HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 09 1956 CM of Chut:buck held tn the ~,~unlci~al ~uildi~g of the Village of Cnubbuc~ on Cc~c,~r 9, 19~6. ' ~.~eet~:g ca!l~sd to Crder at ,q:10 ~.i;. Abser, t - }~a~sen a~d ':~/ard, e3:c,,~se,d because of ~ork. ~.7i:~ 'tes of tl:ree previous meeti~'~-s were then read , aha aypreved as read. ?ills ~cr the zrc~th ~rese~,t ~ f~ a~21:.'rc, val of Day:~:er~t. ?.':oticn for a~:rcval ~ ~.~ ,, . a..e ~-y Fe~wick, seconded by ~ras:~tre. A].] in favc, r. ~i!ls were as fellows -Idaho Tc:-~er 156.00, .Ta!kot ~lacl:st?ith 9.00, R. M. ~,',~-~.tt~er 10~.00, County Commissforers 7q. CO, Fhcne co. 1~.03 Chub%~ck Service 3~..2~, Sinclair lk.6a, Continental 0~! 7.68. Fi~ancia! re~,orts for August and S~ptember were presented tc ~oard. Old er Vnf~nished ~:.s~ess - De!inq~tent ~.Tater Accounts - Va!enty - %'~e mtn. st make a resc~!ution and stick %y it. Do,at has agreed to pay 3 mot tbs on Farkway Motel and the ba!anc-e due ~s to ]-e paid ky Mary Craig, the previous operator cf the ~Cetel. ;,:otion made ky Valenty to bill Donat for 3 months and bill Mary Craig fc, r the balance. Seconded by Fe~wick. ~1! in favor. Resolution made by Valenty to strictly enforce a set policy collection of water accounts. Water bills are due by the 10th of the month. Between the l~th and on the 2~th of tlne month, the Clerk is to draw up a list of those not paid and present it to the Watermaster in writing. He is tc shut off all the water accounts on the list by the end of that month. The 0O deposit on the water is to be taken into consideration when making a deliquency r~port. ~at will make all deliquencies at least 2 months past due. ~_e ;~2.00 charge for the off and on service will %e strictly enforced, as ~oltows, ~1.00 for turn-off, and ,~$1.00 for turn-on. Ail hook-ups and deposits are to be paid in advance before the water is turned on. Applications for turn-off and turn-on ~:~re to be in ~,zriti~g and kept o~ file. ~e motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Fenwick. All in favor. Water Ordinance - ~.~. t,'ihittier was authorized to draw up an Amen~ent to the p~esent water ordinance and it will be presented for approval at tb~e next meeting. Hous~.ng on Water Tank - Valenty - contacted ~ruce Yicho!s tc build a housing on the inlet and ~T~cho!s suggested that they fill the hole, pack it, and build a box above the ground to cover the inlet. The drain valve will be covered too. ValeDty felt that the saving in cost on such a move was advisable and that thi~ method would ~e equally efficient and so instructed ~,~chols tc proceed. New BusiDess - Bank Accounts - In order to avoid errors at the bank the Board instructed the Clerk to have two new rubber st~.ps made. One for General ~nd a~d one for ~',~aterworks Fund~ Oil Stove from ~ase~nent of :~e Station- Fred Bunco ]oas for ~t ',~ ~ · ~.o,.~on to accept offer of made b:; Frasure, seconded by :~%30.00 offered ~30.00 Fenwick. All in ~avor. School ~us- School Board has ccmp]ained of low fines for passing school busses in Chu'rb:Jck. ValeDty - talked to Jmdge Hall and the Jud~e said be was tryirg to be reascnabie and do abo~t the same as other Judg es ~n the surrounding area. His only reco~rse is tc study the evidence and circu.mstances relating to each case and to try and use proper Judge~ent ir his prosecution. ~,~ittier - No excuse for rassing a bus Do Dot pass ~,~hen arm is out.' ~ · Meeting adjourned at 10 00 P ¥] ?.~ age Clerk Chair,~an of th.e ~oard