HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 29 1971 BallotPROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss:= County of Bannock Ruth Brown being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That_____she._________________ was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation therein. That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: OcJtober-25-•- 19--7I --------------------------------------- 19 ---------------------- 19------ -------- -------------------------------- 19------ ----------------------------------- 19------ --------------------------------------- 19------ ----------------------------- ----------, 19------ --------------------------------------- 19------ r--------------------------------------- 19------ ------- -------- -------------------- -1 19 ------ That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- lished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within the meaning of the laws of Idaho. -------------------------------- --------- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------ lh______________________________ day of--------- -------- October 19_11 --------- - ------------------------ �fNotary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho Page 2 - Section 8 • Idaho State Journal POCATELLO, IDAHO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1971 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LE9AL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT,4 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTff The BANNOCK COUNTY ment with Human Development said etition, w en an w - any person interested may ap- Communications 90.94 of the person for whom you wish COMMISSIONERS met in regular Center to hook onto County\urs• ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS NOTICE OF TIME SET FOR Case No. j sessions pursuant to adjourn- ing Home manhole. Acceptedthe Sealed proposals will be re- PROVING WILL AND HEARING NOTICE OF HE merit with Mr. Gregersen, Mr, plat of Mobile Manor incorpor- ceived by the City of Chubbuck, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS PETITION FOR CO' Henderson and Mr. Abbott Pres- ated. Bannock County, Idaho at the IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF IN THE DISTRICT ent. Print & Bind Sept. 22: Appointed Boyd F. city office at 5160 Yellowstone THE SIXTH JUDICIAL THE SIXTH J September, 1971 Defense Counsel Henderson as Acting Chairman Ave., Chubbuck, Idaho until 5:00 DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF DISTRICT OF THEI Approved claims for all depart. for week Of September 27 through o'clock p.m. November 9, 1971, IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE IDAHO IN AND ments as follows- Oct._ 22, 29, Nov. 5, 1971 October 1, 1971, for 1 (one) 1972 Forward Cab COUNTY OF BANNOCK COUNTY OF 13A Salaries, all departments NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Sept. 23: Entered into Lease. 