HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 14 1971 CM 201 ~%.n,ut~.es cfc, the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held at the city municipal m~.amng, oeptember 14, 197]_. Meeting called to order: 8:00 Present: Mayor Cotant, Couricilmen Leslie, P. omrie].l~ Taylor and Thompson. Attorney Councilanan Thompson excused at 8:50 o.~n. Minutes of the regular meeting of August !1, r~ad and approved as read. MINGO ]gATE~ LINE - Residents from Hingo La_ne present and est~aates of cost were given them~ which was 2.34 per foot o!us extra hock-up costs of 49,37 for those with present hook-ups, ~ TM a~= new nook]ups will be subject to t~e regular ~= a ~- 1~0 fee. Legal technicalities will be looked into 6o see which way the line will be able to go. Mayor s~gests the residents ev~uate the estimate sheets ~d see i~ they can get 100~{ signers, if not an L.I.D may need to be City E~ECTION N~ICE read in f~l by M~yor Cotm:t. Council approved for election notice to be published ~d posted. CLERKS %~[ORKSHCP in McCall - Mayor s~gests it be apprcved for the clerk tc go to McCa!] to a workshop held for clerk and finance officers September 2~ and 25. Leslie made motion clerk be allowed to go to this meeting, Taylor seccnded. J!! ~ favor. WATER ~FI< t{E0~ST - Hillard jones has reouezted a water meter or the minimum rate. After some discussion decision was tc {nstall a water meter. ..... '~ od'~ACT 2 Ms~or read letter ~ understanding of aumator contract from Dale Jones for a fee not to exceed $800.00 per year ~ ' ~ o, ao. Ken Carter for a fee ~ + ~- ~o~ to exceed $750.()0 per year. Mayor stated satisfaction with Jones work but perhaps ~ ,..o~zd be well to let the busLness locally. ~ounci~ Thompson made motion the city contract with lien Carter for %he next two years, Taylor seconded. Leslie, Taylor and Thompson voted in favar~ Romriell absta~ed, GROCeRy STORZ: BEER S~o - Charlotte Kerz~edy made request for the council to consider allowing grocery stores to sell beer on Sunday. She stated theD, had never let beer sa~es get out of hand at their store~ the law had never been called to the~' store for control. Mrs Kennedy stated the~r ~, ~ uu~_n ...... had ~ - ' $600.00 Thompson Suggested the council take the matter under advisement. Nayor told Mra. Kennedy they would ~' ~ ~ ~Zs~U~S this '.¢i~h ~o~'~ ~ ~l.~ Chief aid wo~d be taken up at connci! meeting S~t ..... r 26th. z,',,NIN,~ - Ed Stuart was ioresent and asked if present zoniag would prohibit him having cattle. He was assured he would bs able to keep 'sis cattle ~sP~%il the acreage is ~ a'a-dmvlded. WATEE l','i[i;T'~,. L'-~T=,~ 2./i.~-:ND[,iENT Maycr g' ~' lo~¥ering city l~it rates to less +' ~O~,' ~aan the l~;~, abcve ~itv ]Jsa~%s rates as apse, roved at. a rec~t meeting. Les!ie~ i{omriell and Taylor in fa¥or of !cwering same. ~jor to check ~d.th Councih:an Thompson before ~s~en~,ent prepared. SPEED SIGN REQUEST made by Ernest Stuart from htitaker P~d. Co-mncil · ag ..... ~ to place a~ether smgn on the street. =q ~ ~ ....I ~ N !,'aa - - ~.~/ read ]n full by !da}or Cotant~ This pi'cperty lies around and behind the N. ed~,~ood Gardens on Yel!o¥;stone southeast of Interstate !SW~ tlsmriel! "n~ ~ ' to ~e~ of reading ordinance on three separate days~ Leslie made ~-,,t_on suspend r TM ~ ,~eeo~.d~e. ~c,~ Call vote~ Lesiie~ yes~ Rolrrieil~ ye=~ 2aylc~r~ yes~ No~ri~l motion to adopt a~exation ordinance 2'oo ~e~l i e , ~,~ .... seconded. ~o!i call vote; yes; Nomrieil~ yes; Taylom~ yes. ZONING CP. DINANCS ~'.~ 98 rea.~ by t~ .... by ]-~ayor CoLant for second POLICE D~'~P~lim~Si]m .. Mayor reqves%s ~h~ ~] i ~ - · ....... ~_~ ~u~_c~ Departmen% watch cnl!dren stepping out Jn front cf cars while waiting fop bvs and eerhau, s get nemco a2ld report qc -earents. Aieo suggest they ask older children %c %aiv %o slab. Ii. er chi!titan of 8~-~-L~ of playinE in ~ ~ TRAILER rANK - pROPOSeD PTa ~or 203 - ~ - , ~, reed letter from John R. Valenty,about construction he plans s~.d has hsen doi_n6 on Valenty anc~ ~ . , ..... u ...... ~a~ gl u,.~e ~ra!l~P ps,Ix was enclosed. Coencil seemed ~o agree ~h~ : ~ ~,ir. Vaien%y conforliled to ~he .-resent zoning ordinance they ~od.~_d see no reason he couldn't cont~ue te develop his park, They deten~:ined there will be no need for this to be presented to plannin6 and zoning coir~lission as i% is in a p]atted area and cor~mlercial zeno~-',,,,nzcn' ' would all. ow a trailer park business Hr~ Valenty ~s %o be nohified he mnst confon~ ~o o~' ~ requirements. DOC~ - Council~lmn Y~cmriell asked what · ~ a~=,an has been taken on dogs in city. Has any ~uaa~s~s n-~zn,6 T~lu, ot as dog co.t,~.~ on trial basis FiNiaNCI-~i STATEi~S'}fP presented tc council, C~,Ii~S FOR SEPTZ}i~:]N presented to council for pa~' ent, Councilman T~s~_~r'~"'n made mo-ozon' ' to approve '~: ._ ~ Olo.~IllS~ Leslie seconded. ~'~1! ~r! fax;or. Nayor is~structed cleric %o pro,-rate bill ofr~o-~t~cter'~o* ~ for cl~%n_.ns~ i - ara, mn' 'ditch on Hiway ~ ~- - ..,e. sad bill the two armors share to them. Meeting adjourned at 9:65 until further notice if necessary, Hayo r