HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 20 1975 Ord. 157dinance. NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO: Section 1. All action heretofore taken (not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance) by the Council and the officers of the City,.directed toward: e. The Project; and b. The issuance of the City's water improvement revenue bonds therefore; and C. The calling and holding of an election for the authorization of such bonds, be, and the same hereby is, ratified, approved and confirmed, including, without limitation, the giving of notice of such election. Section 2. Subject to the assent of the majority of the qualified electors voting on the question, it is hereby ordered that the Project be purchased, constructed, and acquired and that the water improvement revenue bonds of the City of Chubbuck in the aggregate principal amount of 5250,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be issued pursuant to the Act to defray, in part, the cost thereof. Section 3. The project briefly and generally described shall consist of the improvement, extension and betterment of the water system bythe acquisition of a 1,000,000 gallon Water storage facility, and the subsequent purchase, construction and other ' acquisition of additional water mains, transmission lines, con- duits, pipelines, and connections, ;together with other ap- purtenances necessary, useful and convenient for the storing, transporting and distributing of water within the City of Chub - buck, Section 4. The details of the improvement, extension and betterment of the water system are more specifically shown and described in portioris relating to water systems in the 1970 Engineering Report on - a Preliminary Study, together with 1975 supplements and revisions thereto, prepared for Forsgren, Perkins & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, of Rexburg and Pocatello, Idaho ;(herein "Engineer"). For further details, reference is hereby made to said report, supplements and revisions which are now on file and available for inspection in the office of the Clerk of the City. Section 5. The cost of the Project; including all incidental expenses, has been estimated by the Engineerto be approximately the water revenue bonds shall be - by ballot substantially in the following form: ( Form of Water Improvement Revenue Bond Ballot) OFFICIAL BALLOT MUNICIPAL BOND ELECTION WATER REVENUE BONDS - CITY OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK'CdUNTY STATE OF IDAHO November4, 1975 QUESTION SUBMITTED: Shall the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, be authorized to issue and sell its water improvement revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $250,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of Providing funds with which to improve, extend and better the water system of the City, said bonds to mature serially com- mencing within two years from and,after the date of the bonds and ending twenty years from