HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 19 1972 Ord. 113Legal Notice ORDINANCE NO. 11.3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF IDAHO, PRO- VIDING FOR THE RETAILSALE OF WINE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 13, TITLE 23, IDAHO CODE, BY PROVIDING DEFINITIONS. REQUIRING A CITY LICENSE; DEFINING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF A LICEN_ SEE; ESTABLISHING THE LIC- ENSE FEE SETTING RESTRIC- TIONS ON TRANSFER OR LICE- ENSES REGULATING PLACES OF CONSUMPTION: SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS OF POS- SESSION: PROHIBITING MISRE_ PRESENTATION OF AGE FOR PURPOSE OF SALE, CONSUMP- TION OR POSSESSION; PROHIB- ITING PERSONS FROM DHIV- ING UPON A PUBLIC HIGH- WAY OR STREET WHILE ON - WAY OR STREET WHILE CON- SUMING OR INPOSSESSION OF AN OPEN CONTAINEROF WINE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVID- ING FOR THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IN FULL FORCE AND EF- FECT AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL AND PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW, THE RULE REQUIRING AN ORDIN- ANCE TO BE READ ON THREE SEPARATE DAYS HAVING BE- EN DISPENSED WITH. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COU N - CIL OF THE CITY OF CHUB - BUCK, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following terms as used in this act are hereby defined as follows: (a) "Wine" shall mean any alcoholic beverage containing not more than fourteen percent (14 percent) alcohol by volume ob. tained by the fermetation of the natural sugar content of fruits or other agricultural products containing sugar. (b)"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Law En.. .,s Mr 0#M.,, ,.r ra., s,,, group or combination acting as a unit, and includes the plural as well as the singular unless the intent to give a more limit- ed meaning is disclosed by the context in which it is used. Section 2. LICENSE REQUIR- ED: It shall be unlawful for any Person to sell wine at retail within the corporate limits of the City of Chubbuck without first having obtained a license there- for under the provisios of this ordinance. Section 3. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: Applicationfor license shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the applicant upon application forms furnished by the Clerk such application shall be filed and presented to the City Council at the next regular meeting of the Council for their approval, rejection, or further consideration. Section 4. QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant for a license shall possess all of the qualifications necessary to obtain a license from the Commissioner of Law Enforcement of the State, as prescribed by the laws of the State, and maintain such quali- fications throughout the period for which such license is issued. The possession of licenses re- gularly issued by the Depart- ment of Law Enforcement and the County in addition to a City beer license, shall be prima facie evidence of the applicant's quali. fications to receive a license hereunder. Section 5. LICENSE FEE: The license fee imposed and collected shall be the sum of One Hund- red Dollars ($100.00) per year. Such license year shall be form 12:01 a.m. January 1 through December 31, provided, however, should a license be issued for less than the full 1972 calendar year, the license fee shall be prorated in accordance with the actual months of issuance. The license fee for 1973 and there- after shall be full fee as pre- scribed herein. Section G. ISSUANCE OF LIC.. ENSE: Upon filing the applica- tion for a license and production of evidence as required by Sec- tion 4 herein as to the quali- fications of the applicant and by the payment of the required lic- ense fee, the Clerk shall upon approval of the Council, issue to the applicant a license to sell wine at retail within the munici- pality for such calendar year or the remainder thereof. Section 7. LICENSE RESTRIC- TIONS: The assignment or trans- fer of a wine license shall be the same as provided by I.C. 23-1317 to the city clerk and the fee for such assignment or transfer of a retail wine license shall be Twenty Dollar s($20.00). Section 8. CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES: Retailers who do not possess a valid license for the retail sale of liquor by the drink shall not permit consumption of wine on the licensed premises and may sell the wine only in its original unbroken, sealed con- tainer. Wine sold for consump- tion on the retailer's premises may be sold only during hours that liquor by the drink maybe sold pursuant to the laws of this State. Wine sold by the re- tailer for consumption off the premises may be sold only dur- ing the hours that beer may be 'BANNOCK COUNTY NEWS Thursday, October 19, 1972 tuts State, have in his posses- sion any wine in an open or unsealed container of any kind. Section 10. MISREPRESENTA- TION OF AGE: (a) No person under the age of nineteen (19) years may purchase, consume or possess wine. (b) No person shall give, sell, or deliver wine to any person under the age of nineteen(19) years. (c) No person under the age of nineteen (19) years shall by any means represent to any retailer or distributor or to any agent or employee of such retailer ordis.. tributor that he or she is nine- teen (19) years or more of age for the purpose of inducing such retailer or distributor, or his agent or employee, to sell, ser- ve or dispense wine to such person. (d) No person shall, by any means, represnt to any retailer or distributor or the agent or employee of such retailer or dis- tributor, that any other person is nineteen (19) years of age or more, when in fact such other person is under the age of nine- teen (19) years, for the purpose of inducing such retailer or -dis- tributor, or the agent or employee of such retailer or distributor, to sell, serve, or dispense wine to such other person. Section 11. REVOCATION OF LICENSE: The right shall be and remain at all times vested in the City Council, and the City Council may, as hereinafter pro- vided, revoke or cancel any licen- se for fraud or misrepresen- tation in its procurement, or for a violation of any of the provis- ions of this ordinance, or for any conduct or act of the licen. see or his employees or any conduct or act permitted by him. or them on the premises where such business is conducted, or in connection therewith or adjacent thereto, tending to render such business or such premises where the same in conducted as a pub- lic nuisance or a menace to the heath, peace, safety or general welfare of the City; provided, that revocation or suspension of the State License by the Com- missioner of Law Enforcement shall be deemedprimafacie evi- dence for revocation or suspen- sion of the license issuedherein. Section 12. PENALTY: Any person who violated any of the provisions of this act or fails to comply with any of the terms and conditons