HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 30 1975 TreasurerPROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO ss County of BannockCK --CITY OF CHUB�fi3 REPORT dQUARiER JUARTERLY Cash Receipts, Disbursements and Balances Staterent of and September, 1975 ,fuly, August Per Cash on Cash on Hand Salary Salary Cent Expended Used -------- e5 Of Hand 7-1-75 Received Disbursed 9-30-75 Approp. 74,997.55 73 per cent 84,426.13 83,487.88 103,012.00 63,172.00 36,766.25 58 per cent THE GENERAL 108,580.25 59,333.76 101,417.19 108,642.68 126,476.05 37,468.32 ?d at WATERWORKS 133,701.54 37,468.32 -0 0- 35,031.07 68.93 SEWER CONST. SEWER BOND & INT F 0- 35,100.00 18`232.50 31.07 18,201,43 pion SEWER BOND RESERVE -0- 228,130.95 265,702.61 279,750.11 214,083.45 was CASH DISBURSED AS FOLLOWS: teS G&N�RAL FUND 53.05 Drylen Hiler 68.00 Malad Little League 25.00 Burroughs Corp. Co. 69.34 Vern H. Bolinder Co. 190.69 Wayne's Foodtown 12,70 House of Glass & Mirrors Empire Construction 102.12 22.50 J. Barber 69.00 Bannock Paving 48.00 Bannock Paving Co. 224,71 Weldco Inc, Chubbuck Lb r 140.00 Firestone Stores 4.70 23.69 S. Barfuss 87.00 Chevron 0,1 Co.Tune-Up 203,74 Western Bearings 61.90 Hunziker Sand & Gravel 77.17 E. Cluff 126.04 Denney's Tune -Up 180.87 Xerox Corporacion 127.64 Idaho State Journal 99.88 C. Dickman B. Howell 141.00 Dykes Pale Line Elec. 260.48 Zundels 11.89 Shane Beck 150.00 Intermountain Gas Co. Jackson's Sales & Ser. 2.00 D. Howell }59.00 Graphics Printers 87.25 Hunziker Sand & Gravel 21.00 Denise Beck 24 00 100.00 Pickens Electric 40.66 D. Sones G. Kinlock 126.00 Intermountain Gas Co. 11.45 Tony Beck Randy Beck 55.00 Pickering Parole Ser 1,456.43 ----- 13.39 J. Lowder 21.00 Massey Ferguson Inc. 60.00 Pocatello Greenhouse 648.24 6.98 Jeff Crouch 10.00 110.00 R.T. Jensen Idaho Power Co. 788.50 R. Mitchell E Muir 42.00 Idaho Power Co. 556.30 Brent Crouch Idaho Glass & Paint 143.59 Med-Alert Ambulance 165.00 278.09 -- B. Parrish 126.00 Mountain Bell Mult�Norman 12.00 4.70 Tri -City Concrete, Inc. 3,885.48 Mountain Bell Surplus Sales 6.00 K. Parrish R. Parrish 78.00 phs SupDiv. 135.00 Norman Supply 5,128.15 Blue Cross of Idaho Colonial Life & Acc. 700.30 101.00 Steve's American 156.30 14.22 Jim Roeder 126.00 Pocatello Tire 138.00 Pacific State Cast Iron 34.60 4,281,29 . Idaho Public Emp Cr Un 84,20 870'24 Skaggs Drug Center Tebes, Inc. 154.00 John Roeder D. Stinger 84.00 Wayne's Foodtown Equip. Co. 1.29 I ah Fed W.H. 2,498.55 Idaho State Tax Dsv 255'34 Vern H. Bal finder Wayne's Foodtown 53.00 15.86 ---- M. Tanaka 24.00 Waterworks 159.00 M. IhI; 7.00 Public Employee Ref. 1,138.63 5,433.48 Weldco Inc & Chb Lbr 1,654.24 J. Tydeman D. Wahl 111.00 J. Hardman 4.20 Net Salaries Xerox Corp.9.77 p 62.00 ab - D. Wood 102.00 D. Palmer E.C. Leslie 2.75 7.00 WATERWORKS FUND Xerox Corp. Automotive Wholesales 2.04 R. Nelson 79.50 463.70 J.P. Hageman 4.15 AUGUST, 1975 C. Ed Flandro 602.30 he Don Burnett A. Carl Croft, Sheriff 213.50 B. Bingelli Gate City Real Estate 5.60 2.60 Amcor 1,812 36 Fred's Photo Intermountain Gas Co. 5.95 7.58 lin Animal Clinic P.A. Assoc. Of Idaho Cities 83.00 12.50 Cityof Pocatello 900.00 Automotive Wholesale Paving Co. 5.27 42.46 Ms. Betty Hamilton Ms. t 52.50 106.00 Bannock Co.Me Sheriff 100.00 Clue Cr District Court Memorial Hospital 22.00 Blue Cross of Idaho 63.25 Bannock 145.20 Burroughs Corp. 43.00 200.00 el ZunPocatello Chamber Comm 18.00 Bannock Bannock Paving Co. 345.93 I B&T-Fed. W.H. State Tax Div. 759 70 Bannock