HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1951 Ord. 3ORDINANCE NO. 3 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING A COMPLETE TRAFFIC CODE FOR TTTr OPERATION OF ALL VEHI-. : CLES UPON THE PUBLIC HIGH- WAYS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK AND ,PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR A VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE TERMS OF THE SAID ORDINANCE OR OF ANY REGULATIONS PROMULGAT- ED UNDER AND IN CONFORMITY WITH AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF SAID ORDINANCE; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, OF THE VILLA7E OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUN- TY, IDAHO: ARTICLE I: DEFINITIONS. SECTION 1. Whenever in this ordin- ance the following terms are used, .they shall have the purpose of this Ordinance only, the meanings re- spectively ascribed to them in this section, except ib those instances inhere the context clearly indicates a dif;terent meaning; CROSS WALK: That portion of the roadway included within the lines painted and marked on the roadway. MOTOR VEHICLE: Every vehicle as herein defined, which is self -pro, pelled. OPERATOR: Any person who is in actual ph cal control of a vehicle. PARK: To stand a vehicle, whether occupied or not, for a period of time greater than is reasonably necessary for the actual loading or unloading o persons or materials. PEDESTRIAN: Any person afoot. PERSON: Every natural person, firm, partnership, corporation or as-; sociation. RESIDENCE DISTRICT: The terri- tory continguous to a street' not com- prising a business district when the frontage on such street for a dis- tance is i tance of three hiu-idred feet is main- ly occupied by dwellings. RIGHT-OF-WAY: The privilege of the immediate use of the street, SAFETY ZONE: That marked per, titin of a roadway reserved for ex- cliq�give use of pedestrians. SIDEWALK: That portion of a street, between the curb line and the adja cent property line. STREET: Every way set aside for public travel except bridle paths and foot -paths. THROUGH STREET: Any specially; designated street at which all classep of cross traffic are required to stop: before entering or crossing such through street. TRAFFIC: Vehicles and pedestri- ans, either singly or together, while. using any street for purposes of travel. VEHICLE: Every device or animal" by which any person or property i8 or may be transported or drawn up on a street, excepting devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a bicycle shall be deemed a vehicle. ARTICLE II. AUTHORITY OF POLICE— TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS SECTION 2. OBEDIENCE TO P6:. LICE: Officers of the police depart- meat are hereby authorized to direct all traffic in accordancewith the provisions of this Ordinance, or in .emergencies as public safety or con- venience may require, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order, signal or directian of a police officer, Except in case of emergency it shall be unlawful for any person unauthorized by the chief of police to direct or attempt to direct traffic, SECTION 3. SIGNS AND SIGNALS: The Board of Trustees shall determine and designate the character of all of. ficial warning and direction signs and signals. It shall be their duty to place and maintain or cause to be placed_ slnd maintained, all official signs and 'Ifi�als herein required. All signs and s[ghals designated for a particular purpose shall be uniform. and space shall be provided for the emblem of the erectipg lluttiority VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK 0RDINAN CE. NO.3 SECTION'4. OBEDIENCE -TO TRAF- FIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS: It shall be unlawful for any operator to dis- obey the instructions of any traifie sign nr signal placed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, :No person shad erect or place any barrier or sign dirdcting traffic _inl sir' stre i uril s� a tune approve* 63 tir> Lo xid -*r r Frus;^rs. _'. SEr'TTn^Z 5. SI -WAl' AT .INTERSECTIONS [al It'shall be unlawful for the oncrntor f any vehicle to drive into env rosswalk without the exercise of cm-' usual care. tbl. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to drive into any unmarked crosswalk while Ihere is in such croswalk upon the halt: of the roadway upon which such vel' is traveling any pedestrian enga in crossing the roadway, until s' pedestrian shall have passed bevond4 the path of said vehicle. (c) The operator of a vehiclesAW ss slop before entering any cro- n, hen any vehicle proceeding in same direction is stopped at gut` cross -walk for the purpose of p mitting a pedestrian to crass. (d) The operator of a vehicle shl11l not pass any other vehicle which hbs, been stopped at a cross -walk by an automatic signal or traffic officer up - til the said stopped vehicle shall hay crossed said cross -walk, except th �tt'here a vehicle has at said crass -walk 4'or the purpose of making a turn in (Oecord with traffic regulations this., ;#provision does not apply. .SECTION 6, PEDESTRIAN'S LINi- TED RIGHT TO USE OF ROAD - AY: At no place shall a pedestrian ,Vross any roadway other than by the" ost direct route to the opposite curb - g, and when crossing at any place Ite right-of-way to all vehicles upon Mie roadway. Wits No person shall stand or loiter in ny roadway other than in a safety zone if such act interferes with the' kai��ful movement of traffic, ;. It shall be unlawful for any person; $a stand in a roadway for the pur-_ diose of or while soliciting a ride; 'from the operator of any vehicle. SECTION 7. PEDESTRIANS TO, BEY SIGNALS: At intersections' tt. here traffic is directed by a police fficer or by a stop and go signaI,J i1A.- shall be unlawful for any pedesi:riau' cross the roadway other than rvj tli :feleased traffic, if such crossing in -1 .terferes with the lawful movement of traffic. ARTICLE IV. RULES FOR DRIVING- ;'' SECTION S. SPEED, RECKLESS -DRIVING: (a) No person shall drive 'a vehicle at a greater speed than. Ks reasonable and proper, having due' Bard for the traffic and the use of - "ie streets or so as to endanger the fe or limb or injure the property_ W any person. Rates of speed in ex- . cess of the following are prima facie evidence of violation of this section. VEHICLES WHICH ARE DESIGN- ED AND USED FOR THE CARRYING' OF' NOT MORE THAN SEVEN PAS- SENGERS : 1. FIFTEEN MILES AN HOUR when f approaching within fifty feet of aj .grade crossing of any steam, eleetrlc• or street railway when the operatnesl view is obstructed. An operator's view shall be deemed to be obstructed 'when at any time during the last two; hundred feet of his approach to such crossing lie does not have a clear and uninterrupted view of such rail -I wav crossing and of any traffic on such railway for a distance of four hundred feet in each direction from much crossing, 2. FIFTEEN MILES AN HOUR when Ft sstng school during school recess r while children are fining to of 19vinK school ciuring ripening of clog Ling hours. 3 FIFTEEN mir,ES AN HOUR When passing a public plavgroiund oln ivy tda;y, tvlipn said playground is open ill ll 6ppVa,t,ialJ, 4, FIFTEEN iOlt.,ES AN 1-10IIR wlinn approaching within fifty fact, . and fifteen miles an hour in traversing an tntefsrction or streets, 5 FIFTEIsN ATILES AN HOUR ii', traversing or going aground curves or tra*rsing a grade upon a street wher the operator's view is obstructed with in a distance of one hundred feet along such street in the direction ii, which he is proceeding. 6. TWENTY MILES AN HOUR on. any street in a business district, .lsi defined herein, when traffic on suc it highwav is controlled at intvrsectiol,s itraffic officers or traffic signals, FIFTEEN MILL'S AN HOUR rr t alt .other streets in a business distric as dnl'ined herein. 