HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 11 1975 CM COUNCIL MEETING MIR~JTES 167 MARCH 11, 1975 Minutes of the regular cotuncil meet.i~.g held in the city municipal building March 11, 1975. Present: Mayor Jo[an O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmen Dwain Kinghorn, Jack Menard, Earl Romriell and Wayne Taylor, Attorney Don Burnett and Clerk Vera Armstrong. Councilman Menard moved and Councilman Taylor seconded motion to adjourn Fe~uARY 25th meeting. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to February 25 minutes. Councilman Romriell requested a vote be taken on bamk depositories of the city, rather than just the statement of councils'~ approval. Councilman Ta~rlor moved and Councilman Kinghorn sebonded motion the February 25 minutes be approved but with a council vote during this meeting on bank depositories of the city. PUBLIC HEARING - HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _ : '- - Scott McDonald Director of Southeast Idaho Council of Governments, explained program to those presen~ the three year development plan which consists of water and sewer analysis and housing needs. Mr. McDonald stated the federal have stopped all single purpose programs and classed all grant programs in a block grant program. Non-metro units need to apply for grants on an~individual basis and local units are to take the responsibility of their programs. Housing development projects can be decided upon by city and could be all elderly if desired. Housing and Urban Development approves the grants and local units of government takes responsibility of program. HUD criteria for distribution of grants consists of population, level of poverty, etc. PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE - Dorman Fenner, President of Dorm's Mobile Home Center, has requested a variance to allow him to use a mobile unit as an office until such time as he can build an office. Planning and zoning commission have recommended council approve this variance request for six months only. Mr. Fenner displayed a model of his proposed Mobile Sales lot layout. Attorney Burnett asked what type of repairs he would make as he is in a commercial zone and would need to comply. Mr. Fenner stated it would be mostly interior plumbing and wo~ld comply with commercial zoning. Jack Menard suggested a screening fence bordering the residential zone to east be constructed, preferably green shrubs. Mr. Fenner agreed to the screening fence. Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve Mr. Fenners variance reauest of using a mobile uni s i ..... ~ t a an off ce for a permod of s~x months, provmdmng a 6 (smx) foot~greener~a ~ screen be planted along with construction of lot. Councilman Menard ~conded Voting was unanimous in favor of motion. PUBLIC H~ARING VARIANCE P~EQUEST - Dr. Ralph Paniagua-Diaz has requested a variance which would allow him to operate his business in his home, ~559 Ponderosa Street. Dr. Diaz was not present. Several residents from area were present and protested Coundilman Romriell ~oved the council deny ~he variance reque§t of Dr. Ralph Paniagua-Diaz. Ce~ncilman Taylor seconded motion With council voting unanimously in favor of motion. PORT~E~' DISTRICT LIBRARY - Mrs. Doris Lyman of the Portneuf District Library board, a~k~d the city to install the water and sewer lines in the proposed street to serve the library building with the Portneuf District Library and Clark Real Estate sharing fifty-fifty the cost of materials. The city would do the excavation and installation only on the main lines. The city council agreed to install and furnish materials for water and sewer service lines from main line to the library building area, wh~dh includes the water hook up and meter. Councilman Menard moved the council approve the city providing the services as noted above and in Mrs. Lymans request. Council_man Romriell seconded motion. All council members voted in far-or of motion. 