HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 23 1971 CMuontmnua~lon o£ City ~o~ncml meet~n~ of February 9, 1971 155 The council discussed the salary schedule for e~p!oyees for the year 1971. The following is t~e pay scale prspose5 by the council and this ~ to be retroactive to Jannary 1, 1971 .... Chief of Police ~ 070.00 Patrolman ~i~ tenance Supt. 750,OO Beginnimg ~05, O0 ~ssi s tarot 6~ ~. CO 6 M ~' on ~as 550. OO - ~e~r 5S5.00 e~ty ,~erk ,650.00 - ' Assistant. 1,75 per hr. All agreed %0 this a~d employees are to be notified Tf ~1 ~ a~e to contact the councilman ov~ ~3 /x~o~e~s desmre to discess February 2~ 1971. -, - , ,- ~.e~a ~n the m,micipal building Present: l~yar ~ + vo~,ant, Souncilm~n Thom~sc, n Hee%~g was not call ed to order beca~se of lack of quorom~ hovrever Bna following is record of ~eeting. . , FISC~%L AGENT = }~. James R. Michels, ~,rfice President of the Pirst Nations1 Bari{ of ~ ' ~{as present, ho present a proposal as ~lnanelal oons~!t~t fop the proposed Sewer asd project. The following info~ation was passed on to those present. a. ~evenue Bond s require %he ci{sy collect mope f,or s~kin~ Fund. - .... ~ co!lection on ~evenue Bond, -- ~ c, Bond attorneys charge 2 %o ~- muc~ for P · ~ d, msc~_Nline to c!ty for P~venue Bonds. DJffic~_t t~ collect, Tremendous d' ' 3 times m= ~ Mayor is to contact council meNbers and inform ~{~. }~[icP, e!s of decdsion. Discussion followed as to ~tt~m, ready for the con~ eleetion and also as to ~deas for zoning areas of the city, Severe! zoni}~g bcard members were present, Meeting recessed until f, ~ mrtner notice if necessary. }iinntes of recessed meetinS of F .fy 2!, 1971 held in the mu~icipal building March 3, !97M Present: I'{ayor Cotant, Councilmen Leslie, ~o~riel! and Taylor ' ' - hms meetmng was h~ld to meet .~+~ e~ ~ High. way denartment ~ro~ect ~]o = ~ --~ ~mgh~,ay Department. Co~c~7 ~ ~' ~ ~ of approxmmate!~z SA~ O0 ~-,- o 2 - . stone NmghwG~' The c~'t~ ~,~ ~ ~ y ,, e ~ ~o ma~nt=~n and service these. uouncil agreed ~or Mayor Cotant and ~gmneer Perkins to travel to Portland %,o take care of business on Water and Sewer · ~. l{eviewed Zoning and some will be at zcni~g meeting Thursday evening, Council all agreed to call_ for .sealed bids on the 1966 Buick Police Car. Discussed trainer estates area. Meeting recessed ~mtil further notice if ~ecessa~y. NOTICE OF PUBLZc PUBLIC NOTICE IS i'~]~EBy GIVEN, That t, he Mayor ~d UOll~CLJ_ of the City of Chubbuck~ Bannock Counhy~ Idaho wi?l meet. on Tuesd? the 23rd of ~D, rch~ ]971 at the hour of 8:00 P.?i.~ in the Municipal Building, 5160 Yellowstone at Chubbuck~ Idaho, for the purpose of considering ~d fixing a final budget an~ making appropriatfi ons to each department ~ fund for the ur...ent ~dscal yea~: at which time any taxpayer may appear and show cause, if any he has, ~y such proposed budget should or shored not be adopted. That the fo!!owin.z table .sets forth the amount to be. appropriated to each department or-'fund for the current f5scal year. ~neral ~.mc~ ~oposec~ 9,,d~t 1972 Streete Street Lights Park Police Dept. Fire Dept. 'All CVcher Purposes Waterworks Ftmd Proposed Budget 1971 Maintenance & Operation Improvements idl Or, her Purposes 21~350,00 5~500.00 6,500.00 25,900.00 -~1,16~.00 1!~.18.00 25,500.00 33,500.00 _3~.3oo.oo 93,300.00 The entire revenue of the City of Cbubbuck for the fiscal year ending ~]st day of December 1970 was ~!72,436.32. ' John O. Cotant Jr, Mayo~ C~_ty of Chubbnck Vera C. fh~mstrong C1erk~ Clty of Cbubbuck BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 19711 GENERAL F Ui'aJS ESTIMATE OF INCOME Taxes ..................... , ............................. Licenses .................. , ............................ Road & Bridge, Hiway User's Revenue -, ................. ' Liquor Refund .......................................... Police Fines ............................................ Water Dept. (Taxes for Salaries-~) ........................ Gas Franchise .......................................... Tax Phase Out .......................................... Dog T~ags ........................... Building Per its .................. i-ZZZiXiiiZiZiiZi Contingent (Carry-Over) ................................ 55,303,00 2,835,00 12,O00,OO 8,50%00 },500,O0 2,500.00 2~000.00 !, 500. On 9oo,oo 2,0(kO.O0 2%380.00 ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES Administration Administration Expenses ................................ Salaries .......................................... Office Supplies .... - ..... ~ ~UG ~t ............ - ................... Utilities .......................... - ............... . Phone .............................. Lights ............................. $00.00 Fuel .............................. Water .............................. 1:2{O.O0 Legal ............................. , ...................... Attorney Advertisi;; ........................ 2~AO0.O0 En:zineerim~ ........................ - 5,000.00 Street Lights -ii~3 .................... 600.00 Insurance .................................................. Fire Dept. - ............................................... Str~{p~F~-~-~g~-~g~F~rrrrrr ..... uenera± ~epalrs ...... ~ .......... i T¢~¢ ........... Wages .............................. 6,750.00 Equipment Payments ................ 100.OO Streeh Improvements ........ l ..... ' ~On,~ ~ Police Dept. - ............ - --- Salaries ........................... Police Officers .... 16,766.00 Police Judge,~.ua.__ Operat~g ~pense~ ....... Lh__.i'~il__ 7,'900.~ Car Repairs ........ 600.00 Court system--- Petrole~ .......... I~6oo.oo Prisoners . ~adio kepaiDs ...... 2~iO0.oO $1oth~ Board-- b ' ----~ ~.00 ' - Park ep%. - ................................................ G 0 Bonds & IntePes% ...................................... ~nds .............................. 2,5~O.00 Interest ........................... Office Building ( kepairs & Supplies) ..................... Contingent (~ergency) ................................. 600.00 6~600.O0 !,500.00 550.oo 2,600,00 ,% ',9'00. On 8,000,00 2~50o.00 6~500.00 25, 90% O0 2~,35o,o0 BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971 WATERWORKS FUND ESTIMATE OF INCOME 'Water Rentals .............................................. Future Hook-ups ........................................... Sanitation ................................................. Contingent (Carry-Over) .................................... 49,000.00 ]5,000.O0 -. 26 ~ &)O., 0~: ESTIMATE OF F~XPENSf~ Tctal ......................... Bonds & Interest ........................................... Bonds ~ ................................ p~O00.OO Interest ............................. 400.0.9 Whitaker Road Contract ............... __ -55.O0 Bond Sinking Fund .......................................... Utilities .................................................. Power Co. Gas Co. --- ........................... 5,000.O0 ............................ f:C'O.OO Sanitation ................................................ Repairs .................................................... ~terials for Connections .................................. Improvements ............................................... Office Supplies ............................................ Pump Maintenance ........................................... ?rqUipm~nt Payments ............... uck Supplies .................. .............. =- Salaries E~u~p. O~erator ........................... ~.~.~0 ........ Clerk ...................... ~__ } nO0 ~, Watermaster ................. 7 vAO O0 Deputy Clerk .................. --- ~!~ ' _ Genera_lFund (Taxes for Salaries) -__---- a~9oO.O0 Contingent (Emergency) .................................... 5~655.00 i1/000.O0 2~000.O0 !6,O00.00 Z7~500.O0 2,O00.OO 2~000.00 2~000.OO !,OOO,oo 16~7A0.00 2.500.00 8,905.00 Total ........................ 9~,309,00