of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. andpun- ishable by a fine of notto exceed Three HundredDollars ($300,00), or by imprisonment in the Coun- ty jail for not to exceed thirty (30) days, or t)y both such fine and imprisonment. Section 13. SEVERABILITY: The provisions of this act arc hereby declared to be severable and if any provision of this act or the application of such pro» vision to any person or circum- stance is declared invalid for an)' reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remain- ing portions of this act. Section 14: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication according to law, the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days hav- iney been dispensed with. PROOF OF PULL 8TATE OF I County of BA r� being first duty sworn, on his am That he is a citizen of the Univ over the age of 21 years; that herein mentioned tate principal C i'mmty News, a weekly newspal i'ainmon, County of Bannock, having a general circulation thel That said deponent, during all this affidavit, has had and stili jidvertisements in said newspal of which the amexed is a tru published in the said Bannock I following dates, to -wit: f That said newspaper has bm tinuously and tminterruptedly pr ty for a period of 78 weeks pr !;aid notice, snO is a "newspaper' of the laws of I /71 SU SCRIBED and sworn to bcf day of i1-.....-.... --------------- ---..,y Notary tr My eomnnission exp "dxa uolssiururoa cjq oygpl 'uoE...... Y .... 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Section 2. LICENSE REQUIR- ED: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell wine at retail within the corporate limits of the City of Chubbuck without first having obtained a license there- for under the provisios of this ordinance. Section 3. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: Application for license shall be in writing, signed and sworn to by the applicant upon application forms furnished by the Clerk such application shall be filed and presented to the City Council at the next regular meeting of the Council for their approval, rejection, or further consideration. Section 4. QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant for a license shall possess all of the qualifications necessary to obtain a license from the Commissioner of Law Enforcement of the State, as prescribed by the laws of the State, and maintain such quali- fications throughout the period for which such license is issued. The possession of licenses re- gularly issued by the Depart- mont of Law Enforcement and the County in addition to a City beer license, shall be prima facie evidence of the applicant's quali- fications to receive a license hereunder. Section 5. LICENSE FEE: The license fee imposed and collected shall be the sum of One Hund- red Dollars ($100.00) per year. Such license year shall be form 12:01 a.m. January 1 through December 31,provided,however, should a license be issued for less than the full 1972 calendar year, the license fee shall be prorated in accordance with the actual months of issuance. The license fee for 1973 and there- after shall be full fee as pre- scribed herein. Section fi, ISSUANCE OF LIC.. ENSE: Upon filing the applica- tion for a license and production of evidence as required by Sec- tion 4 herein as to the quali- fications of the applicant and by the payment of the required lic- ense fee, the Clerk shall upon approval of the Council, issue to the applicant a license to sell wine at retail within the munici- pality for such calendar year or the remainder thereof. Section 7. LICENSE RESTRIC- TIONS: The assignment or trans.. fer of a wine license shall be the _same as provided by I.C. .BANNOCK COUNTY NEWS Thursday, October 19, 1972 suis State, have in his posses.. sion any wine in an open or unsealed container of any kind. Section 10. MISREPRESENTA.. .TION OF AGE: (a) No person under the age of nineteen (19) years may purchase, consume or possess wine. (b) No person shall give, sell, or deliver wine to any person under the age of nineteen(19) years, (c) No person under the age of nineteen (19) years shall by any means represent to any retailer or distributor or to any agent or employee of such retailer or dis- tributor that he or she is nine- teen (19) years or more of age for the purpose of inducing such retailer or distributor, or his agent or employee, to sell, ser- ve or dispense wine to such person. (d) No person shall, by any means, reprosut to any retailer or distributor or the agent or employee of such retailer or dis- tributor, that any other person is nineteen (19) years of age or more, when in fact such other person is under the age of nine teen (19) years, for the purpose of inducing such retailer or dis- tributor, ortheagentoremployee of such retailer or distributor, to sell, serve, or dispense wine to such other person. Section 11. REVOCATION OF LICENSE: The right shall be and remain at all times vested in the City Council, and the City Council may, as hereinafter pro- vided, revoke or cancel any licen- se for fraud or misrepresen- tation in its procurement, or for a violation of any of the provis- ions of this ordinance, or for any conduct or act of the licen- see or his employees or any conduct or act permitted by him_ orthem on the premises where such business is conducted, or in connection therewith or adjacent thereto, tending to render such business or such premises where the same in conducted as a pub• tic nuisance or a menace to the heath, peace, safety or general welfare of the City; provided, that revocation or suspension of the State License by the Com- missioner of Law Enforcement shall be deomedprimafacie evi- dence for revocation or suspen- sion uspension of the license issuedherein. Section t2. PENALTY: Any person who violated any of the provisions of this act or fails to comply with any of the terms and conditons of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andpun- ishable by a fine of notto exceed ThraP T41mr1rnr1Tlnlloro(C4nn rim PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE of EDA -110 s$. County of l3annnck being first duly sworn, on his oath, deposes and says:: That he is a citizen of the United Staten of America, aver the age of 21 years; that he vms at sll times herein mentioned the principal Clerk of the 'Bannock County News, a weekly newspaper published at Me- (,.mman, County of Bannock, State of Idaho, and having a general circulation therein. That said deponent, during all times mentioned in t his affidavit, has had and stili has charge of all the Eidvertisements in said newspaper; that the --....-.--- of which the ammexed is is true printed copy, was published in the said Bannock County News on the following dates, to -wit: ----lel x----- -------------- L...... That said newspaper has been consecutively, con- tinuously and uninterruptedly published in said coun- ty for a period of 78 weeks prior to publication of said notice, and, Is, a "newspaper" within the meaning of the laws of I o.