HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 11 1956 CM241
?v~]outes or ' ~
-- · t~,~ Regular Meeting of the ~oar of Trustees of the Village
oF Chubb~ck held in the Municioal F~ilding o~ the Vfllage o~ Chubbuck
on ~ecember 11, ]9~6.
].~eetimg called to order at 2;0~ P.V.
P~'~sent-Frasure, Ha~sen, Valenty, Fenwick, a~d l:./hittier.
A~.sent- Ward, excused for previous b';siress committment.
Minutes eF last Regular Meeting then read and approved as read.
?ills ~cr the month then preseated to Foard. Motion ~or approval of
Pa.ymen~ made ~y Frasure, seconded Yy Hanson. Ail in favor. ~iils follow.
Idaho Conc?ete_2a].30' Richard Hal!-2~.80, R. Y. Whittier-2~.O0,
Stnclair-12.2~4, Continemtal Oil'ia.~9, ~fl City-3.0~, Chu~huck Service-
~0.90, Idaho Power- ~9.1~ & 74.0~, Phone- 17.66, Tal~ot Blacksmith-l.~O,
Tom Wilson-2.00, County Commissioners-190.~O a~d Pruce
Winancial Report For ~.!onth of Yove~er presented to Foard.
~olice Judge Reoort presented to Foard.
Old ?~iness- Water applications- For~s not a~re ~et WTaittier will get
them out.. '
[.otter to County Commissioners for application for J.P.- The letter was
written Nov. 19,19~6 and signed by Board Members and a coov is on file
~,~o answer received yet. -" ·
L4ater connections- Clerk to write a letter to J. Heath and notify him
of the de]inq~ent water .charge of 2~.~0 against the property he is buying.
Property formerly occupied by Willis L. Fry.
'..~illard Fuilmer- a new account. Blaine Swallow the former owner paid a
water charge for one year without using any water so Poard feels there
should he no hook-up charge bu.t ?ul!mer is subject to t~e ~.00 deposit.
?Jater Ordinance- Board will get together and discuss it f~ rt_~er iDformally.
~'olice Car- Yeeds seat covers and seats should be repaired before covering.
J'~e~sley is to Contact Sandy's Trim ~b
..... oD on ~orth ~th and see if they can
do the job.
Traffic Crd!rance- Valenty made a motion to attach an A~.enchment to the
Traffic Ordinance to ~.'ake it~.~unlawful to pass a school bus, loading or
unloading children, in the Village of C~ukbuck Motion seconded by
-enw~ck. All ir. favor.
Yew Puniness- ApF~l~cation for ~,eer a~d Store ~icense Yy Sa~ ~alenty
presented to Poard. ?,~otion to approve application made by ?enwlck,
seconded b~- Hans::n. Ali in favOr.
Ban~ock County has offered the Village .?0.00 flor rent of the Fire Station
for the Primary and General Elections held there this year. ~oard in
favor of accepting the money..
Hensley reported he went to County Commissioners and ohtalned a, kev for
the gravel pit and key for the payloader and that he broke the ~.~to the
payloader. The county fixed it witbo~t char~'e to the V~!].age. '
~eeting adjourned to Dec~::~-e~ la, !q~6 at.
Village Clerk
Chair~'~en of t~e Board