and after the date of the bonds, to bear interest at a rate or rates not to exceed eight and one-half per cent (81/2 per cent) per annum, as more fully provided in Ordinance No. 157, signed and approved October 15, 1975, the principal of and in- terest on said bonds to be payable solely from the net revenues to be derived from the operation of the City's water system? IN FAVOR of issuing revenue bonds for the purposes pro- vided by Ordinance No. AGAINST the issuance of revenue bonds for the purposes provided by Ordinance No. Instructions to Voters: The voter must make a cross (X) in the appropriate space opposite the words which express his or her choice on the above question. All marks otherwise made are forbidden; all distinguishing marks are forbidden and render ballot void. If you by mistake or accident mark, tear, deface or otherwise mutilate this ballot, return it to the election judge and obtain another ballot, (End of Form of Water Improvement Revenue Bond Ballot) _ Section 12. The City Clerk shall cause to be printed not less than fifteen (15) days before the election, sample ballots con- taining the water revenue bond Question to be suhmittBd. whirh who shad be eighteen years of age or Older on the date of the election, a citizen of the United States, and a bona fideresident of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, as of the date of registration and of the election. Any registered qualified elector desiring to voteon the above bond question .will be required to sign a written verification of registration setting forth his or her qualifications to vote at the election. The pol Is wil I open at the hour of 17:00 o'clock noon on said day, and will be open continuously until the hour of 8.:00 o'clock p.m., at which time the polls will be closed. There shall be one voting precinct with boundaries toter• minous with those of the City -the polling place for the qualified electors and the officials serving thereat shall be as follows: CHUBBUCK PRECINCT Polling Place . Chubbuck City Offices 5160 Yellowstone Chubbuck, Idaho Officials Clerks Janice Johnson Edna Bayliss Shirley Leslie Ellen Kunz Virginia Finkelnberg Judge Phyllis Armstrong Vera C. Armstrong, City Clerk, is ex -officio Registrar of the City. The place of registration is the office of the City Clerk in Chub. buck,idaho. Except as, provided by Section 50-412, Idaho Code, it shall be necessary to register in order to vote at such bond election, When once so registered for a general city election, thereafter an elector shall not be required to again register for the bond election so long as he shall have continued to reside at the same address, or within the same precinct in which he is registered except as hereinafter provided.lf an elector Shall have moved from the City and shall remain away from such City for a period of one (1) year, his name is stricken from the electors' register. If he or she Shall thereafter again reside in such City, he or she may again register and be eligible to vote, provided that he or she possesses the other qualifications required by law. If an elector shall have failed Or neglected to vote at any general Piennial city election, the Clerk shall strike the name of air alarinr 4i n 6k. nl....