8: TWENTY MILES AN HOUR S a residence district, as defined Itelrc-' ifi,' and in public parks unless a cjif- ferent speed is fixed and duly- posted. Iii every charge of violation of,.ilsi Lseelimi the warrant of arrest, o the summons or notice will ch I specify lite speed at which w fellda It is alleged to have driv tile- speed whish this section d shall be prima facie lawful time and place of such alleged tion. (b1 Any person who drives hide upon a street careless] Heedlessly in willful or want regard of the rights or safety ers, or without due caution l cumspection and at a speed o irianner so as to endanger likely to endanger any pers property, shall be guilty of rec driving and upon conviction th shall be punished by a fine o more than one hundred dollars !'ether with costs, and in defau the payment of such fine and tyt be confined in the county jail a ' 1" rate of one day for each $1.59 a fine imposed, and while so eoi, .may be required to perform ,labor upon the streets or elsew `+ for the benefit of the Village _ ';o Chubbuck. . SECTION 9. CLEAR VISION. It ' be unlawful to operate any ve -, F,which is so loaded or t11e winds .or side windows of which are in 'condition that the operator does ve a clear vision of all par.. roadway essential to the safe atian of said vehicle. Any vehicle that is so constructed or in such cqn- •dition as to obstruct the operator's view of the roadway to the rearof :said vehicle shall be equipped wiIth S_mirror so attached that it will. af- ford the operator a view of the road- way behind him. SECTION 9a. It is hereby declared to be unlawful to operate any motor vehicle on the streets of the Vi118ge of'.Chubbuck wherein more than gree _persons are seated in the driver's ;seat of said automobile or wherein any person is riding on the running board or fenders. 1 SECTION Itl. OPERATOR'S SIG- -NALS: No operator of a vehicle shalli suddenly start, slow down, stop, back,! or at tempt to turn without first giv- ing a suitable Signal in such man- ner as to apprise others who might be affected by his action. The following nationally recognized arm signals are hereby adopted as standard for the purpose of this sec tion ! LEFT TURN: Left arm extended horizontally, RIGHT TURN: Left forearm ex- tended and raised at an angle of ap- Prosimately forty-five degrees above horizontal. SLOW DOWN OR STOP: Left arm extended at an angle of approxi-' mately forty-five degrees below hori- zonlal. SECTION11. RIGHT-OF-WAY: 4When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection at approximately the -,same time, the driver of the vellicle! on the left shall ,yield the right -01-1 'way to the- vehicle on the right. 'The' driver of anv vehicle traveling at an ' Uhlawftll speed shall forfeit any right.- of-rvay which he might otherwise 1 have hereunder, #A--- I SECTION 12. DR.iVING ON THF„ARTICLE" V:- RIeraor �HT SIDE OF ROADWAY: All d REGULATIONS RrSPEC'TING I. S�tII'Ti�i<f 2R. 'LIGHTS: It $hall tie T op -"i QPERATORS ANI] TEEEQCrIg, t Linlsr Lul to operate a vehicle the'] of a vehicle shall turn t°ward•; MENT AND CON-I)TTIONS Irgllts of �iuGh do not conform to tileE the right side of the roadway bO tar', OF VEHICLES. Jollo�cing provisions: From One (lour'. as may be necessary in order to avoid SECTION 21, DRIVER AGE LIMIT; after Sunset- to Sunrise, a nloloi�cvGe collision with said vehicle. Ftll'iller it shall be unlawful for the owner of shall harry one lighted lamp, and ev- i provided that it shall be unlawful to ' ane motor vehicle to permit an cry other vehicle two lighted lam s of.any oate dwayicle upon the lett side if son tinder the age of sixteen }years slinwing white light, or lights nf.pa, SECTION 13. OVERTAKING Ah- ! in operate any vehicle, bicycles ex- yellow or amber tint which sliall pro- SECTION VEHICLE: Any operator a on ceptcd, upon any street; and it strut] Brice' drivinP, tight sufficient to herr p P be Unlawful for the Owner of any , der clearly discernible a person 200 overtaking another vehicle shall pass motor, vehicle to permit an feet ahead in the direction toward 'on the left side