HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 09 1971 CM 21~ Miautes of the regular meeting of t~,~e ~;s6~or and Council he_ d ~m the municipal bui!aing November 9~ 1971- Meeting called to order 8:00 p.m, by Mayor Cotsn%. pz'esent: Ha},'o~" Cot,co~ Cou~cfiimen Lesli.e~ Ro~riel_l_~ %'ay]_or a'ad Thomlsson. At%oPr~ey Wise. PAi~L FIR-, TRUCK bids opened and road. !ids were~ int~rmountain Che~olct~ ~i3,!??,~1.5; Paul!s Yontiac~ :}3,~.20,Z~9~ C~ !id Flandro~ $3~1~2.00~ Mayor suggested Fire Chief Denny Jones be allowed to look bids over to see if bids ~.eet spesificatfon. Coul~ciL~sn llcr~riel! made motion city purchase pshel firs %~"uck subject to agreemex% on hic]~ krat,~ne seoo}~ded, Al! Jn favor. CITI BUll, DIN{ ROOF RiD frov: RoeIG~ Hounta~-~, P. oofing was opened and ~"ead. Etd was Uounci]m~a~'z TeN!oN lade motion 'he ~.,ccept hid~ Leslie seconded with ~:, 1 in ~ATEPTANK iNA![',~Ii{O .- Mayor stated proposal of Urals Fainting Co. to paint top of large tank for s'~! of $~00,00 arid %0 paint snlsl! tank COl-~lete for {~1~150.OO, Co-e~ei!man Thompson made motion to acce~'t proposal of St~'te Palm. ting Co, ~ TsF'!er seconded. All in favor. BURL-;~ ~/K~!',TiFi LINE -- l,~'. ~c~:gber still owes city $3902:3 fez' mate-'ials in vmter line on lurley Dr, New home ~s being built cn Sex_Lo2 sr_t will he appitinS for a seater hook-~Lp and the citer shouldn't allow a tap off %his line enti], this bill is paid~ Oounc~man Romriell suggests 8 lo%her be wrJ.15%en to [,?. -[c0m~sP infoNning bix line cannot be hooked into ~ti! i% is paid. Cop}; of letter also %o be sent 'Lo new home o,.gners~ Hr. & MPg. Hser and Fa. PrePs Nome Aiizin~sLra%ion. Elgf0RCI~i,ilI~NT OFFICER needed fcP p!a~!r~g ~i;d Zcoir_g Ocin~ssion. }[ayor suggested jm'~es Branson be asked to fill this appointment. A!l cohm. cil-~en agreed ]~s ~.~oul¢l be fine. Del Peters ahd Jack Kensr~] of zoning co;xission p?esent and also in approval this. INTER'HDUNTA [~[ CIE CO. representati~es~ Oiabi -[,~cCa'...,ley~ Ken l'Tolfe~ retry Derrick and Scot% 3ussel!e were present, r~ay Brady from Dupont Co. presented bsckgro~.~d of plastic pipe usage fcr gas distri}/~.tion, Scott ~ussei_ie made rsq~es% on behalf of Ixhermountain Gas %o ute plastic pipe for gas lines A~ Chubbuck. Dezisns'hration of pipe and pipe connections given. MaDder sugEested tee Oas Co. present the city with references fro/A other municl.pslities usin6 this pi}}e, ORDINANCE ~11i01 permit?'ng sale of beer for retailers licensed fo,~ cons~x:_p'tion off premises on S~d~y Feed in full by Ha~o~' Coqant, 3io%ion ~Te~de 1¥ Co~is~Tua~! 2omrie!i to dispense with r~e of reading en three separat5 da/s~ Thompson seconded, Roll call re'he: Les!ie~ yes~ lomriel!~ 3-es~ TayloP~ ~,~es~ ThoL!pson~ yes~ Hohio,;~ ~.?~de Councilms~ Nomriell %e adopt Ordinance ;',!0!~ ssco:~ded sj~ Thompson. Roll call vote: Les!ie~ no; ~'.omrieil~ yes; TayIor~ no~ Tho {Neon~ yes. A tie ~,ote ~'eq.uired %he ~i!a}oF to vo%e~ ~,aFoP Cotan%~ yes, FINANCIAL 8TAT~i'.PiNT for month of October i,resentsd to Hayor and Con_ad !. CLAIMS for _'sonth of Noverber presented %0 Hsj'cr and Coumcll for pat,~}~ent, !',fret some discussion 0o:~ci!Nan Ta~!er made mo%ion Lc, p~r bills~ Leslie sesonded with ail in Clothing allowance £or pein'ce departme:~'t questioned and is %o studied and con. s~dered. STR¥&T8 - Discussion was had as to street construc%ion~ maintenance &nd revs,fir. Meeting recessed un%il further nohice ~f nscesser2. PTiNutes 0£ ~.,~1o.~ meetinS o, -'-~ .