+......1 -AO 5141 ;o suo!s!AoJd 6U!ulew8J ayl ;o Aue loa;;e jou !Ie4s uolslnoJd Jo asnela '4dej6ejed 'uo!IOas pons ;o A1!I!gea:)J0;uaun Jo A4!p!1eAu! a4I 'algeaoJo;uaun Jo P!Ienu1 aq of play aq uoseaJ Aue J01 Reqs a:)ueu!PJO SM 10 uo!s!AOJd Jo asnelo'4deJ6eJed 'uo!joas Aue ;I '6L uolhag •paleadaJ Aga.tay aJe 'aOueuipjo s!yl gl!m lD!I;uOD u! saoueu!pao pue suo!1nI0S8J 'smel-Aq IIl1 9L uO!1DaS •aaueu!pJo s!41 ;o suo!s!noJ(i aqI alenjDa;;a 01 alelJdoJdde Jo AJessaoau uoll:)e lie a),104 04 paloaJlp pue pazlJoglne 'aJe AgaJaq Aa41 pue'aq lleqs Alla aqI ;o sJa�!;;o ayl 'LL uo1I0aS '0412131 ;0 a4e1S aqI ;o mel puog Ied!:)!unW aqj Aq papinoJd Jauuew awes a4I U! PaJ8A!1ap pue palmma 'pias aq IIe4s Aa41 Pue IDV puog anuanaa a4I Aq pap!noJd se panssl aq pinogs Aagl 'SpuOq anuanaJ }uawanoJdw! Ja1eM aqI ;o aouenss! aqI of sluaSse uo!l:)ala q:)ns le 6UjjOA AI!3 8q4 10 SJol:)ala pa!4!lenb aql ;o Al!Jolew aql uolloala 4ons 1e ;I 9L uolhaS 0 40N;0 wJOd;o pu3 ) )IJalo AI!3 6UO4SwJy •3 eJaA :}sal{y JoAeW ,jr luel03 'O Ugof 'SL61, 'LI990130 d0 AVO 1-1191. SIH1'OHd01 :NDn9anH3 d0 Ali3 31-11 d0 113Nn03 All:) 3H1 d0 x30210 A9 Jal;eaJagl IOU pue paJelDap ;oaJa41 sllnsaJ aqI Pue passenue:) Uaaq aAey u0lh91a flans le lse� S040A ayl Ja1;e sAep Alao; u!41!m pa4nl!lSu1 Wq IIe4s Inq 'aPO3 Ogepl 'LOOZ-17E uolhaS U! pap!AoJd se palnlgsu! aq Aew uollsanb anoge aqI uo uo!hala puoq led!alunw agl ;o sllnsaJ a4I Isaluoo of s6u!paaooJd •uollsanb aq4 uo 6U!IoA sJOI -aa1a paN!Ienb paJa4s!6aJ aql 10 A1!Jolew aq4 ;o luesse ayl of l0al -qns 'spuoq anUanaJ luawaA6Jd -w! Jalem ;o aauenss! aql 6u!Japao pue '�onggnq3 10 A4!3 agI u!441m Jalem 40 6ullnq!Jlslp Pue 5ull todsueJl 6u!Jols aqI JO; lua!uanuo:) pue ln;asn 'AJessaOau saoueua4Andde Ja4lo pue suollOauuoo 'sou!jad!d 'sllnp -UO:) 'saull uo!ss1wsueA4 'su!ew Jalem ieuoll!ppe ;o u0!lelle4su! pue u0lps!nboe luanbasgns a4I Jo; Pue'sa3ueualJndde AJessaOau gltm A4!1!0e; abeJols Jalem uolle6 000"000'1 a ;o uo!l!s!nbDe aqI Jo; 6U!p!AoJd 1oaloJd a Aq walsAs Jalem a4I ;o luawJallaq pue Uolsualxa '}uawanoJdw! aq 6u1JapJo;o asodJnd a4I JO; paldope sem 61. 'ON aDueulPJO 'o4epl 'Xonggn4D 40 )IJal3 AI!3 aql o1 aq ilpgs uo1le3!ldde 4onS •papJemJo; aq IIe4s lolleci gans gO14m of ssaAppe aqI pue 'ssaJppe aauap!saJ Jo awoy s,Jolaala aqI 'JOID01a a4I 10 aweu aql U124UOD IIe4s lolleg s,JaloA Iuasge ue Jo) uo!1ea!Idde uall!Jm y 'mel Aq paq!JosaJd Jauuew aqI u! uOW)ala pagiaasap-aAoge aqI Jo; palllw -Jad aq 11!M 6U!IOA aaluasgy 'LSI ON aoueulPJO pies u! 