HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1951 Ord. 4VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK ORDINANCE. N0.4 w. I O t17IP1ANCE iib, The Village Clerk shall_A9tJ receive {c) No '1T ft .':starfip, siSa91 be used AN ORLjN_kj,CE PROVIipING FORTthe license fern }�preinaftet On any clevic other than the one tot', ii1.A'. Lit,EL%`SI G By Tll7? VILT_,AC,E for until the application has beenrap- itltickr said license stamp is issllcd; Ja- �.- E.LWCx, BANNOCK COUN'T'Y,' proved by the Board of Trustees of 1'r-ovided, however, the Village Ck,rk LAti OF COIN- OP E R A T E h; :,the Village, Upon the approval .;,1 ,, may issue a substitute license upon -AiliuS presentation to the Village Clerk of MENT DEVICES AS DEFINED the application to the Village Board. a siroin Affidavit showing such de - COD& PR VIDINGTER 15 OF ITLE THESLIC NSo-tieertseile lfees, andkuponshall thecollect said pica to have become wholly or in p payment prtii, torn out, accidentally brul:an 1 AG TO BE PAID I EACH S;)7 3 thereof shall issue the license Slamplor' accidentally destroyed, to such err' 4tAC; NE OR DEVICE AND 'Fk�l hereinafter provided for, extent that it is rendered useless. Thal APPO TIONMENT AND PAYMEPf t' Provided further no such coin -o r- 1 substitute license shall be issued by OI' THE FORTION TO THE STA'iy7; crated device shalt be operated ua�ti] the Clerk in the manner the same asl ,OF IDAI-10 AND BANNOCK COUNT- there has been placed thereon and the nue originally issued, and shall' AS PROVIDED 13Y THE STATE I AIV'raacelled the license stamp as pro- Ice designated a substitute license,' PROVIDING REGULATIONS , N I? videa by law, and bear upon it the word "SUBS'1'I- :CONTROLS FOR THE OPERATION. SECTION 3. The license fee required; TUTE,•' and the number d the nrlq tOF SAID DEVICES AND LICENjINC; for the obtaining of the license stamp incl -license. Such substituted licenser THE'SAME; PROVIDING THE I.OR.M for the operation o£ said coin-operated shall he affixed to the device for OF LICENSE OR STAMP TO Dt; OB- devices shall be the surn of $om.00 which it is issued, and be cancelled 47'AINJD AND DISPLAY TITIt;1,EU1' for each calendar year, which license in all respects as required by ]an% for, :AND' YOR CANCELLATION THFRF: tee shall be pro -rated as beginning! an ri mal license. The ori h O['; PROVIDING FOR THE FURNIS$-j%vuh the actual. month of issue for hcext a stamp shall then be void.g tai UNG OF FORMS FOR APPLICATION +ie remainder of the calendar year,, SE, TION 6. REVOCATION AND f'OR LICENSES; PROVIDING F'ON;arid commencing May 5th, 1951, and: LLATe R -E£ any licensee of THE � PRO -RATING OF LICP NSE the license,fee shall include the license a coin-operated amusement tier ice. k'EE5 FOR THE CALENDAR 1'i;AR; Ifor the month in which the same is violates an of the . PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCEiissued, providing, however, the entire Y provisions of this ,OF SUBSTITUTE LICENSE IN C4kSP: ,I 17Ount of the license required for � Ordinance, or is convicted of violating .A DEVICE LICENSED IS BROKEN the State of Idaho and for Bannock, any., of the provisions of said Chal.,ter OR DESTROYED OR HAS BE(,OME C;otlnty shall be collected at the time 115 ofTitle 50, Idaho Codg, the Clrair-� USELESS; PROVIDING PENALTIES of the issuance of the Iicense, and,, oa'r ='nd Board of Trustees of ;he FOR VIOLATION OF THE ()RDI -:that portion of the license fee for tile';VLllttge of Ch buck are heieby ar ih-i NANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE R$ -'Village of Chubbuck shall be collected orizecl to ,and empowered to recnke' 'VOCATION OF 410ENSES AND F'OR quarterly on January 1, April 1, Jtirlyl{all licenses to operate such devices, NOTICE OF HEARING PREC'E1.?IPTG';.and October I of each year. Pro issued to said licensee; provided, how-' SUCH REVOCATIONS; AND REPI•IA - vided, that in the year 1951, a special I ever, Ihat in the event it is brought' .ING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES QR license fee of $50,75 per machine shall • to the attention of the Chairman and' PARTS OF ORDINANCES INSOFAR be paid for the months of May, and 1 Boal- lof Trustees tta t such place, then l AS THEY ARE IN CONFLICT Iv1Tli June and thereafter such licenses shall' I THIS ORDINANCE. be payable quarterly in advance com- before revolting such licenses, the BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CHAIR mooting July 1st, 1951. Chairman and Board of Trustees shat'' tIAN AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF; Of, the license fee so collected on cause a notice in writing to be served 7I -1.E VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BAN -,each Of such devices licensed, $125.00` upon such licensee setting forth in. O tlleroof or the pro -rata portion thereof, general terms the violations claimed - NOCK COUNTY, STATE OF ID AI ' if issued for less than a full calendar" to exist or to have existed, and such SECTION 1, It shall be lawful to year, shall be collected for the State.notice shall provide a time for hear_, =operate within the Village of Chub- o%. jdaho and $125.00 thereof, or the! 