169 HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT - Rodney Clark, Dave Johnson and Engineer Tim Shurtliff presented the Heights revised preliminary plat. Council dis- cussed chauge~ recommended by City Engineer Doug Jensen and Plauning and Zoning Commission. Rodney Clark requested council approve the final plat of the complete subdivision with a two year construction approval. The balance of development at the end of a two year period would be subject to any changes in subdivision requirements. Mr. Clark also requested the city allow him to supply power to subdivision lots bordering Neider Addition from power poles already on the west side of his sub- division. After council discussing this request Councilman Romriell moved that Rodney Clark not be required to provide underground wiring where power poles are at the back of the lots in the Neider Addition. However, no additional poles can be installed to serve subdivision. Councilman Taylor seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, no; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes. SEWER SERVICE LINE - John Valenty informed council he plans to run the permanent sewer line to his proposed trailer park in June of this year and requests not to be required to install the sewer line to his present trailer from Valenty Rd. Counc~2men agreed this should be alright. FLOODING ALONG JOHN VALENTY RESIDENCE - Mr. Valenty explained to the council a water drainage problem ~long his south property line of his home. Mr. Valenty suggested a four inch valley be provided to take care of the natural water runoff. METER REQUEST - John Valenty requested a water meter be installed to Bill's Food Store. Oregon Construction evidently caused this meter box to be filled with gravel and broken and Mr. Brennan has refused to dig it out sad install meter. Council agreed to have ~ity dig this out and install meter. SE~-EE SERVICE ~'~ P~EQUEST - George Shiozawa has petitioned the council in a letter that he be charged only city rates for monthly sewer service charge. He stated the justification of this request was his granting of easements for the Chubbuck sewer main line on his property. Attorney Burnett said he felt this adjustment co~ld be taken care of with Housing and Urban Development. Attorney Burnett asked council on what basis the city justifies charging 1--~ times city rate to sewer connections outside city limits. Attorney Burnett was requested to research possibilities of granting Mr. Shiozawas request. S~ER PUMP STATION ON SHIOZAWA PROPERTY - Mayor Cotant asked George Shiozawa if he would approve the city constructing a builidng over the sewer pump station on his property. Mr. Shiozawa stated he saw no advantage of a shelter being built over the pump station at this time but when the land use changes he would like the pump station installed underground as he has requested. Mayor and Council agreed to install pump underground when Mr. Shiozawa determines a desired change be made in the land use. Council directed city plerk send George Shiozawa a copy of minutes~as hi~ ~egQrd of this agreement. .~ ~.~-~' ~ ~t~- ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER - Mayor advised council in hiring Darrell Burrows as the ~ animal control officer he had agreed to pay Mr. Burrows $250.00 per month and asked councils approval. Councilman Romrie~l moved the council approve the $250.00 s~lary. Councdd~nan Menard seconded and requested a review of animal control progress in a couple months. Ail councilmen voted in favor of motion. CITY DEPOSITORIES - Mayor and council discussed the city depositing funds within the city and outisde city limits. Attorney B~rnett read from Idaho Code, Title 57-130 and 50-1015. Attorney Burnett has prepared an ordinance p~oviding for city c ompl ianc e. l?l ORDINANCE #14~ - Specifyiug the place or places where the City Treasurer shall deposit funds belonging to the city; authorizing the city treasurer to make certain investments of such funds pursuant to resolution of the city council read in full by Mayor Cotant. Councilman Taylor moved to dispense with rule of reading on three separate days. Councilman Romriell seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes. Councilman Romriell moved the council