HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 20 1978 Ord. 188Tract a- and being the REAL -' PLACE OF BEGINNING; thence continuing Southerly along Said East line 97.0 feet To the �d JUN 111711 Southeast corner of said Tract 4; ' thence North 81 degrees West (shown of record to be o be OAF ®F PUBLICATION North 81 degrees 57' West) along the Southerly line of said Traci 4 a distance of 7.07 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 40.0 feet westerly from the center the vv- op�,v "_ _]Aft h I'10+O.0 of ; said U.S. H. ?P+ vaY rlo. v f, Project No. ti 7231(007) Highway Survey; A1iR.:!1 .Nn'th 81 degrees 52'46" West (shown ,.i . cw, U hV --------------------- - - - ---------------- North 81 degrees 57' West) along the Southerly line of said Tract a being first duly sworn on oath deposes a says: That --- a distance of 7.07 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 40.0 Was at all times herein mentioned a citizen of the United States of feet Westerly from the centerline and opposite Station 190+96.02 of America, more than 21 ears of age, and the Principal Clerlc of THE said 11.5. Highway No. 91, Y g , p Project No. M7231(007) Highway survey; IDAHO STATE JOURNAL a daily newspaper, printed and published at Thence North 0 degrees 04'14^ East along said parallel line 96.01 Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, and having a general circulation feet to a point in the South line of the North 300.5 feet of said therein. Tract 4 and opposite Station 191+92.03 of said Highway sur- That the document or notice a true copy py of which is attached, was thence Easterly along said North line 7.0 feet, more or less, to the published in the said IDAHO STATE JOURNAL, on the following dates, REAL POI NT OF BEGINNING. Highway Station Reference: to -wit: 190+96.02 to 191+92.03. The area above described con- tains approximately 675.54 square feet. rr/1 The bearings as shown in, the u�----------#�.� above land. description, unless otherwise noted, are from the Idaho Plane Coordinate System, ----------- based on the transverse Mercator projection for the East Zone of Idaho. To convert to geodetic ----------- bearings, a correction of 0 de- grees 12' 12" must be subtracted from all Northeast and southwest bearings and added to all North- west and Southeast bearings. c. For an aggregate consideration of $4,585.00 (including improve- ----------- ments), the following parcel: 19A_Q -------------------------------- 19 ------ ---------------------------­- ----------- -- -----------, 19------ ---------------------------------- ---------- 19------ ---------------------------------- -----------, 19------ ---------------------------------- A parcel of land being rhe west That said paper has been continuous( and uninterruptedly 7.0 feet of Lot 11, Highway P P Y P y pub - Acres, Bannock County, Idaho, as the same appears an the Official II n said County for a p to seventy-eight weeks prior to the Plat thereof, filed in the office of the county Recorder of Bannock publican of said notice or adverbs6entd is a newspaper within County, Idaho, antl containing ap- proximately1070.16Squarefeet, the mean) the laws of Id ho. i Highway Station Reference: 218+77.66to220+30.54. d. The total consideration paid by the State of Idaho to the City of----------------------------------------- Chubbuck, for all of the above I parcels, shall 4e$10,900.00. SECTION 3: Statutory Basis. The authority hrein granted, for con- veyance of the above-described parcels, is derived from idaho day I code S50 1405. SECTION 4: Effective Date. The i rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate days is hereby dispensed with, and this ordinance shall be come effective upon its approval and publication as provided by law. s/John O. Cotant Jr. Mayor ATTEST: s/Vera C. Armstrong I City Clerk June 20, 1978 NO. 4118 Subscribed and sworn to before me this -------------- LIQ ..-.--..----_. of--- ----------------- 19_% ----------------------------------------------------- Notary Public, State of Idaho Residence: Pocatello, Idaho P1 '011a;D3od :a3uaplsad pi fo a;o4S 'Dilgnd A-104ON ------------------------------------- `��l ---------- "i-�l ---- ------SIH; aw a.Jopq o; u.loAAs puD pagl.lasgnS ;lM .IadodsMau D sl puo ;uaLA o; .Lolad slaaM ;q6i0- (;uanas 889 'ON 9L61 10Z aun f AABI3 A1!3 6uOAlS 1JV'3eJ@A/s 1S311V JoAeW 'Jf 4uelo3'O ugof/s -mel Aq paPrnoJd Se uo!lea!Ignd pue leAwdde sl! uodn an!pa;;a awoa aq lle4s a:)ueuspJo sl41 Rue '41!m pasuads!p AgaJa4 s! sAep aleJedas aaJ41 uo pe9J aq of saoueu!pJo 6ulJcnbaJ alnJ a41 -ate(3 aA!0a;;3 .p NOII]35 '904L -05S apoa op ogepl wOJ; paA!Jap s! 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