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'JagwanON )o Aep Isl a4I aJo;aq Jo uo 1e4I rJano Jo sJeaA uaal4613 ;o abe aql ;0 we 111241 : salPIS pa1!Un a4I ;o uazllio a we 1 Iegl (wji;;e Jo) JeaMS AJULU810S op I 6L61'V JagwaAON OH'd01 i0 31VIS N70NNV9 i0 A1Nn0:) '3IO(17 ankidoA110 140113313 ON09 3nN3A321 1N3W3AObd -WI H31VM 1'dd131NnW NOIlVdIS1032i i0 NOIldJi:llH3A S,2101:)313 (UO14eJ4sl6aa;o ualleo!;!JaA;o wJod ) wJo; 6u!mollo; agl Allelluelsqns u! aq llegs u0lleJls!6aJ 10 u0!les1;!J0n g3nS •UO!IDala aqI le aj0A o1 suo!1e3!;1Lenb Jaq JO s!4 41,10; 61.11I4as uo!4eJ4s!69J;o uo!le:)glJan ualllJm a u61s llegs U0113ala aqI le aloA of butJ!sap UOSAad goe3 •uollsanb puoq anUanaJ Jalem pies uO alOA of pall!wJad aq ILegs iIonggng3 ;o AI!3 a4I u1 suo!Ioala le aIOA of pa!1!lenb aJe oqm suosJad aso4; Aluo u011aala pies IV •sJaloA a4I % pagsluJn; way; Aq aq of u0!1:)ala aqI ;o sabpnl a44 of �Jal3 AIIJ aql Aq pags!u.tn; aq IIP4S slolleq '£L uo!l:)aS uoll:)ala aqI ;o SAep aA!4 u!gl!m aq of aw!I Isel ag1'A1!3 a4I ;o Jadedsmau le!o!;1O aql u! ao!ml }seal le pa4s!lgnd aq IIe4s I011eq aldwes p!eS •Jo;aJagl 6u!Atdde auoAue o1 ao!;;o Jay le uogeo!ldde UO awes a4I ;o sa!doo gs.uJn; ilu4s iIJal3 aql pue 'paJagwnu aq lou IIe4s Pue 1011eq IPIDWO aq; uegl Jolo3 IuaJa1pp a;o Jaded uo aq IIe4s ,,Ioltpq aldwes„ sp.lom ayl uoaJagl palu!Jd aAey I Ie4s Aeg1 lda:)xa 'pasn aq o} slolleq le101;)o aqI se wJo; awes a4I u! aq Ilpys slolleq aldwes •I,.,.., ,.. •....u. — — n, ---h T -vyept �l�naarrv� - uoi1e.rado ay{ woJ; pan!Jap auolsmol IaA 0915 sanuanaJ Iau ay} leo# I10saJ 'A1!1!ln aleJedas Pue e buIaq walsAS Jalem pies .. 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I!ouno3 aq} Aq paulw.Aalop aq Aew ,O4e se SUOIJIPUOD pue swJal q�ns uodn a 41 pue 'wnlwjad 1nog1!m Jo ql!m Pue 'sawg Jo aw!} pons le uotidwapaJ Tedi �1unw Jolid o} loalgns apew aq i:)Ou Aew pue rh'd ay};Osuo!s!AoJd a4I 10 4#im aouepJoxoe u1 PaJallaq PUB papualxa 'paAoJdw! os se walsAs 31 d0 Jalem 341;o sanUaA9J aqI woJ; ONI Alalos algeAed aq Heys Ispuoq a4I NV ON ;o alep o4l Jal;e pue woJ; sJeaA a 3 (OZ) Aluaml 6uipua pue spuoq aqI -NO ;o alep aqI Jalle pue woJ; steal, N 0 (Z) oml uigllm 6u!ouawwoa (anssl •'H1 puoq a4} ;o Iunowe tedl�u!Jd NI aJ!lua a4I bu!luasaJdaJ panssl 'W S! PU0q auo 11 sluaw1lelsul ul ONI Jo) Alle!Jas aJnlew IIe4s ra�ueu!p -X3 -JO Aq paglJDsaJd aq Jal;eaJa4 3H AeuJ se sleAJa}ui Jassal 4ons le i0 Jo AI!enUUe a14pApd 'wnuue Jad 3W (luao Jad s/tg) luau Jad ;ley-auo 1 N pue 1g6!a bu!paaoxa lou sale) Jo `JNI aleJ a le Isaaalu! Jeaq I Ieqs spuoq 9 H anuaAOA JaIPM gDnS '9 uot43aS 01 •Al6utpJ000e palsnlpe aq II!M AID 3H aql of Ism loaloJd ay} Jo loaloud 71 a4I ;o adO3s aql pue 'aunln; aq4 -D3 u! algel!ene awo7aq Aue;! 4aaloJd 0 N a4I o} palldde aq Aew. spun; 'N:) IueJ6 tions 1nq ,ogepl ;o alelS d0 a4I wo-1; slueJ6 Jo s4ueJ6 IeJapa; ON I Aq paAeJ;apaq II!m ISO aq};oAUP legl aled!a!1ue mou lou saop Alla a4I •AJessaDau aq Aew se;oaJayl - - gonw os Jo 00'000'05Z$ ;o lunowe Ied!au!Ad ale6aJ66e a4I u1. spuoq anuanaJ ta4em 6u!nssl saleldwal -uo:) A;!3 aqI sa3upualAndde S AJessaaau pue 9J!edal laaJls q}tm Jag4a60j 'welsAs Jalem 6ut1s!xa aqI Olul AI1Ipe; a6eJols a4I 6u!I�auuoo bu!did Jalem }o uollellelsu! pue uo!lisinbae a4I of paleoolIe aq of u!PwaJ Aew se a3ueleq q�ns ggm'saaueuelJnd �� -de