HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 29 1983 BudgetNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho wdl hold a public hearing for consideration )f the proposed budget for fiscal period October 1, 1983 - September 30, 1984, all pursuant to the provisions of Section 50 1002, I.C., said hearing to be held at City Municipal Building, Chubhuck, Idaho at 7:30 p.m., on September 6, 1983. At said hearing all interested persons may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said proposed budget should not be adopted. PROPOSED EXPENDITURES THE FOLLOWING is an estimate Set forth in said proposed budget, of the total proposed expenditures and accruing indebtedness of the City of Chubbuck, idaho for the fiscal year period October 1, 1983 - September 30, 1984, Proposed roposed Proposed Revenue Sharing Gross GENERAL FUND Expenditures Expenditures Expenditures General & Administration $844,370.00 Law Enforcement 397,050.00 Fire Control 96,434.00 Street Fund 799,052.00 Total General Fund 1,536,906.00 Waterworks Fund 546,141.00 Sanitation Fund 271,455.00 Sewage Fund 455,077.00 Central Garage Fund 61,800.00 Total Enterprise Fund 1,334,473.00 Bond and Interest Funds 91,112.50 Repair and Replacement Fund 61,670.50 Capital Improvement Fund 115,851.50 Local Improvement District 12,975.00 Total Bond & Capital Imp. F. 283,609.50 ESTIMATED REVENUE THE ESTIMATED REVENUE for the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, for the fiscal period October 1, 1983 - September 30, 1984 is as follows: REVENUE FROM TAX LEVY: General Fund Levy $154,203.00 Fire Control Levy 32,434.00 Law Enforcement Levy 250,000.00 Tort Claim Insurance Federal Revenue Sharing Gas Franchise Group W Cable Property Tax interest License & Permits State Liquor Apportionment Highway User's Fund Magistrate Court Road & Bridge Inventory Sales Tax Fire Protection Service Recreation Program Service Fees (Land Use) :nterest Earning (Gen. F) Inter Fund Transfers (Personnel Ben.) Fund Balance & Other (Gen. F.) Sale of Lands State Grant (Cotant Park) Total General Funds ENTERPRISE FUNDS Sanitation Service Sanitation Fund Balance Water Service Water Fund Balance & Misc. TCD Interest Sewer Service Sewer Fund Balance Central Garage Service Total Enterprise Funds BOND & CAPITAL FUNDS Water Revenue Bond & Interest Fund (Transfer) Water Revenue Bond Fund Balance Sewer Repair & Replacement Fund (Transfer) Sewer Repair & Replacement Fund Balance Sewer Revenue Bond & Interest Fund (Transfer) Sewer Revenue Bond & Interest Fund Balance Capital Improvement Fund (Transfer) Capital Improvement Fund Balance & Interest Local Improvement District (Transfer) Local Improvement District Fund Balance 436,637.00 11,556.00 448,193.00 84,416.00 17,500.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 26,650.00 38,000.00 140,000.00 22,000.00 25,600.00 7,500.00 48,000.00 11,000.00 1,100.00 25,000.00 89,500.00 247,146.00 300,000,00 85,000.00 1,621,805.00 172,620.00 98,835.00 282,920.00 235,221.00 28,000.00 235,060.00 220,017.00 61,800.00 1,334,473.00 22,987.00 6,274.07 61,670.50 0 65,500.00 7,663.00 0 115,851.50 20,587.12 18.19 TOTAL BOND & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS 390,551.38 I, Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the proposed expenditures and revenues for fiscal year 1983-84, all of which have been tentatively approved and entered at length in the Journal of Proceedings. I further certify that the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, did give notice and hold a hearing upon the proposed uses of the City's General Revenue Sharing Funds with notice having been published at least seven days prior to the adoption of the tentative budget by the City Council. Citizens are invited to attend the budget hearing on September 6, 1983 at 7:30 p.m., and have the right to provide written or oral comments concerning the entire City Budget and its relationship to the Revenue Sharing Funds, and that a copy of the proposed City Budget In detail is available at City Hall for Inspection during regular office hours. Dated this 24th day of August, 1983. S/Ron Conlin City Clerk August 29, September 5, 1983 No. 271 $44,743.00 12,940.00 27,216.00 0 84,899.00 $889,113.00 409,990.00 123,650.00 199,052.00 1,621,805.00 546,141.00 271,455.00 455,077.00 61,800.00 I she 1,334,473.00 91.112.50 jited States of Ameri- 61,670.50 115,851.5° Clerk of THE IDAHO 12,975.04 ublished at Pocatello, 281,609.50 on therein. ich is attached, was the following dates, 19 19 —, 19 -- – 19— 19 terruptedly published rior to the publication r within the meaning 7th Public, State of Idaho nce: Pocatello, Idaho LLZ 'ON E66L 'S aagwaldaS '6Z isnBnV ulluo) uob/S '£96L ';sn6nV ;o AQP 41VZ s141 pale❑ •suno4 ail;lo ieln6ai 6ulunp uol;aadsul 10; IIeH Allo ;e al4ellene si llelaP ul la6pnq All) pasod0ud O41 ;o Ado3 a 1e41 pue 'spund 6ulue4S anuanad a4; al dl4suollelau sil pue la6pnq All) aullua 341 Buluua3uo3 sluawwo3 lean uo ua;;luM apino 1d 01 1461.1 ay; ane4 Pun "w'd 0E:1 ;e E86L '9 iagwaldeS uo 6u(uea4 la6pnq 441 Pualle 01 pa;lAul aue suez!li)-pauno) A11) a(4; Aq 4a6pnq anllelual a41 ;o uol;dope a4; of .Iolad SAep uanas ;seal ;e paLlsllgnd uaaq 15UTAe4 a3i4ou 4;im spund Bulue4S anuanad leuau00 s,All) a4l ;o sasn pasodoud a4l uodn 6uluea4 a ploy pue a3110u IA!b Plp '040P1 'mDngghq) ;o All) OW W4; A114uao 3a41un; I 's6ulpaa3oud ;o leu -mor a4; ul 44Sual le paaalua pue panoudde Al0Allelu0i uaaq ane4 43!4M ;o lie 'V9 -£86L ueaA leasl; uol sanuanau pue saunllpuadxa pasodoad aq; ;o luawalels 13auuo3 pue anal a sl anoge 941 1e41 Apit0a Aga-ja4 op oLlepl 1,4anggn4) 10 All) a41 ;o dual) A1!) 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