3, Ton Panel Truck for the IN THE MATTER OF THE MAGISTRATES ]7 $+2,320.97 BANNOCK COUNTY Purchase Option Agreement with Chubbuck Fire Department. ESTATE of MARTHA L. CHRIS, PROBATE Commissioners: IN THE MATTER OF THE Western Equ ipment C om pany for Bidding Specifications may be TIAN, Deceased. IN THE MATTEf Trans. Mile. & Fares 63.0= a Loader for Road L Bridge Do• obtained at the Chubbuck City NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ESTATE OF HAZEL Lodging & Meals 212.56 partment. Office at the above address. that a petition for probate of the BERT, Deceased, Communications 6.20 Sept. 27: Issued Excavation Proposals sent thru the mail will of Martha L. Christian, NOTICE IS HERE Printing and Binding 51.85 Permit to Cedar Homeowner's must be plainly marked as such Deceased, and for the issuance That Felix Gonzales Clerk, Auditor & Recorder Association, Inc. for the purpose and addressed to the Chubbuck to Alba C. McCracken and Ada Gonzales, purchase: Transpor. ,Travel Ex. 238.22 of a water line to condominium City Clerk at 5160 Yellowstone C. Terrell of letters testamen- property hereinafter Communications 3638 complex. Ave., Chubbuck, Idaho 83201. tary has been filed in this Court, have filed in the abi Witness Fees 591.75 Oct. 4: Transferred funds The City of Chubbuck reserves and that Monday, the 8th day Court their petition! to the or ter• at rt- an order iin q Office Supplies 63.87 for Attention RoEme. Trt ansferred any ot rallproposals or alt a.m. ofesaidrday at the cou ing the adm0 stra Equip. Rep & Main 155.00 funds from County General Con• nates that may bedeemedforthe room of the Magistrate Division tate of the above Yi Microfilming 341.74 tingency Reserve fund to Dis- best interest of the city. of the District Court of .the Sixth dent to convey said Treasurer: trict Court for the payment of The City of Chubbuck Judicial District of the State of the' petitioners in COmmunicatioks 405.71 jurors. By John O. Cotant Jr. Idaho, in and for the County of with the terms of t Print & Bind 482.38 Paul Gregersen, Chairman Mayor Bannock, in the Bannock County purchase agreement Office Supplies 3.00 Attest: Tim Eriksen, Clerk Vera C. Armstrong Courthouse, Pocatello, Idaho, by thedecedent in Equip Rep L. Main 265.74 October 29, 1971. Clerk has been set for the hearing of as seller; and Assessor: No. 646, Oct. 22, 29, 1971 said petition, at which time and Wednesday, the Trans, Board & Lodg. 308.92 No. 621 place all persons interested in said estate are notified to appear November 1971, at L a.m., in the courtr Communications Print & Bind 28.92 78.25 NOTICE OF BID Specifications are on file at the CASE NO. 646 and contest the same, if they Magistrates Divisic Contract Sery 79.80 Office of the Maintenance De. NOTICE OF TIME FOR choose. above entitled Disti Office Supplies 24.56 partment, Idaho State Univer. PROBATING WILL Dated this 15th day of Octo- in the C ourthou se at P Gas & Oil 78.93 sity, for Driver Training Chain IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ber, 19^71. the County of Banno, Equip Rep. & Main 322.74 Link Fence on Idaho State U-ni. THE SIXTH JUDHCAL George R. Phillips . Idaho, has been set Auto Repairs & Parts 22.30 versity campus. Bids will be ac. DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF Magis4rate said petition, -and all Sheriff: cepted in the Office of the Main. IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 1971 terested are hereby Communications 185.07 tenance Department until 2:00 COUNTY OF BANNOCK. No. elf appear at the time an Office Supplies Auto Repair & Parts 100.87 368.34 P.m., November 5 P• 1971. -s- Gary.C. Cooper MAGISTRATES DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE Case Number: for said hearing and g if any they have, wh Gas &. Oil Prisoner's Board 4055.68 667.74 Purchasing Agent Oct• 2i, 28, 29, 1971 ESTATE OF HELLO Q. ROB- INSON, Deceased. DOMESTIC RELAATIOTIO NS SUMMONS should not be made, The real property