AJessaz)au q4[m AI[JjDe; a6eJols Jalem uo11e6 000'000'L a41 ;o uollellelsul pue uoilisinb0e Jo; lua!ol;;ns lunowe ue apnlout of Jaau!6u3 aq4 Aq palndwoo uaaq sett wns s!ql '00.000109ZS Ai>>aturvnirlrlo an m mam Rim nm N0113313 3H1 'W31SAS 1b'M 3H1 ON I N2130 O N2)iV-L A-ISOOIA3-dd t I D V 9NIAillt/21 IM3213H1 N0t133NNOD 311H130 ONIg1a3S3Nd 31SAS 81 JVM S,All3 3H1 2131139 CNV ONION31 'ONIAOadWI d0 1500 1 121'dd NI `]NIA'd21i3a 3SOd21nd 3H1 2!Oi Alit 1 i0 SON09 3nN3A321 3W3AOadWI 2131VM nssi i0 NOIlS3nii L NO3a3H1 310A 03izinvno 521013313 1 Ol 0311IW9ns 39 l/HS 3a3H1'H3IHM lb' NOIl 13 lVl:)3dS V JNIlI'd3 b 2104 JNIOIAObd '0HV01 nsanH3 i0 A113 91,11. W31SAS Na.LVM 3H1 Ol lb'13a 37NVN1C1NO Nd LSL'ON 3:)NMabO joouuog ;o A4uno:) OHba 1 �O 3l'dl5 81.9 'ON 5L61 'OZ '4)0 NJal3 A}!3 6uoJ4swJV .3 edaA :4sa4}V • JoAevv Jr ;Ue;o3 •0 uyo(• :Ag OHV01 d0 NOUV210db03 .lVd131NnW, V ')I3n98nH3 :10 A113 3H1 d0 lI3Nn03 A113 'SL61 'Jago;)0 ;o Aep 44SL S!y4 'o4epl 'N)nggn43 ;o A;!O 34.4 10 JoAeW ay4 Aq (J3A08ddV '5L61. 'JagO4)O ;o AeP 44SL s!44 'o4epl 'M)nggn43 10 A4!3 a44 to 1!)uno3 A4!3 ay; Aq 036SVd Mel Aq pap!AOJd se 'uo!;ea!lgnd pue lenoddde 'a6essed sl! Ja}le pue wojl })alle pue a3Jo; Iln) u! aq Ile4s a)ueu!pJO s141 -LZ u0!;)as 'N3nggn43 to A4!7 ay4 to Jadedsmau le!)!;;o a44 s! 4)!4m 'O4ePl '01181e)od ;o 'IeuJnor a;e;S oyepl ay4 ;o anss! auo }seal ie u! uol}dope Ja4;e pagsilgnd aq 11e4s 3nueu!pjo s!y1 'OZ U0143OS -a)ueu!p -JO 9141 ;o suo!S!Aodd 6u!u!ewaJ a4} to Aue 432;;e 4ou IIe4s uo!s!nodd Jo asnela '4deJ6eded 'Uol;38s flans ;o A4!l!gea0do;uaun Jo A}!p!lenu! a4} 'aIgea)dojuauri JO p!Ienu! aq 04 play aq uoseaJ Aue Jo; Ileys a%eu!pdo s!y} 40 uo!s!AOdd Jo asnela'ydeJ6eded 'U00as Aue 11 '6L uoi}oaS -paleadej Agaday ade '93ueu!pdo s!y; 4;!M }3!I;uO U! sa)ueu!pdo pue suo!}nlosaJ 'smel-Aq IIV 8L uoi;)as •a)ueu!pdo s!u4;o SUO!s!noJd ay} a}en43a;)a o} a;eiddoadde Jo AJessa3au uo!;)e Ile aNe; o} pa})aJ!p pue paz!Joy4ne 'aJe Agaday Aay; pue'aq Ileys A4!3 a4; ;o sda)!;;o a41 'LL uoi}3aS •O4epl 10 a;e}S a4} ;o mel puoq ledlolunyy ay} Aq papIAOJd JauUeUJ awes a44 u! paJan!lap pue pa;noaxa 'plus aq IIe4s Aa4; pue 4ov puoq anuanab ay} Aq pap!Aodd S2 panss! aq pino4s Aay; 'spuoq anUanaJ }uawanoJdw! Ja}em ay4 ;o a)uenss! eq4 o} s4uasse uo!;)ala 4ons ie 6ul;oA 4413 ay};osdo;3ala pa!;Ilenb a4; ;o A}!Jolew a44 uOl})ala 4ons 4e ;I 91 uoi;)as (a340N;o wood ;o Pug) i(Jalo At!3 6UOJ4suJJV •D eJaA :40}4V JoAeW ,jr 4ue;o3 0 uyo(• '9L6L '1190130 d0 AVO H15L SIHl'OHVOI .')I3neanH3 AO A113 3H1 d0 101\1603 Alla 3H1 d0 a3abo A9 Ja};eaJa4; 4ou PUP paJe1)ap ;oaday4 s}InsaJ a4i pue passenue3 uaaq ane4 uo!;3a1a 4)ns }p }se) sa}on ay; Ja};e sAep A;Joj u144!m pa;n}I4 u! aq lle4s 4nq 'apo3 o4epl 'LOOZ-7E Uo!}3aS ul Pap!nOJd se pa;n4!4su! aq Aew uo!