County 222.60 Bannock Paving Co. 149;90 glue Cross of Idaho Colonial Life & Acc 664.40 101.00 Billmeyers Inc. Bangs Office Prod. 22.15 Idaho 55.91 Public Employee Ref. 258.57 C. Ed Flandro 4,510.30 Cityof Pocatello 930 00 I B&T-Fed. W.H. Idaho State Tax Div 755.55 217.41 Chevron Oii Co. 1,393.23 Net Salaries 15.43 Sohn C. Tucker & Assoc 72.00 Public Employee Ret 1,154.49 Chubbuck Ser. Corner Chubbuck Waterworks 123.60 GENERAL FUNDDykes Electric Service Co. Electric Inc. 5.4g 157.10 Office of Tax Collector 3,606.23 4,396.82 Crackerjack Janitorial 69.50 AUGUST, 1975 Empire Construction 58.50 Net Salaries Denny's Tune -Up Denny's Wrecker Ser. 254.16 25.00 R. Nelson 298.75 Gateway Printers Idaho Power Co. 59.73 657.18 WATERWORKS FUND Don Burnett 5.40 Don Burnett 463.70 217.00 Graphics Service Op. 19.08 SEPTEMBER, 1975 Don Sherwood Sports 643.45 A. Carl Craft, Sheriff 964,75 ITT Grinnell 24.48 American Foundry & Mfg. 344.78 Empire Const. Co. 97.50 Amcor 32.45 Animal Clinic P.A. 135.00 Massey -Ferguson Inc. 262.80 12.00 Bannock Crnty-Landfill 200.00 Gateway Printers Gem State Dist. 43.00 B -Mart 54.00 Mountain Bell Norman Supply 4,191.72 Bannock Paving Co. 72.50 229.34 Idaho State Journal 140.14 Bangs Office Prod. 416.66 Co. Sheriff 102.49 100.00 Pitney Bowes 30.90 Chevron 0;1 Co. Denny's'Tune-Up 25.75 Intermountain Gas Co. Idaho Power Co. Bannock 768.26 Bills Food Center 2.26 Pocatello lire Co. 95.57 Salt Lake Stamp 77,00 11.44 Dykes Pole Line Elc Graphics Service Op. 59.12 21.84 0 L. N. Curtis & Sons 1,665.00 Boyd Fullmer Ins. 165.00 Ed Flandro Inc 64.47 Standard Plumbing 20.12 Idaho Power Co. 708.44 Med-Alert Ambulance Mountain Bell C. 228.17 Chubbuck Waterworks 133.40 Waterman Industries Wayne's Foodtown 26.67 ITT Grinnell 48.96 12.00 Max Miller Insurance 2,077.00 Bannock Paving Co. 211.50 406.33 Weldco Inc. 63.77 Mountain Bell Norman Supply 6.177.81 McKnights, Inc. McArthur Machine 200.00 Chevron Oil Co. 51.45 Chubbuck Waterworks 12,000.00 Nikki L. Grant Walker 4.05 5'25 Parrish Co. 339.57 Parrish Co. Store 74.95 CrackerlackJanitorial 171.36 Ser. Corner 64.50 Steven 4.84 James Stone 6.30 Sculdy-Metrotoch Transport Clearings po g 61.60 8.42 Partner Steel, Inc. Patton & Linton, Inc Chubbuck 130.33 Denny's Tune -Up cl 182.05 J.Overdorf Ms. Gary Richardson 3.50 4.90 Waterworks Equip 838.14 61.74 Pickens Electric 746.25 Electric Ser. Co. 14.84 Family Shoes, Inc. 27.63 32.99 Charles Bellheimer 7.00 Weldco Inc Wycoff Co. 6.65 Pocatello Greenhouse Radio Shack 2.07 G,A. Thompson 17.65 City of Chubbuck City of Chubbuck 16,830.00 30,000.00 B Merritt 1.10 10.00 Skaggs Drug Center 18.10 Gateway Printers 100,15 44.30 Electric Service 16.12 P, Garner Chubbuck Sewer Reserve 1,402.50 Super Save Drugs 572.46 Gem State Dist. 3.90 Idaho Power Co. 764.97 Blue Cross of Idaho 145.20 60.00 Fund Sheehans Steve's American 41.45 Idaho State Journal 128.70 Idaho Public Emp Cr Un 1 B&T Co. Fed W.H. 803.84 Chubbuck Sewer Int. & 5,100.00 Vern H, Bolinder Co. 50.00 Idaho Welding Supply 20.00 Idaho Incomeloyee Div 233.22 Fogirdwell 75 Western Bearing, Inc. Wayne's Foodtown 14.45 Inkleys 15.38 intermountain Gas CO. 12.94 Public Employee Ret 2.94 Net Salaries 275.98 Standard Plumbing 4,490.50 g 16.67 Xerox Corporation 60.00 Jacksons Sales 4.00 6,042.50 Dee Greene Blue Cross of Idaho 259.56 181.50 Zundels' 61.45 Kruse Ins. Inc. 5.00 LarrysGasService 120.00 GENERAL FUND IB&T-Fed. W.H. 885.00 R. Reese .... i. 60.00 1 _N. Curtis & Sons 116.94 SEPTEMBER, 1975 Idaho State Tax Div 260.50