HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 09 1970 CMNinutes of the regular meetin,{i of the N. ayor and Cotmcil of the Citer of Chubbuck, held in %he City Office on June 9, 1970. Present: Cota. nt~ Leslie, Nomriell, TaFlor and Thompson Called to order 8:0& F.N. Thompson requested that tbeminutes be read in the meeting to refresh the memory of the council and to infon~ those in the ~:udience what had happened at the Iast meeting. Ail agreed to this suggestio~. Minutes were then re~d in full by ~bnmpson and approved as read. Parks - Cot~nt reported that he had talked to Fulon Ellis of 8choo! District ~25 and Murray Ia}me, i-rincipa.] ~f Chubbuck Elememntary School about deve!opin_g p~rks in their school gro~d areas. Ellis is going to d[scuss this ,~ith other school_ official~: and see where the parks should be located. Chubbuck scboo! has a. real area for a park, but before we put a, ha, l! ~,rk in the Country ~cr_.s Scboot area, t~e.~ want to know ~us t where the buildings are goinZ to ~e located. Apartment above the V~re Station - is rented :for ,?O0.{~,..~"~ per mono Streets - Cotant talked with Vern Powe]l ;~n! ~owel! stated that an?bing worked out with Christensen is all right with him. The work will cost us the actual Cotmtl~ cost plus material. Romrme]l questioned t~e res~onc~P~l~v,v of lhe Cm[.,~ if ~be Streets we~Pe surfaced. McDevitt stated that he can see mo%bins wron~ es lons as the street to be fixed is the legal width. This is not a prmsnent tying program and wi? not con,mit %he City to future improvew~:n~',s. RailRoad - ])on L. Grote of the ~.)nited TransFor,*,&tion Union w,?s present and ta!ke~ to the Council regard'~n~_. ~ o t;'~ ~ remo~ of ?rains ~:- ~ 3/,~ frnn ~assen~er..~ ~ service from Salt lake Ci,t~ to Butte. After a lonF disc~ssion on this m~tter a motion was by Taylor ~'N~t the '~ ~ ~ '" .. ~. - ~,a:k. Foad keep trains 35 & 36 in service on a daily o -~i N service the This motion was seconded by Leslie. /,.1! in f,' .... . r. it w;}s then a,:r,~aa- ~'~' that the t.[avor write ~ letter to Ass't Attorney General_ . ia. rr,~,. ![Flay acc' ',e_,% him know of Chvbb~aP's f .es:la about this matter. Sewer Project - Leslie reported that he is ~:o:[ng to get, in touch wi~'!: HUD this week to see when the Grant Funds will be available, lie should pr~pa.~e im~nadlate!y for presentation %o 4he ?Gl.lc of Chubbuck just what we propose to do and be ready for an election within 60 da?s. This was further discussed, ifc need a Cit2~ wide meetin~ and be ready to present a Fact 5heat statics cost, tyi~.e of funding, ant convincing ~opl.e it is a necess~:ry project. This meeting shou]~ ~nc!ude %he news medi~ and a representative from the State Roard of Water }?aLes -- Thompson stated that we may n~ed a change in r-:~tes Nit t~at for the present the razes should st;q.~ the same s.s they are for this su,*~er so we can get a good cross section of the Conmunity. ?Ia must run this water DEL%. a.s a business. Thompson l.s '{,o i,.re[.~r'e a letter 'to !~e sent to ell resident regarding use of water in the au%Freer months. Police Dep{- D~ Ur;~sure asked ab, out -: ~ - ... - e~,: ._r a 7~,dar or ~sc~,r ur~it for the Police }e~,'~ !!~clar costs h ~ ~ ..... ()0 ~.ou,, ,,:!~,{,~,. and t:~kes t;;o men :.c kse it. iFsscar costs ..... ¢ it -After discussion it w:~s .q~cided %} r~ iago%her wi~:}t Poca+,el]o ~nd see if %?cae limi+s- cea be changed to he more in line ;,.,lin }ocat, e!lo~s. Yellowstone Ave. speed limits were discussed and i% was decided i'o warp with the State }[i.2hw~2; Dept, sad see if we can get them changed ts read 35 i,iPN .from Sipu;', to Niw;~y ,'lve.~ 2~ MPN from Fiway .t,~e. to the over}mss and~,. NiN from the overpass %0 +,~,~. ,, (]r~:en Triangle. Tk, i~. ~, would tie i~l wihh i~oca,teilo's }5 i.{i:F o'q }o!e Li}~e !:o~:d. 119 New Buildings - ~icDevmt,~. suggested that in the near f~tt:re v?e sho~t]~ p~rst:e a Post Office and Railroad Statio~ for Chubbuck, Motion to pay '[the bills for ~:b.e momth made by ~.omrie!!, sec,r-~,~e,fi by Taylor. All. in favor. Meet": ~ recessed at o:..,.? ~..~,.~ till further notice if necessary. o- ~? Clerk