}sanb anoge a4; uo uo!4)ala puoq ledI0IUnw ay; ;o s}InsaJ ay} }sa4uo) 04 s6ulPaa)0Jd •uo!;sanb ay} u0 6u!;OA sdo4 -:)ala pal;!lenb pada;s!6aJ ayl ;O A;!Jolew ay; ;o }uasse ay} o4 4ael -qns 'spuoq anuaAej }uawanoJd -w! Ja}em ;o a)uenss! a4; 6u!J8pdo Pup '>I3nggn47 40 A4!D a44 U!44!m J04em 40 6u!;nq!J;s!p Pup bu!4JodsueJ} '6u!Jo}s ay4 Jol ;Ua!uaAUO) pue 1n;asn 'AJessa)au sa)ueua4Jndde Jay}o PUP suo!4aauuo) 'sau1lad!d 's;!np -u00 'sau!I uoissiwsueJ4 'suiew Ja;em leuo!4!ppe ;o uollelle4sui Pup uo14!s!nboe ;uanbasgns ay; J0; Pup'sa)ueua;Jndde AJessa3au 44!m A;!l!)e; a6edo}s Ja}em uolle6 00010001L a ;o uog4 sinb)p a4} Joy 6u1p!AOJd 4oaiodd a Aq wa}sAs Ja;em ay} 10 }uaLUJ014aq PUP uo!sua}xa '}Uawanoddw! ay} 6uldapd0to asoddnd a4} Jo; pa}dope sem LSL 'ON a)ueu!PJO 'O4epl '�onggn43 to Niel..) A4!3 ay; 04 aq lleys uo!ie)!Idde u)n5 uosdad a S! Jo}3ala pall!lenb V •pa}}!wgns uo!4sanb ay; uo 940A 04 pa}4!wJa0 aq Iilm A;L3 ay} to sdo;)ala pa!;!lenb pada;sl6aJ Aluo uo!;aala vans }V Awa;sAs Ja;em s,A4!3 aq} 10 uo!;edado a4} wOJ; pan!Jap aq o; sanuanaJ 4au ay; woJ; Alalos algeAed aq o} spuoq pies Uo }sada4u! ay4 pue ;o ledl)u!Jd ay} 'SL61. 'SL Jag04a0 panoddde pue pau6ls'L9L 'ON a3ueuiPJO u! pap!Aodd Alln; aJow se'Ldnuue Jad (4ua) Jad a iB) }ua) Jad;ley-auo pue 446!3 paa)xa o; IOU sated Jo a;ei a 4e ;sada}u! Jeaq o}'spuoq ayi;Oa}epay}Ja4;e pue woJ; sJeaA A4uam; 6ulpua pue 'spuoq a4; ;o 94ep ay; Ja44e pue woJ; sJeaA om} u!y}!m 6u!)uaw -woo Alle!Jas adn;ew o} spuoq pies 'A413 344 ;o wa;sAs Ja;em a4} Ja4}aq pue pua}xa 'anoJdw! o; 431yM y;!M spun; 6u!p!Aodd to asoddnd a4; do; 'AJeSsa)au aq Aew se ;oada4; y)nw os JO 100.000'OSZS 10 4unowe led!)u!Jd a4e6aJ66e ay; uf spuoq anuanaJ ;U9waAOJdwl Ja}eM s4! Iles Pup anssi at paz!J0y4ne aq '0gepI 1}1)nggn43 ;0 A;!3 ay4 IIe4S fl311IWBnS NOL1S3nb(INOe 3nN3A3b 1N3W3AO8dWl 831VM : uo!;senb 6u!mo11o; ay; UO 6u14oA ;o asoddnd ay; Jol 'SL61. 'q JagwaA0N 'Aepsanl uo'o4epl 'A;Un03 N)0uue9 IN)nggny0 ;o Ail? ay; ul play aq Ilim uoi})ala puoq led!)!unw a }e44 N3A10 A93b3H SI EQUON 7119nd SL6L '4 JagwanoN NOI17313 0NOS 1VdI:)INnWd03:)UON OHV01 '>6neenH7 d0 Alii (a)!;oN;o wdoj) :wJa; 6uIM011o; a44 Allegue}sgns U! aq IIe4s u01}3ala loa)!4ou a41 'SL uo!}3as •}3u!)add 5u!}oA pies u! se3eld 3!Ignd eaky} }seal 4e u! aa!4ou flans 6u!}s0d Aq pue 'uol})ala 40ns o} Jo!Jd SNaam aA!SSOn ')ns OM; Jo; NaaM a a)uo ;seal 4e 'u!9da4} uo!4eln3Ji) leJaua6 4o PUP 1)I)nggny3 to A;!3 ay4 ;o Jadedsmau le!)l;;o a4; s! 4:)!4m 'O4ePI '011a;e)od 'IeuJnof a4e;S O4epl ay; u! aa14ou bu!4s!ignd Aq uol;aala pies o} JO!Jd uan!6 aq Ileys uoi})ala puoq le!)ads 4ons )o e) 40N • I. uoi;oaS 0010491158N 10 U014"WJOA ;O wJ03 ;o pu 3 ) le!)I;;O u043313 'SL6L 'JagwanoN ;o Aep y}q s!44 aw ado;aq o; udoms pue paq!JasgnS J00813 ;o ssaJPPV Jo;3al3 'aw d a os'uo1 )ala s! poo dlaq ; 44 ;e pa;on AlsnO!Aadd you ane4 14ey4 pue .f4)u!)add uo!439la si4} u! Jo})ala pada4s!6aJ a we 14ey} !aJaymasla 91!3lwop JO awoy a pau!e}aj IOU ane4 14e4} pue Xnnggn43 4o A}!3 ay; ;0 }uap!sei ap!; euoq e MOu we 1 4944 pue awe3aq -I 'SL61. 