HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 18 1956 CM24? M~rq~tes af the adjourned meeting of the ?o.~rd or Tr~stees of the Vii]age or Ch~?.?uck, held ~ the Mu~.cioa! Pu~ld].~- of the Village or Ci~.~ t'uck or~ Dec~mber 1~, 19~4. '~ F?ese~t-Ha~'e~, Va]cnty, ~rasure, Ward, ~nd '~2h!ttier. Ab s ~ t- 2e~w~ck. Meeting called to Order at a;10 p.r.;. Pusi~ess of tY, e meeting - Traffic CrdSnance ~36 & Liq~.or ~ice~ses. ~.iquor ~icenses- _applications for ~.]~u~r [icanses for 1957 ~ade by R. C. MiI1~an, [e~a Gian~i~i, a~.d Errest Wrasure. Motion to approve applications made ~y Ward, seca~ded by Harsen. Ail ir favor. Ail xp'pl~cat~o~s are subject to inspection by Hensley of State and County licenses. Traffic Crd~nance .~ 36 - Hensley re~crted that 3 years ago he had a letter from WayDe Summers, Co~mlss~orer of Law ~nfcrcement, giving the Village of Chubb~ck a Permit from the State to enforce Traffic 0rdinaDces and that our Traffic Ordinances do conform with State Laws. kmendment to Traffic Ordinance ~ 3 will be Traff~.c 0rd~nance ~ 36 , Traffic OrdiDance ~endment was read in ~ts entirety by ~ittier, Motion to suspend the rules and read title twice and put Ord~ranc e up for Vote of the Board made b~ Valenty, seconded by Hansen. Roll Call Vote.- Ward-Yes, Hansen-Yes, Frasure-Yes,_ Valenty-Yes. Passage of proposed Ordinance ~ 36. Ward- is that 'all we ~ant in the Ordinarce. Hensley- It ccvers it pretty good because now we can issue cit~tions and they must comply with them. Roll Call Vote on Passage of Ordinance ~36- Ward-Yes, Hansen-Yes, Frasure-Yes, Valenty-Ye s. New Business- Underground Water Permit- Valenty- Hamilton& Voeller want to know if we have Permit from State~ for Underground Water. ~ittier- we drilled before the Undergro~nd ~'~ater Law was passed. Ward-we need the Permit to protect ourselves. Motion made by Hansen tc have Valenty apply for Permit and remit ~$5.~0 for Filing~ Fee. r4ot~cn seconded by Frasure. All in ~avor. A lenghty discussion on the Water Crd~nance followed. Meeting adjourned at 9;30 P.M. Vi].lage Clerk Chair_~an cf the Board