HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 09 1971 CM157 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council held in the City Municipal building March 9, 1971, Present,: M~yor Cotant~ Councilmen Les!i% :omrie!l, Taylor and Thompson. Called to order: 8:00 P.M. Minutes of last regular meeting read mud approved as read. Mayor reported numbers for homes on ~zst Shubbuck are awailable from P~allif ~gineers~ Street lights have been ordered to be installed by Idaho Power Co. 1~. Miche].s has been instructed to proceed as fiscal agent for the C~ty's Proposed Water and Sewer project. BUILDING PE~!TS = Discussion as to needs of inspections in our city, also requirements needed to obtain permit~. Desire is to find uniformity of building permit charges. Council a~reed to follow National Building Code Specifications. ~RIANCES = L. W. Bayliss request to place trailer on property so they might care for their aging parents. Zoning board approved this request 2/!8/7h Co~mci~ approved. Permit is to be issued with stipulation that trailer is tc be remcved when not needed for this special purpose. Bayliss must furnish signeted, es of all residents within ~O0 feet approving this request, Earl W. Cellan requests to put trailer on F. Vern Briscoe property, Zoning board approved th_is request 2/18//71 after an earnest money e~reement was f~rn~shed. Council approved this area at the 5400 block Yellowstone for a trailer. 0~QDINANCE ~92 = Covering checks ~mitten on insufficient funds or no funds° Read in fml] by Mayor. Motion to dispense with rule of reading ordinance on thrSe separate do.ye made by ~o~nc~lman Leslie, seco~6e~ by ~ .~a~ Ro~cie'~l~ yes; Taylor~ yes~ Thompsctb yes. Motion to adopt ordinance made by Thompson seconded by Coumci!man Tsy!or. Re!; calI vote, Les!~e~ yes; ~omrJe!!, yes; Taylo~ yes ~hompso~ yes. BUDG!]T = Notice of public hearing on proposed budget read 6y I..~aycr. Counc'~lman Leslie made motion to tentah-lvely s>rrove budget se presented ~or pr!;]icat.ion, Taylor secouded an~ all fin favor. I['{i?i;".TIHG CITY SUHPLUS FUNDS = Dennis suggested investing city surplus funds in certificate of account deposits not %o exceed 62%O00,00 in any one bank. ':.~zyor and Leslie to meet and deci~e what a~ cunts can be ~nvested and ~_1! report a+. next meeting, PRO?0Si~]D SUB-DI~fiSION = _Mr, J~mes Woodland presents: proposal for sub-divisinr~ within one mile ].~mih of Chubbuck between Philbin and Rio Vista iqd. north of lin%cretans, questions ',~ere; does he ~:~eed to cor:~p]_F with ci:,y ordinances and P,~il! water and sevrcr be avaJ!eh!e? Council e!] agreed 6he city csnnc{, f_]rnish ur, i!ities aL this time but l¢~oodland~ Ri,, ;~2 83x }12-B verJ~3~inS decision %Net city c$nnot furr,ish water and sewer to proposed sub-dJ~risJon in this ares. ~AT~Ii NETE~ = M'o. Green, 177 Stuart request;~d that me±er not be installed 6 feet inside street curbing on his property. E:p!ana±6on was mede that street has 5 ft. easement inside curb aed ord.inence states c.ity can install meter I ft. inside property !!ne. Howe~er, because of undergroamd ~ocks a.~d rock garden bei~g present at area that a meter would be ir. stalled inside borne with a remote reader on same. Pinaco fei statement presented to council. Bills res~±~d t .... '" _ ._ ' p .... ..~.l.rl31 for pa~r~ent. Councilman ltom~'~e]l made motion to pay ~s!ie seconded pnf~ all in favor, BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971 GENERAL FUADS ESTIMATE OF INCO~ Taxes -f ....................................... Lic ens es ...................................... Road & Bridge, Hiway User's Revenue .......... Liquor Refund ................................. Police Fines .................................. Water Dept. (taxes for salaries) .............. Gas Franchise ................................. Tax Phase Out ................................. Dog Tags ...................................... Building permits .............................. Contingent (carry-over) ....................... Total ....... 55,303.00 2,835.00 12~000.OO 8~5OO.OO 2 ,~00.00 2t 000.00 1~500.00 9OO. OO 2¢000.00 27.380.00 118,418.00 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Administration ............................... Salaries ..................................... Office Supplies ............................... Audit ........................................ Utilities ..................................... Phone ................. 500.00 Lights ................ 600.00 Fuel .................. Water ................ 1~200.00 Legal ......................................... Attorney ............ 2,400.00 Advertising ............. ~,000,00 Engineering .......... 600,00 Street Lights ................................. Insurance .................................... Fire Department .............................. Salaries ............. Telephone ............ Equip~ Repairs, etc.__ Streets Equip. & Equip. Repairs- Salaries & Wages ....... General Repairs ....... Equipment Payments ..... Street Improvements .... Police Department Salaries & Wages ....... Operating F~xpenses Car Repairs ......... Gas, Oil, Servic~---- Radio Repair ........ 2,700.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,500,00 6.750.00 4,000.00 1,100,00 8,000,00 20,000.00 600,00 1,800,00 1~800.00 7~100.00 1~000.00 550.00 2~700.00 8;OO0.0Q 5~500.0~ q~OOO.OO 8~?00-00 2q~. OD0. OO BUDGET F(i~ FISCAL YEAR 1971 WATERWG{KS FUND ESTINATE OF INCOME Water (utility) ............................. Hook-Ups (new connections) .................. Sanitation .................................. Contingent (carry-over) ..................... Total- ..... &9~000.00 &~500.00 13 ~000.00 26~800.00 93 ~300.00 EST]/~ATE OF EXPENSES Bonds & Interest ............................ Bonds ................ 5 ~ 000. CO Interest .............. ~00.00 Whitaker Road Contract 255.00 Bond Sinking Fund ~- ......................... Utilities .................................... Power ................ 5 ~ 000.00 Gas Co. - ............. 500.00_- Sanitation .................................. Repairs ..................................... connection Materials ........................ Improvements ................................ Office Supplies & Equipment ................. Pump Maintenance ............................ Equipment Payments .......................... Truck Supplies & Equipment .................. Salaries .................................... Clerk ................ 2~250.00 Deputy Clerk ......... 2~500.00 Wat ermast er .......... 7;740.00 Equip. Operator ...... 3~ 500.00 General Fund (taxes for salaries) ........... Contingent (emeRgency) ...................... 5~655.00 5~500.00 11~000.00 2~500.00 16~000.00 20~000.00 2;000.O0 3~000.00 2~000.00 1~O00.00 15~990.00 2~500.00 5,655.0o Total- ..... 93;300.00