'JagwanoN to Aep }si ay4 adolaq Jo uo 4ey; 'Jeno Jo sJeaA uaa;y6!a 10 66e a4; ;o we I }e4} !sa4e45 pa4!un ay} ;O uaz!4!) a we 14ey} (wJi;4e Jo) JeaMs Aluwalos op I SL6L'6 JagwanoN 0HV01 d0 31V1S N0ONNVS d0A1Nn0:) '5]ng9(1H7 d0 All] NO1133130NOS 3nN3A3a 1N3W3A024d WI b3lVM lVdt]LNnW NOUV211S10321 d0 NOI1V314ld3A 5,8013313 (uoi;eJ4s!6a1I 4o U01031i!J0A10 W,10=1) : wJoi bu!nssi ;o uoi}sanb ay} uo uoioeia ay; ;e 6U!40A 841 'tL uoi;oaS •pasol) aq llegs sllod ay; awl} ya!ym }e'Aep p!es;o •w -d 00:9 4o Jno4 ay4 I!)un Alsnonui;uoa uado u!ewaJ ile4s pup uo14)a1a ay} 10 Aep ay} uo uoou 00:Z1. Jo dno4 ay} ;e uado IIe4s saxoq 4olleq a4; pue shod a41 '0l uo!4)aS •uoi4)a1a led!)!unw leJaua6 ay} ;0 4)npuo) ay} 04 }ua!uanuO) pue AJessaoau aq osle Aew se slenp!n!pu! Jay}o 4ons 44!m Jay}a6o; 'uo!l)ala led!)!unw leJaua6 4u9JJn3u0 ay; 40 sle!)!;;o Se andas o} pa;eu6!sap aq osle Aew dela!};o Paweu-anoge 341 a6pnr 6uoJ}sway s! I IA4d SN -1013 6JaqulaNu!d e!u!6J!A zun)l Ual l3 a! lsal AaIJ!4S ss!1Aeg eup3 Uosuyor a3luer sle!)!;10 o4epl IN:)oggn43 au04sMOIlaA 0915 sa)!;;O A4!3 M:)nggn43 a)eld 6u!IIOd 13N133bd N3nesnH3 :smollo; se aq Ile4s }each}} 6U!AAas sle!)i;;o pue aaeld W40A ay; uoi})ala p!es ;V •6 uoi}Das •)langgny3 ;o A;!3 ay4;o aso4} y}!m snou!wda4o) saiJepunoq 4}!m uoi})ala puoq led!)!unw ay; Jo; ;aui3add bu!40A (L) QUO aq IIe4s ada41 -8 uol})as •Iedaua0 A3UJ0;}V S.n 344 ;o pue a)Jawwo:) ;o ;uaw}JedaO s•n aw io snsua3 aq; ;o nearing ay4;o salnJ alge)!lddp Ile pue 'EL -C6 '1-d 'SL61. ;0 s;uawPuawV 13V s4461b 6W4OA 344 Aq papuawe se 'q-qq EL61.-EL61. -3'S'n Z;, '9961. l0 4)V S416!b 6u!}oA a44;0 SUOISIAodd a!ge3!ldde 44!M a3uelid -woo 11n; aq 11egs aJa41'uo!4!p -pe u1 •uJano6 'ZgOL-OS y6nod4} LZ01-0S SWIMS apo:) o4epl '})V puo9 anuanab 344 ;O SUO!s!AOJd uoi4)ala a44 se Je;osu! 4da)xa'gv .OS 46nody4 LOP -09 suo!})as apo3 O4ep1 U! y;Jo; }as smel uoi;)ala led!a!unw a4} y}!m a3ue!IdwO) uj play aq llegs uo!})ala puoq ledlalunw pies aoeld 6u!11od pue 43u1)add awes ay; to pup 'sJno4 awes ay; 6u!Jnp 1a4ep awes ay; uo pa})npuo) aq 04 palnpay)s uoi;)ala led!3!unw leJaua6 a4; 4}!m Al}uaJJn)UO) play aq IIe4s uO! )ala puoq 1ed!3iunw s!41 •a3ueuipdo s!44 Aq paq!J)sadd S! y31ym ;o wdo; ay} 'uoi;aala ;o a)!;ou ay4 ul y;Jo;;as se spuoq anuaA9J Ja}eM a4; 6uinSSI ;o uoi;sanb ay4 uodn a;oA o; A;!:) ay} 10 sdo}gala pal4llenb ay4 6ullgeuo ;o asodJnd a44 Jo; Aep pies uo •w•d 00:8 pue UOOU OD:ZL 10 sdno4 ay4 uaam4aq '5L6L 'JagwanoN ;o Aep 44q ay4 Aepsanl uo pla4 aq of palle) '% AgaJay awes 344 pue 'aq I Ie4s uoi;)ala puoq led!)lunw V •L uoi;3aS •O}aJa44 6uiu!e4dad as!MJa4;o Jo 'spuoq ay4 6u!ndoy}ne a)ueu!pdo a44 u! Il3uno:) ay; Aq pau!wJa4ap aq Aew se suo!4!puo) pue swJa4 4ons uodn PUP 'wn!uJJad }no4}1M Jo 411M 'saw!} Joawi; 43ns 4e uol;dwapad Jo!Jd 04 ;)a!gns apew aq Aew pue . }aV ay4;o suo!s!Aodd a4} 44!m a0uepJOo3e ul paJa}4aq pue papua;xo 'panaddw! os se wa;SAS J84eM a4};0 sanuanaJ ay4 woJ; Alalos algeAed aq Ilet4s 'spuoq a4} 40 a4ep ay4 Ja;le pue woJ; sJeaA (OZ) A;uaM} 6ulpue pue spuoq a4; ;o a;ep 344 Ja4e pue woJ; sJeaA (Z) Om; u!y;!m 6ui3uawwo) (anssl puoq ay} }o ;Unowe iedlowicl aJ!}Ua a44 6u14uasaddaJ panss! s! puoq auo 11 s}uawlle}su! u1 Jo) Alle!Jas aJn;ew IIe4s : a)ueulp -do Aq paq!d)saad aq Ja};eaday Aew se slenda;w Jassal 4ons ;e in Allpnnua nirm Avri Iulnuun url -Jo s!44 ;o uo!