HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 10 1977 StreetPROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bannock =GAL ADVERT ISEMENTSLEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS CITY STREET FINANCE REPORT Statement of Receipts and Disbursements City Chubbuck Calendar Year Ended December 31, 1976 Z Road & Street Special Assessment ber RECEIPTS Fund Fund (L.i.D.) Total TAXES (Levied for Street Related Use Only) '0'-0- 0. General Property Taxes -0- Delinquent Property Taxes Paid in Reporting Year .p. -0- 0- Penalties & Interest on Taxes 0- Other -0- 0- 0 INTERGOVERNMENTAL Federal Grants -0- -0- -0- State Grants -0- -0- -0- Motor Fuels Excise Tax Funds 52,191.00 '0- 52,191.00 Road and Bridge Tax 8,211.40 -0- 8,271.40 Other Federal Revenue Sharing 10,000.00 -0- 10,000.00 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Parking Meter Collections 0- -0- Other0- MISCELLANEOUS Interest Earnings -0- -0- -0- OtherD- NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS & TRANSFERS Proceeds from Bond Sales 0- .0- .0 - Transfers fron General Fund -0- -0- Other0- TOTALS 70,462.40 70,462.40 ' DISBURSEMENTS Administration 9,351.62 -0- 9,351.62 Construction 22,383.15 0- 22,383.15 ! Professional Services -0- -0- -0- Land0- i Automotive Equipment 6,668.50 0. 6,668.50 Other Machinery & Equipment 6,142.32 -0- 6,142.32 Maintenance 13,242.55 -0- 13,242.55 Snow & Ice Control 136.05 -0- 136.05 Sidewalks & Crosswalks Inc., in 431.2 -0- Parking Facilities -D- -0. -0- Storm Sewers & Drainage 0. -0- -0- Street Lighting 12,585.4a -0. 12,585.48 Street Cleaning INC in 431.3 -0- Traffic Control 4,785.35 -0- 4,785.35 Engineering -0- -0- -0- Other0- Principal, Bond Redemptions 0- -D- -0- Interest 0. -0- 0 - Other Charges .0. 0- -0- Payments to Idaho Transportation Department for Matching Federal Aid -0- D. -0- Payments to County or Highway District -0- -0- -0- Transfers—Non-Highway -0- 0- 0- TOTALS 75,295.02 75,295.02 ADDITIONS: Excess of Receipts over Disbursements -0- DEDUCTIONS: Excess of Disbursements over Recipts 4,832.62 -0- 4,832.62 CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Net Additions or (Deductions) 4,032.62 -0- 4,832.62 Fund Balance at Beginning of Year 12,440.75 -0- 12,440.75 Fund Balance at End of Year 7,608.13 -0- 7,608.13 CHANGE IN DEBT STATUS—ROAD & STREET a100000�ak FEB 15 19/7 ------- ---- - - ---------------------- • ----------------------------- being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says: That__SW----------- was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of America, more than 21 years of age, and the Principal Clerk of THE IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, a daily newspaper, printed and published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation therein, That the document or notice, a true copy of which is attached, was published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, to -wit: Fe �_b02Ula'07 31A ----- k.Q_191 - ---------------------------------------- 19------ ---------------------------------------- 19------ --------------------------------------- 19------ --------------------------------------- 19------ -------------------------------------- 19------ -------- ---------------- --- 19----- ------ ----, 19------ ---------- -------------- T9 ------ That said paper has been continuously and uninterruptedly pub- lished in said County for a period of seventy-eight weeks prior to the publication of said notice or advertisement and is a newspaper within th eaning of the la s of aho. 14CUMIZO- - ----------------------------------------------------- Subscribed and sworn to before e this ---------- 14\.--------------------_- day of__T10WZA_&gU-----_, 1911 • ----- ----- Notary Public, State of Idaho 58 'ON LUL 'OL 'gad joAew )II61D A4!7 of}ue}a7 'Ouyof 6uo.ljswjV '7 e.1aA :}sa}}'d -LL6t 'Ajpnuer 10 Aep LE sl4j pa}ed 'LEL-O7 uo!}DaS 'apo? oyepl Aq paj!nbaa se .104!pnV a}elS ay} of pa}j!wgns Agajay s! epunj pa;ealpap }o jaoda.l pa!jl4.1aa s!yl 0- 0- .leak }o pu3 6u!puejs4n0 O 0 0. jea,k 6u!un0 pawaapa6j }unowV oL�opl 'olla;DDod :aDuapisad 0- -0 0 1ea� 6ullna panssl junowH 0- -0- 4 weak 40 6u!uu16ag spuog 6u!puejsjnp 133N1S $ L7d02!—Sn1Vls 1934 Ni 30NVH7 oyppl p a}D}S 'Dilgnd �(JD;oN -0 el'eo9'L aeik }0 pu3 jeaDueleg puna SL'O"7L -0- SC'OWU .Leal. 10 bu!uu16ag le aoueleg punct Z9'ZE8'V -0- Z9,Z£8'C (sugjanpaa) ao suo!j!ppV ON \ S37NVIVg ONnd NI S3ONVHD v - Z9'ZE81b 0- Z9'ZE8'4 sjd!oab -Jana sjuawas.lags!a 40 ssaax3 :SNO117na3a o- .0. .0. s}uawasings!a .rano s}d!aaaa }o ssaox3 ------ 61 ' � h�q� }o Aop :SN011l(1GV ZO'96Z'9L 60' 56Z'SL S T V 101 O 0 Aerny6!H-uON—SJ@JSue.i1 ------------------------ ` r�---------sl,1; a ajo}aq o4 ujonns puD paq!jDsgnS -o 1 -p- -0- }o!a{s!❑ Aerny6!H .r0 6}uno7 04 s}uawAed -0- -0- -0. p!V lejapad 5u!ya4ew .10} juawjjedaa uo!jej.jodsueal oyep) 04 s}uawAed ---------------------------- ------------------------ ------------ 0- 0 5a6Je47 )e4}0 CO-L£b -0- 0 0 lsa.raM 66-1E7 0- -0- suo!}dwapaz! puog 'ledlau!�d l8 tElr 'OL{0 jo s Dl aL{; 40 6uluDa L�4 0 0 0- 1ayj0 £9 LEb o -0- -0' 6u!.�aaulbu3 CUP U144!m aadDdSMaU D SI UO ;uOW3S1kaan D JO a7140U IDS O u01;DDI nd S£ SBL'C 0 SUSSL't loa}u07 a!}}eJl 6'LZG q P P P Iq 0. 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