Sundry (Jail) 15.00 No. 645 --- Fee Category: D•1 -Y Fee $2T veyed is described Printing & Binding Office Equip Rep €. Main 47.30 12.30 The City of Rockland will re- Notice is hereby given that a petition for the probate of the C 1N THE DISTRICT COURT OF and 6, Block 495, Townsite,.Bannock C Uniform Allow 41.00 ceive sealed bids for a 1929 Model A Firetruck, good condi- Will of Hello Q, Robinson De- THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF of Idaho; and referen by made to said petitf Photo Laboratory — Sup. Capital Outlay 60.88 349.88 tion, on or before November 3, 8.00 ceased, and for the issuance of Letters Testamentary to Esther IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BANNOCK thea particulars. Dated ' Prosecuting Attorney: 1971. Bids will be opened a.m. Nov. 3, at the Rockland Le' Robinson has been filed in this Monday the 8th SHIRLEY ALENE WYATT, and first Pu 22nd day of October,' Communications Office Supplies 12x.33 4,08 gion Hall, Rockland, Idaho, Court, and that, day Of Nov. 1971, at the hour of Plaintiff, vs. JAMES E. WYATT Telmar Equip Rep & Main 33.75 Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 22, 29, 1971 No. 571 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day, Defendant. THE STATE OF IDAHO SENDS tC. Admintsfrat r Edith Anderson Public Defender: Travel 180.00 SAMPLE BALLOT in the Courtroom of said Court in the Court House in the City of GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE Attorney for Rent 150.00 MUNICIPAL ELECTION Pocatello, Bannock County, State NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY notified ayes A North Hayes 2C Pocatello, Idaho Pocatello, Communications 43.82 City of Chubbuck, Idaho 63201 of Idaho, has been appointed as that a complaint has been filet Qct.e , 29, Nov, Supplies & Print 53.51 - November 2, 1971 the time and place for hearing P h d h against yoouuin the n District Court No. 6355 Law Books District Court: x0 24.1M.LnUCTIOI ; Place an (X} in the square opposite the name said etition, w en an w - any person interested may ap- Communications 90.94 of the person for whom you wish ear and contest the same, and Office Supplies 172.63 to vote. If you wish to vote for show cause, if any he has, why Jury Board & Lodg 29.26 persons other than those whose said Petition should not be grant - Law Books 558.25 names appear, write the name of ed. Juvenile Magistrates such persons on the blank lines DATED this 18th day of Oc- Trans. Board & Lodg 99.03 provided for such purpose, then tober, 1971. Communications 50.59 place an (X) in the square op. George R. Phillips Office Supplies 56.33 posite the name you have writ. Judge Print & Bind 7.10 ten. Wayne L. Loveless Medical Specialists 40.00 Attorney -at -Law Defense Counsel 100.00 INDEPENDENT P. 0. Box 4835 Attention Home: eral of the Fort Hal Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Communications 87.92 FOR COUNCILMAN Attorney for Petitioner Repairs & Main 2.42 FOR FOUR YEAR TERM Oct._ 22, 29, Nov. 5, 1971 Contract Services 125.00 (Vote For Two) No. 624 Commodities 104.07 EDNA B.AYLISS .... . ❑ NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE FY -70 Grant 291.67 WILBUR W. BEALL 11 WALLACE D. THE PROBATE COURT OF District Court Magistrates: CUMMINGS .. ❑ BANNOCK COUNTY Communications 63.09 VELBERT JACKSON ..... ❑ STATE OF IDAHO Office Supplies 118.35 DWAIN A. KINGHORN .... ❑ IN THE MATTER OF THE Constable: JACK J. MENARD ....... U ESTATE OF PAUL ALBERT Fees for September 187.99 ELDON VAUGHN ........ ❑ DESFOSSES, DECEASED. Retirement Building&,: Grounds: 12.00 . • ................. ❑ • • • • • • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Communications . .. • ...... • • ❑ 619.84 To all creditors of the Estate of Paul Albert Desfosses, de - Utilities 1,146.75 Oct. 19, 29, 1971 ceased, that all persons having Laundry Services82.50 No. 622 claims against the said Paul Heating, Eiec & Case No, 603 Albert Desfosses, deceased, ex - Plum Plum bing Repairs 30.00 NOTICE ;TO CREDITORS hibit such claims, together with M once .Repairs 69.49 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the necessary vouchcers to Le - Supplies Disinfectants --Supplies 82.10 THE SIXTH JUDICIAL oma Desfosses, Executrix of the Housecleaning & Renov. 114.00 DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF; above entitled estate, within four General: IDAHO,. IN AND FOR (4) months of, the first pubiica- Insurance. Group Life} 83.72 THE COUN'T'Y OF BANNOCK tion of this notice. lnSuranca% Group) .A 5.88 Tn }hu M.++c of +ho- P cfa#P C....h .. c ...o.. ro.n C:In.i ...i lh of the Sixth Judicial District of. the State of Idaho, in and for the NOTICE OF PUBLI County of Bannock by the above NOTICE IS HE named plaintiff anc you are here, that on the 3rd day by directed to appear and plead 1971 at 7:30 p.m, intl to said complaint within twenty Building at 209 Eas (20) days of the service of this Planning and Zonin summons, and you are further Sion of the City of P notified that unless you �So ap1 hold a Public Hearin ear and plead said complaint of land to be anne within the time hereinspecifiedy City; the plaintiff will take judgment Commencing at it against you as prayed for in said tion of the centorli compaint. tion 10, T. 6S., R. THIS IS A COMPLAINT FOR thence Easterly ale DIVORCE.tudinal !N WITH SS, my hand and the centerlinne tion 10, 878 feet, m seal of said District Court this to an intersection wi. 18th day of October, 1971. ern Boundary of the TIM ERIKSEN, Clerk eral of the Fort Hal By Glenna Anderson, project; thence s Deputy Clerk (SEAL) 310 feet, more or ie Kenneth E. Lyon Jr. tersection with thes Way line of Inters Attorney at Law 15West, the True Court Building P.O. Box 4392 ginning; Pocatello, Idaho 63201 thence southerly Oct. 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 1971 more or less, along No. 637 Boundary of the said -Case No. eral to an intersect. NOTICE OF HEARING OF westerly prolongati APPLICATION FOR PROBATE Northerly Boundary Tracts; OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS .. TESTAMENTARY thence easterly IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF prolongation and Boundary THE SIXTH JUDICIAL ^`of �Hurle o'H7�xo o� xa�K���� oR mromti� �on0�mm aw�.aooaW CoaKomKaT ncaam .U' wp,--�rZ- Ejrm"�.y�broem1-arc-. �•N CW',�:'� �aD "w7,=tw$a m�IID ,p7S�K r+ �N0m(Am0inMN0 oC M,'l0w.. 0N�rtem��4gwo.CrD W a�an3xOW I m wo,n,zyort� o rNc.ausN taw° cn m ��o I rt w °Ra OCA Br MPR.1 'I roID �aa� KK a am o0 W �O . r ' I ,N,.. N c o �, rt in a, j o M. Oom n �� r" P•a� "n� M Y Fn - ro S- mn m P, h O N N 07 - r• p�1Tr al -3 h7 M~� yn;d nyny-nNtIJw : C)woy :. xr�nQ7�tl'+7nO0a"�1nC]�7n�tr roOn�-i�+r�pnC7r�n�7H+dC]pnbnro�Oh7�roC7aOn��['7ClOnron�]aMoron�,�, Moro n�nlVnrH -3CPL'iKNrtK��`D'KO O a O �rtp �.O F@ X. K'Wci �C �.-'O rmP '-3Y�.N:3M3Y,R:3V �m NQC;L5-'3}KN<''I-9rtw.�Oa0ow 0-rBO'O°�"„-n a�atn�NO��'mIO�N••�°}3K W�r�a�Dn�. 