}dope aqi ;o a4ep ay; ;o SL44UOW x!s u144!m A;!3 ay} ul play uaaq sey 4o!4m uo!4)aia ue to pa4ea;ap uaaq sey asodJnd 'ai{!l Jo'Jel!wjs a Jo; uoi;sanb Aue Jou 44Jo; ;as u!aday uo!;sonb ay; Jay41au 'SV3d3HM pup !spuoq anuana.+ 4)ns ;o a)upnss! ay; azido44ne o; 6UIsrtl9J Jo 6u!z!Jo4;ne ;o asodJnd ay; Jo; play U0140ale ue 4e 6U!4OA A41:) ay4 ;o sJo;oala pa!;!Ienb a44 ;o A41Jow e ;o ;uasse ay; 4no44!m panss! aq 4ouuea spuoq anUbnaJ 4U0w9nodd -u-l! Ja;em 43ns 'SV3bBHM pue , joadag4 ;uawAed ay} o; pa6pald wa4sAs Ja}em ay; woJ; anuanaJ a4; uey} Jay;o spun; Aue ;o ;no algeAed aq spuoq anuanaJ vans IIe4s Jou 'uoadaLI4 algell aq ;ou IIe4s ;! pue Nonggny0 ;o A4!3 ay; ;o 4gap a aq lou lie4S spuoq anuanaJ y)ns 'SV383HAA pue ,13V ay; o; ;uensdnd pazido41ne u!ada4 spuoq anUanaJ 4ons }o;uawAedaJ a4; aJnaes o; A1ge)onadd! -pue AIln;mel pa6bald aq Aew wa4sAs a4; to uogedado ay4 woJ; pan!Jap, aq o; sanuana-I 4au ay; 4ey4 41nsaJ a44 44!m 'A;!1!4n a4ededas pue al6uls a 6uiaq wa4sAs Ja4em pies 1as!mJay4010ISWWAW 43ns LUOJ} algeAed spuoq ;o uo!;dwapaJ ay; Jo; wa4sAs Ja;em ay; ;o uoi;edado ay; woJ; pan!Jap sanUanaJ ay; pe6pa.ld se4 }! 4a!4m uodn suo!}e6!lg0 lie pue Aue pa6Je4)S!p Alln; sey ;nq pa6pald Alsnoinadd sey A4!3 a44 'SVa3 13HM pue ! 6u!lgeua o}ada4} smel I le pue '9130D OgePl 'LhOL-09 46noJ44 LZOL -05 suo!139S se Pall:) '(„})V,, 344) ;aV puog anuanab a4} 0;;uensJnd pada}laq pue papua4xa 'panoid -w! os se wa4sAs Ja4em ay; ;o senuanaJ a44 woJ; Alalos algeAed 'AJessa)au aq Aew se ;oada4; 4anw os Jo ' 40 4unowe led!3u!Jd a}e6aJ66e ay; ui spuoq anuanaJ 4uauJanoddw! Ja;em s4! anss! 04 AJessa)au 41 sweep Jay4Jn; 11)uno3 auo '43910dd a4; ;o Oso) ay} ';Jed u! '6u1AeJ;ap ;o asoddnd ay4 Jo; 'SV3�13HM pup'(„4)alodd„ a4;) A;!) a44 u!44!m ja}em ;o 6ul4nglJ}sip pue bui;JodsueJ; '6u!d"o;s ay} Ja; 4Ua!uanu0) pup In;asn 1AJessa3au sa)ueua;Jnd -de Jay;o pup suo!})auuo) pue sau!led!d's;!npuo)'sau!l uo!ss!wS -ueJ4 'su!ew da}em IeU0WPPR ;o uoi}!s!nb3e Jay}o pue uol4onJ;s -uoi 'ase4)Jnd ;uanbesgns ay; pue A}!II3e; a6edo}s Ja4em uolle8 000'000'L a l0 u0!}!s!nb3e a44 Aq wa4sAs Ja}em ay; ;o }uawd94 -40q PUP UO!su04xa ';uawanodd -wj a;e!pawwl a4; aJ!nbaJ A41ssa3au pue }sada;ul )llgnd ay; pue A}!unwwo) 344;o;sada4ui a4; }ey; au!LUJa4ap Agaday saop pue poulwda}ap sey („1!)uno3„ a44j 1!3uno:) AID 344 'SV3113HM - pue r4uawJ94 -;aq pue u0!su84x8 ';uawanoJd -w! ;o peau u! Alt.uasadd Ali 3 ay4;o („wa4sAs„ a44) wa;sA Ja;em 4UOJJn3 ay4 'SV3b31HIM PUP !o4ep1 ;o a4e;s a4;;o smel ledaua6 ay; Iapun A4!3 a se 6u1451Xa pue paz!ue6Jo Alnp uo!;e loddo:) led!)lunw a sl 'o4epl 'A4uno:) NDOuue9 '(„A4!3„ ay4) )13nggn40 ;o A4!3 a4} 'SVANBHM 'd03N3H 31Va 3A1133dd3 3H1 ONIOIAObd (INV •'SONO9 3H1 ONV NOI1DH-13 3H1 V31SAS b31VM 3H1 `JN IN113D -NO3 NANV1 A1SnOIA3bd N0113V `JNIAdIIV'd ,H11M3b3H1 N011:)3NNOJ NI S11V130 ON!BIb3S3bd •'W31SAS 831VAA S,A113 3H1 VNIN31138 0NV ONION31 -X3 'ONIAONdW1 d0 1S03 3H1 16Vd N1 ONIAV11d30 JO 3SOdbnd 3H1 NOd All? =U3 _j r,% CPI AI r1Q 7nMn A n u