of the overtaken a who is under eighteen ,years, pi nless it x0hirh the motorcycle or vehicle is, hick. The driver of a vehicle upon a - accom anied by an adult Proceeding. p toceedin highway about to be overtaken hy! Se „perste such vehicle, person, to The head lamps of motor vehicles! anOth2r vehicle approaching from ti,� SECTION 22, INTOXICATED OF- `hall be so constructed so that the rear shall give way to the right in ERATORS: It shall be unlawful for "'ill unt project a glaring or dazzling favor of the c rtaki11g vehicle oil ar'1. person while in an intoxicated'] Iight In persmis in front of such head; suitable and auii.ole signal being gic-Icondilion or under the influence of l' lcan'p, such lamps shall be deemed to.' 1, hcl ,tlnandrlver whenf overtakenthe �lrlhg;Ilaruaiie drugs to operate, or attempt c°m;ll;v with the foregoing provisions'' driver Of such vehicle shall not uv to operate any vehicle. Any person if none of the main bright portion of. crease the speed of his Vehicle ,until who shall violate any provisions of ,the head lamp beam rises above a, completely passed by the ocher vc— this section shall, upon conviction , hr 71 ntal plane Passing through the Mule. therr.of, for each and every offense, la on whirrs parallel to the level road ESECTION 14, METHOD OF AP-� be D°nished by a fine or not more r'pon which the loaded vehicle stands, PROACHING FOR LEFT TURN: Thr-ithan One Hnudred Dollars for any and in n0 case higher than forty-two operator of any vehicle intending to 6t1e offense; together with costs, and seventy-five feet ahead of the turn to the left on intersectiml or in default of the payment of such', vehicle, into an alley Or driveway sl!all ap_ tine and costs, be confined in the' Tach motor vehicle or trailer shall, preach the point of itiril in the�couni} ail at the rate of one day'' exhibit at ]east one lighted lamp so� traffic lane nearest file center of the for each $1.50 of the fine so imposed,, situated as to show a red light visihla, xn way, r,'d while so confined may be re -,In the reverse direction. No vehicle,' CTIc ;v nr m cwired to perform hard labor a o,l . c`cepl fire apparatus, police pats•ols,l C?11.._f7F BP- the st!eets nr elsewhere for the bene °r aE�,bulances shall show a red ort 3f Af:UTNC POT, I r T-TilRti' 1�e ' greed light in the direction in wllicll npe .iter r.F vrh=cic'i,lnnriinct Io 1.r,r,r, 'it of the Village of. Chubbuck. to i',�r -if" I at a:n ini:e!=ectinn s;,;.tl;SECTION 23. DUTY OF OPERATOR rrthaf motor vehicle is preceeding. They ?np n ch file orli,if of tunng in ; N ACCIDENTS: It shall be unlaw!ul� number plate shall he so lighted that' t:he: r ar idle operator of a vehicle whic;l, the 'umbers shall be plainly legible I cd7 i'ir lane ne the the ray, hand's at a distance of 50 feet, has collided with any vehicle u Froin One hour after sunset to still ccrtF nr curb of the roadway, son in such a manner as to causein-� ��t'TTr)�? 'R, DpTVING FRnM AT,- iury rr death to an ! rise every vehicle which is . Standing: r,r -,•S, DRIVEWAYS OR GARAQES: erty clamage, to failorrefuse topstop :on any road shall display a light on: 'T'h^ Ou„ratter of a vehicle em•n-gingliinmediately to ascertain the extent; the "front and rear, unless the said firm an allev, driveway oe oat;aselaCsuch injury or damage, to render Vehiale shall be within twenty-five) prior to driving onto a sidewilir, such assistance as may be needed, tr feet Of and plainly illuminated JI a dial sfnp such vehicle immnrliately street light. sfnP,d the horn' of said veh ic7 �. give his True name and residence tO and the injured person or any other Pero - ARTICLE VI PENALTIES shall e--:p,•cise unusual care in driving sons requesting the same, and to a SECTION 29. PEA[ALTIES: Any per-' up�rr,n;yid sidntvalk• police officer, or if no police officer- 5°'1 violating any of the provisions ofr ^,=TION 16 a. DRIVING FROM' is present then to the nearest JolieE• this Ordinance, or any rule or regu-' 'CURB: Cars emerging from the 'cur17 station- i Jaron made in compliance therewith, ,shall give other vehicles in the traf- . SECTION 24. PROJECTING LOADS_ shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fic lane the right-r'f-way at all trines, No Vehicle shall have any part of its upon conviction thereof shall be pun- wh nn the emerge from the curb Only marl llrOjecting beyond file front end islied!