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Woxoxtj a 'zm a• wao"at'o.w O°co�.m7'lm4sa+oomomam cPo , y" n3Ma tin oowt� ata 3 wyM��oa+m�' +ua�nnrnw�m oo�tyZy `'CZOyMM m [x7� - �`¢ wYrtZsz. =1 �m cnmwo r°OmM �[OyMMYG�M 3C?- OMMp t "- ,Fa, fbT 0+ aa�mxpw a w" cD- m n" wm 7 alt a, f ��� rr�..rn �M� N" ^` m< z CM�°�" o_°� m° axl�y4�y eMH" DC7 (nm cND G)• mmId Y W t'uawa m yn` rtMnsM-3 tyy rex., 7ytl 3H yo o'°t oms"a wwty <m�� Wo'Li. 000 -or Pcn KW� �m�':m p� Oz�iC']y z0� D awe roO Op"w rwngaKm^a+�o;;aQ� cpMM [yi skkZ�SS 3`°NG�� ° n W rnwsro maA� aK°pa0,��,wK,ainrwn k7,XC g-]o_O , , < KOC `C W rt ro fl m a �` x' w U} '< - w � "' a K n- y. �rMi3Gz xnoMrn uIR R'rnOa,°ea� mra�o �ma<a+NOa r'OZ �m °�^:'oam�-r -,,", yz�,Kwd�xz oo°4fa emt poW O 0-�:,, Z (D° w ,°�oQaaMz�p �Y�z'3x uq �a a Leo 'J ma�+opto,n-}nww" w �n'.wo� ¢'Z�3� yx zt"� z xl�rn ,W O ay'°sm Nc,oewntt ����°n�mN-�.atima m _ 4.y ZOO M9 <wd n� ` [ 1-i ,nzaW+•W Wrtagx" nm a t9� dx�yeN,K��m rt WSW Kat -1 I,'•e,-•ceo.r.'P" "M '-31-3 ax4HOyk M4H w a w" °.n a x d K a �n rnxl �CM� M yM �dkaHeOez�° Nam oo m< m 'o Ms,�amM�"0��,mbMuzQat��wa@wam� •+t�l�z`�l G Hxl � c;,oQ ro7aYn_� r, x�aWyK ,w�erw��N ..x� ri7 oop�Cy Qe M't �n tl ��ramna „ywrr' .y��• KM a �, *11 a rnZ by C c Zr w m m Krr'. ° G7 rn , a ort ° xn F`7. m DZOya0yr r xQM. n= a Mroa e em'7a< tyW qL,y� M7 n a. w w aro�.nm +omrtµP" �rtW ooy J c� a ri�-I 'si ''o lni C H G•1 r. K m 'i t .n.- Y a' Imt W a '7 a p) 0 a [u m a W m a. "C .,- o m m c� W ;o . w ; 4 t'l n � n c-, - [l F, m 0 Z ,l a °• '-' o C'�. o c° m sno A) P Em & -1- (D a . Q '�tl'y �j 0 I'.. "3 w ,7 _ `< m �'mi rt m d B n m ,,- cD m• � m a w l.� C O z �7 `- f - m rq tm O 3 7JO cn ti Z W ma < w a a +� 3 .•+x 3�?tl 3 iv s°e En I �w �. KQ•n�Pnco�*atm y"a° �� ,C'CO'� 3a%d � pN ° " oN .w xotoat7m�wm��m�.m n ]O 3 3'"xi 3M 3 -3Z w Eno `- I°0 a. a�.yww,0pKm°ec°.o�ccsK C.I"'.o+m7'-o'�o`K�Q mom Mry -gy� I-. .P' 9W rta ,y ° �boK,m m�K oY� O aux tnrj rrn m O '"atm Qom' �•olao °•wY°G x3xgmmt".3-3dl O O ID ayw m -.Ka �•n..-N n h.w M :.r'Cromw,1 -aa•� o O '3 m w. " ro O. mw-wa rmKo c ro Cm O O n �° a bq. c<CM oa myaw, 7, 3 `r] =i r+a W Vamoaxaawpr .«c o rom4 I=C,a•wm otr' a'qo xJ Y cD K � �aa'o m<m KID -a C yy1 `, o� $�oe���mPmt7 x O Oxy O _ f.. 1... - .a. e+ ., n (D W " ,�," - ,�. ,-n z .. a m W 9 a - m •C . '< ..,, m w 1�1 'may in M _ n?-... - � . m. m. 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N'< c . a'.m ,w.' a a - w 'y O a' U7 �, 7, rtnmo aa�4- Earn'3cwK�ma, _0IlllR� _h mg(D" ceoaw M "� M w N m'�'tj a•/rtD A>O. �'N_a' a N,,'C u'wgNN O O Vim("-M'.@-•�"rta r«a-Q.''.r », I@7 w.rt y- a0yyyx 3z "NID o'y`"°yy0 IT z <w�. cm" W(DO rr- �wrtc�Pam(D-1ammrta my��� ��a Ozp �x1Mo0 I,-'cloy.Tcl:! acoota-a.�''a•`<Po- z <-;p.'nr''-7a nwmo�m K'Rm" xMQOt� �3H„Hv�d70n " wpx,yo- o.w p�ormn�mWYro`° m�o'� 'D__-0MRlDmw�•o'lsamZ-OrnPM4?�tl �7p�Cy.uw '1,'Q `C aa"a,---KDaID0 OB''aq rtmaa47N aof--`rt rtm W"'Il 0r«-"�n "� mxp0 0 H Ip,dOm �wlroi a W�7c]mW' m'm7x'j,lla- CCDM Zn,wcw-.Y:Cwm -m ..',n, ,'D �-�row"w� �l�Ny39vMiMClxx nMo Na�N. ?�� Z Ymn"0.le �aw`�w aort�W h aa+.a¢aP:� w�mW11 fD m n MMy bd M4�px ay °�.� oM"ow t ��+Koxan-a0110 oa• „mW0mmS4.wmMW�,- tzj M: 7 f�dO'el c w O W a 7 W O * O O m K_ O K, N .t'°7 -~a °a•zn`�''om OP,nID ID NN"m-•n"a0w-CDDm�LaKDa �'�.Ima,-"nTIO"a,O-. ,�'Ly O0 '.jy�y7 a cro7�mo amWaWKmo »o� �w11, a<��cmi"'"-m ahy Mx 7x*lOrn�O r• N : N m ° 2,r',`5 nAR,ib `mQ'K. 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