adopt Ordinance #144. Councilman Taylor seconded motion. Roll call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes; Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes. RESOLUTION # 3-75 - Resolving that the City Treasurer deposit funds belonging to the city which come into her possession in the Idaho Bauk & Trust Co., Chubbuck Branch. That the City Treasurer be authorized, upon advance disclosure of contem- plated investments to invest city funds in her posession in securities as de- fined in Title 50-1019. ~r~'Councilma~f~Moved to adopt Resolution ~f3-75~ Councilman Menard seconded motion · ~- ~ RoZ1 call vote: Kinghorn, yes; Menard, yes, Romriell, yes; Taylor, yes. [~ IDAHO METAL FINISHING v~ CITY OF CHUBBUCK - Attorney Barnett informed co~cil the Idaho Metal Finishing claim has been settled. The city insurance carrier settled with partial payment along with Oregon Construction insurance carrier. Attorney Burnett signed the dismissal case with Idaho Metal Finishing. JERRY'S ~-W~;~:~.~ - Attorney Burnett read letter from Jerry Tydeman stating he was not operating a business from his home. Attorney Burnett said if the council could provide some proof that Mr. Tydeman is doing business at his place of residen.ce he could take further action. ORDINANCE ~1~3 - An ordinance declaring the existence of weeds a nuisance and setting penalties read in full by Mayor Cotant as first reading. WATER LINE IMPROVHMENTS - Mayor Cotant read a letter from Jerry O'Neal, Environmental Services Division, pointing out that Chapter 12, Title 5~ of the Idaho Code, requires that a~ Idaho Professional Registered Engineer must execute the plans and specifications on any project which involves the use of $2,000 or more of public funds. Also, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare regulations require that those plans and specifications be approved prior to commencement of construction. City council and mayor asked Attorney Burnett to review this code for his recommendations as to the requirement on city replacing water lines. FINANCIAL STATt~NT PRESENTED to Mayor and Council. CLAIMs TO be paid in March presented to Mayor Rud Council. After discussing claims Councilman Kinghorn moved the council approve for payment. Councilman Menard seconded motion with an unanimous vote in favor of motion. SALARY INCREASES - Council discussed salary increases for employees. Councilman Menard moved salary increases for employees be approved at 12%. Councilman Romriell seconded motion with all councilmen voting in favor. Councilman Menard requested city work out a pay increase schedule for police department so after a specified time all 1st class patrolmen would be receiving the same salary. FIRE PROTECTION AGRNFMENT - Mayor Cotant reported to council the Bannock County had agreed to contribute $15,000.00 to city towards county fire protection in northern part of county. Councilman Menard moved the meeting recess until further notice if necessary at 12:00 p.m. O. Cotant, Jr., M~/o~ 1975 BUDGET - EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - GENERAL FUND 367,437.60 Gen. F Carry -Over= 73,537.60 FRS Carry -Over (10,372.64) Total FRS Budget (44,872.64) 410 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 411 Legislative 61100.00 61,172.00 Salaries 4,800.00 421.5 AIC Dues 600.00 4,000.00 P & Z General 200.00 Other General 500.00 413 Executive Animal Control 2,200.00 Salary 2,400-00 4,000.00 422.2 Other 500.00 415 Financial & Administration Phone 10,600.00 000.00 415.1 Salary 6,000.00 2,400.00 Office Supplies Election 4,000-00 750.00 415.3 Equip. & Maintenance.,. 