'ng thereon before the Chairman and ,buck, Bannock County, Idaho, c0tlt- prd"-i+ata portion thereof, if issued for.i Board of Trustees, which date of hear- opernted amusement devices as de- less than a full. calendar year, shall Ing shall not be less thaoi cn '10) :fined by Chapter 15 of Title 50, Malin be collected for Bannock County; and days nor n,nre than WuiAy ('201 d,;rys Cade, provided a license is first ob- the balance of said license fee, as col -I from the date of service of su^h 'stood from the Village of Chubbuck, I iected quarterly, shall be deposited 1 n6tice, and upon Or follnwing =aid provided in this Ordinance and 6h�eiin the general fund of the Village, Trustees' Ch rt an. and Saard nkf oa rules and regulations and g i'Trustees u17nn #alinc�ag that rice prrt+ g provisions j Provided further that the moneys; i visions of this Ordinance or the pro coticeraing the licensing and opera s❑ collected by the Village for the t isirnts of sakd State Law, said CiiapU. tion of the sauce as provided in this 1 -State of Idaho and the County of tern lti, of Title 50, Idaho Code, have Ordinance, and as provided in ,,ajd Bannock shall be deposited in and been ofated by such licensee, shall Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho Code kept in a special trust fund and re - are vomplied with. i implied to the State of Idaho and the revoke all such licenses issued yo SECTION Z. Before any such c,:in_ COunt.V of Bannock quarterly on April such licensee, and no refund or any operated amusement device mar he 1st, July 1st, October 1st and January unused portion of the license fee osier' !,operated within the Village, an airpli-IPst of each year, shall be made to the licensee. cation for a license for each such de- SECTION 4. The license issued un- SEC'T'ION 7. Any violation of the vice m• devices, shall be filed with the der this Ordinance shall be in the �111,nviijnns of this Ordinance, the pe., Village Clerk of the Village of Chub-. Lorra Of a license stamp, and asop- malty for which Is not provided for - truck un an application form pro\ ided a' -ate license must be issued for each b•1" said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idaho •try .the Village therefor. Said appllca-corn-operated amusement device. The Code, shallm constitute a misdeeanor,' ljutl form shall provide, among older, hc•ensee immediately upon issuance and any person so violating such pro-': things, the following information: ' thet;enf, shall securely affix the said visions shall be guilty ofa miade- i The natne of 'the applicant; the; `-tamp to the coin-operated amusement 'rileanor, and upon conviction thereof! name of the place and location where' device in a conspicuous place, and shall he fined not to exceed $1011.00„ It is proposed such coin-operated de_ cancel the same by cutting it Criss- and upon failure to pay such fine' Nice or devices are to be Opera;ced; i cross with a sharp instrument. shall 1,)e committed to the custody oft 'tile number of such devices and the $EgTION 5. (a) No license shall the Village Marshall and confined in make, serial number, type of cacIt'i trans er to any other person such the Village .Jail at the rate of 51.50 machine achine or device desired 1,� be; ltc'enses so issued, or transfer the Per dot• until such fine is paid in full.' operated by the applicant at Snell lo- licensed devices to any location other' SECTION BThat all Ordinances or Catton: such application shall be sir,red than the one originally authorized Darts of Ordinances insofar as they and verified by the applicant, ni if .therefor, without making application are in conflict herewith, be, and the `the application is made by a part�lcr- I to the Chairman and Board of Trustees same are hereby repealed. ship, then by one of the partners. or I1 eppr`dval therefor, transfer and obtaining the SECTION 9* This Ordinance shall be if by a corporation or association, i!ren j to ftlI8 force and effect'upon its pas - The an officer of such cot oratfou or ibi The Chairman and Board Of. sage, hpproval and publication, as re - . p Trustees may authorize the transfer: cioubd by law. of such a license from one person to,D this Sth da of May, Sitch m application shall be accopa-PASSE ' another or from one location to an Y y, 1951. nied by satisfactory documentary r,v i -Other, and if such transfer is so auttj- APPROVED this 8th day of May, dente that applicant is the owner of Or€zed by the Chairman and Board, 1951. suchOr ticoin-operated amttsement dei ice of Trustees, a transicr fee Of ,,1.Otl JOHN R. VALENTY, ne ices. for errcil SuCh license transferred sha'111 Chairman of the Board of Trustees Such application erk shall be filed with: be collgcted by the Village Clerk pre th* Vilta;,e Of Chubbuck. ire Village Clerk before being pre- cediek ,s4rlr. transfer,, _ _ fittest: CH4RLGT'i t,; KE24NEDY, se.nted to the Village Board for final] (SEAL) Village Clerk, action. All such applications' shall , be, 4 May 10, 1951; hp 'the Clerk, referred to the Village Marshal] of the Village of Chubbuck, and he . 'all endorse, thereon his ap- proval Ot• disapproval thereof before the same is, presented to the Village 30ard.