CLAIM for each department as shown on Purchase Order. Touchers not on file with the Village Clerk THREE days before the first THURSDAY of each month cannot be presented for payment until the next month. SHOW DISCOUNT YOU ALLOW THE VILLAGE DATE A 1" Ordinanc-e—No. 31 Apr 17 # L529 Legal AdyPrttst-mprit, ? rrOrdinancet - e b9 1�2 STATE OF ID.AHO� ) 5S o COUNTY OF BANNOCK. ) The undersigned9 being first duly, sworn deposes and says (fie is Dego Clk, of the Idaho Sate Journal —.-Poo any, and makes this Affidavit for and on behalf of said Company) that the above claim is tore., correctp reasonable and gust., and services and articles mentioned have been furnished and that no part of the same has beeowed or paid. FOR USE OF VILLAGE ONLY DISTRIBUTION OFA' GLA Ei 2'. I hereby certify that the above account is correct Dep .Read here'' Approveds '' Chubbuck, Idaho,, April 20 , 19 5, VTLLAGE OF CHUBBUCK To Id p StAe Journal Dr, Address 305 S. Arthur, Pod-atello, Idaho READ --Items must be entered in detail on this voucher and show Purchase Order number. Use a SEPARATE CLAIM for each department as shown on Purchase OrderVouchers not on file with the Village Clerk THREE days before the first THURSDAY of each month cannot be presented for payment until the next month. SHOW DISCOUNT YOU ALLOW THE VTLLAGE. DATE 1� Arl 17 J 1600 LegaJAdvzr_tJ_Sw;pQ4;t lQ11' Ordinance No. 11 PFi OR ADr 17 -4 L522 T-Pgal- Advartfsernent P6.a1 ll Qrdinpnee NO- 69 42 STATE OF IDAHO. COUNTY OF BANNOCK, The undersigned: being first duly- sworn deposes and says (Se is_LqLq Clk of the Idaho Sbate ...Journal Company and makes this Affidavit for and on behalf of saidCompany') that the above claim is ture, correct,,'reasonable and just,, and services and articles mentioned have been furnished and that no part of the same has been allowed or paid. SIGN EtE Subscribed and sworn to before me I thislo th day of A ril gig L x5ff Uff PUBLIC for 0 FOR USE OF VILLAGE ONLY I hereby certify that the above account is correct DISTRIBUTION OF CJAI:--]. 5_egb,, Read Sign here Approvedg 7ficial Title Village! s Voucher No . AND ALAMEDA ENTERPRISE P.O. Box 86 Pocatello, Idaho 214 First Security Sank Bldg. Telephone 5016 C, Viner, Village Clerk Village of Chubbuck C hubb uc 1i: . Idaho 4AKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO INTERMOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, INC. AWTUL APPROPRIATION ORDIIiAiNGE OF 1955 1 I i 88 lines e, per line 412 32 7t, 40 lines tabular C $.20 per line 8100 Total 1 20 { 32 ��a—¢a a ctle#bt .�.�1f4A�t �IhubyJL0,,-e Idaho UAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO INTERMOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, INC. W 11n.en X14 per line 40 11nen tabular r.1, $ •2Q per line Total