600.00 416 Legal 500_ .00 Compensation 7_1500,00 Publication 1,500.00 Other Legal 500.00 419 Other General Government 43,760.00 419.1 Personal Benefits 16,,100.00 Retirement 82000.00 FICA 8,100.00 419.2 Printing 500.00 f 419.3 Insurance 15,500-00 State 5,000.00 Gen City Coverage 5,500.00 Medical 4,500.00 Other 500.00 419.4 Utilities 2,172.60 Phone 912.60 Lights Water - Sewer -DC 363.00 Coal 250.00 419.5 City Building 9,500.00 Remodel Office 3,500.00 FRS 81968.92 Outside Yard 5,000-00 Other Expense 1,000.00 420 LAW ENFORCEMENT & PROTECTION 421.1 Administration 61,172.00 Salaries 421.5 Records & Supplies 4,000.00 Supplies 2,000.00 Clothing Allowance 1,000.00 Animal Control 1,.000.00 421.7 Care & Custody of Prisoners 4,000.00 422.2 Communications 4,150.00 Phone 1 000.00 Radio Dispatch 2,400.00 Radio & Repair 750.00 422.9 Equip. & Maintenance.,. X00 00 722962.60 $1•,822.00 GENERAL FUND CONT'D 423 FIRE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 423.1 Administration & Salary 14, 000.00 Cnty Salary (const sal =1500) 6,,500.00 Compensation Mill L 7.00.00 FRS 423.5 Fire Alarm & Communication 2,000.00 Telephone 1,500.00 Radio & Repair 500.00 423.6 Fire Equip & Bldg Maintenance 29,048.72 Fire Truck Pymt 10,54$.72 Equip Maint 22000,00 Bldg Addition 10„,,500.00 Bldg Maint 2,000.00 Other 4,000.00 423.9 Auxiliary & Other 3,100.00 Utilities 2,000.00 Chubbuck Days 600.00 Other 500,00 424 Building Administration & Inspection Compensation - Salary 52750-00 Dues & Supplies 250.00 430 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT & TRANSPORTATION 431 HIGHWAY STREETS AND ROADS 431.1 Salaries 14,,640.00 431.2 HSR Construction 232610.00 Paved, Unpaved & Signs 431.3 HSR Maintenance 5,000-00 Paved & Unpaved 431.4 Snow & Ice Removal 600.00 431.5 Street Lighting 10,000.00 St. Lights 8,500.00 Other 1,500.00 431.9 Equipment & Repairs 13,280.90 Backhoe Pymt 2,275.00 Sander & Other Equip x,500.00 Equip Repairs 2,500.00 Gas, Oil & Other 2,005.90 432 Engineering 438 Parks 438.1 Administration Salary Recreation 435.2 Parks Maintenance 435.3 Parks Construction 452 Health & Welfare 452.1 Ambulance 452.2 Civil Defense 452.3 Southeast Health Dist 452.4 SEICAA - RSVP 452.5 SICOG Other 6,500.00 4,000.00 2,500-00 4,500.00 5.�0�0_0_. 00 FRS 3 ?000.00 2,500.00 100.00 22255.00 500.00 720.00 100.00 48,14$.72 15,000.00 17,000.00 16,148.72 6,000.00 67,1 3,500.00 16,000.00 6,175.00 FRS 4;755.00 490 OTHER GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES, CONTINGENT & OTHER 65,698.38 490.1 Audit 1,200.00 Property Pymt 14,000-00 1975 BUDGET - EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS - WATERWORKS, SANITATION AND SEWAGE FUNDS 434 WATERWORKS FUND 434.1 Administration Salaries Office Supplies Equip & Maint 434.2 434.3 434.5 434.6 434.7 434.5 434.9 30,.160.00 27,160.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 WW Supply - Pump Maintenance Pumping - Power & Utility Waterline Transmissions & Distribution Improvements Repairs Connections Customer Accounts Bonds & Interest Personal Benefits to Gen Fun Employer Share -FICA Employer Share Ret Employer Share -Gr Ins Workmans Compensation Equipment Ins. Equipment, Pymts & Repairs Backhoe Pymt 23275.00 Other Equip 5,000.00 Gas, Repairs & Other 750.00 434.90 Waterworks Contingent & Other 15.314.74 FRS 5,000.00 7,500.00 Y2,+000.00 12,000.00 500.00 -0- Fund 5,475-00 1,575.00 1,900.00 425.00 70.00 52,5.00 5,025.00 433 SANITATION - GARBAGE DISPOSAL 433.1 Sani - Salary & Adm. 435 435 433.1 433.3 433.5 433.9 SEWAG E 435.1 435.1 435.4 435.6 435.7 435.5 435.9 435.9 9 SEWAG E Salaries Office Supplies Equip & Maint Sanitation Contingent Landfill Disposal Personal Benefits to Gen F Employer Share -FICA Employer Share Ret Employer Share -Gr Ins Workmans Compensation Equipment Insurance Equipment, Pymts & Repairs Equip Truck Pymt Repairs, Deisel & Other FUND Salaries & Adm (Sal = 19,516.00) 650557.21. Supplies 11000.00 Office Equip & Maint 1,000 .00 Sewage Contingent 1.7, 011..21. Treatment 158000.00 Bond Retirement Fund @16,530 yr 33,660.00 Bonds & Interest 650000.00 Personal Benefits to Gen Fund 3.535.00 Employer Share -FICA Employer Share Ret Employer Share -Gr. Ins Workmans Compensation Equipment Ins Equipment & Maintenance Utilities CONSTRUCTION FUND 27,502.55 16,196.00 1,000.00 11000.00 93606.55 2,400.00 3,470.00 950.00 1,135.00 350.00 65o.00 ,355,,00 88000.00 5,000.00 3 1000.00 10150.QO •• •• • • •• 235.00 9,370-00 11000.00 385,369-53 146,974.74 Carry -Over 27,324.74 Est. Rev 107,650.00 FRS 121000.00 41,672-55 Carry -Over 10,672-55 Est. Rev 31,000.00 196,,722.24 Carry -Over 25,222,24 Est. Rev 165,500.00 155,000.00