-ell. a fins notato ny exceed eO e, I when the lane of traffic from the 'Of said vehicle nor projecting mare Funitogetf-cl with costs, and in default. e (rear is clear for a reasonable Bis- Than thirteen feet beyond the center Ithe payment of such fine and costs hc' tante. {line of the rear end of the bed or SE-GTTON 17, TRAFFIC NOT TO hodv of env vehicle, exclusive ° the , confined in the county jail at ,the be OBSTRUCTED; No vehicle shall tail to when lowered, a reater dis rate of one day for each $1,50 of the >a g he gperated or allowed to remain up- tante than three-fifths of the total flue imposed, and while so confined on any street in such a manner as to length of such bed or body. may l' required to perform hard 12-1 oil an unreasonable Obstruction to SECTION 25. WARNING ON PR.O. b°1 nil'orl tine streets or elsewhere Ior-� :the traffPe thereon. JI?C1''ING LOADS: Any vehicle Navin I the benefit of the Village of Claub- SECTION 18. TRAFFIC LANES r 1 d g `. buck. The t)R projecting more than four (4) gRTICLE VII. CONSTITUTIONALITY di*,id oto mark =traffic lanes= ub an uthe said beyond the rear of the bort o f # SECTION 30, CONSTITUTION p vehicle, between the hour r,; y TY. Ii ally part or parts of this On traffic where a regi. alignment 'sunrise and the hour of sunset, :Oust diral-ice shall. be held to be unto la traffic is necessary. Where such have firmly attached to the extromr- lutimlal or invalid such be lanes have been marked and signs entl Of the projecting load, in sur -•h a +innalilti Or invalidity shall not of hate peen erected instructing drivers :fay as go be seen by persons ap ,the validity of the remaining p for any operator Ile itosfail or refuSchall be ito tlfoRaid nVehicle , from eahredsSdoth not e at the 'less °f this act, It is hereby declared 1cPet1 his vehicle within the designat-, than eighteen inches square, and dur 1110 remaining parts of this Ordin ed bnur!daries,ng the period from the hour of siin- }vulild have been passed had it b SECTION 19. VEHICLES NOT TO set to the hour of sunrise, the next' ktrown that such part or part th BE DRIVEN ON SIDEWALKS OR la}', roust have a red light firmly at- of uvould be declared uncenstituI $APETY ZONES: No operator of a lathed to the rear endgoC such ro- aI' vehicle shall drive within ally side- recting load. Such red 1i ht shall be. SECTION 31. This Ordinance s Walk area, except at a permanent I'll, to any other light required be in full force and effect from Or temnrrary driveway, nor at any to be carried b vehicles under env after its passage, approval and time into or upon ung portion of..a law of the state or any ordinance of publleation, as provided by Iaw. rn EC -11 marked as safety zone. , the.ciilalge in regard to vehicles. PASSED AND APPROVED this jSF,c'TlON 20. U N N E C E S S A R Y SEC'S'ION 2fi. MUFFLER REQUIR F;D; clay of May, 1951. NOIST : It shall be \rnlacvful to operate in vehicle shall be operated upon a vehici which rnalce ninusu:all>- laud any street unless the same is 'r n Chairman, Board of Trustees) or unnece aij noise. vided with a Muffler in efficient land fSPALl ,actual working condition and the use-ATTE$T: 1 iof a crit -out is forbidden. Charlotte Kenney. SECTION 27. BRAKES: It shall bel VWage: Clerk May 10, 1851 urifan'ful to operate any motor vehicle !011 'nily vellieto isi)egliippedstwith goad andreet -ole- lsuffidiehtl ,brakes in efficient working condition., l'or to nopprat.P '1111' vehicle which is :uaded that the operator does not have ready access to the inerilanisms oper- Flting. the 1?rakes q( ,`aid vel le,