HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 10 2006 CM I I I 229 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES October 10th, 2006 Minutes ofa regular meetit'lg held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, October 10th, 2006 Present: Mayor StevenM.England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, RichdMorgan:, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to ()rder at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was led by Michael Dredge, Pack 361. INVOCATION - BishoptNDtt Dredge, Chubbuck 11 th Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter*Oay Saints. APPROVAL OF MINU1"ES- Mayor England asked for corrections and additions to the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 26th, 2006. Councilman Kcal'n$ moved to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 26th, 2006 as read,.C~lman Morgan seconded. An council members voted in favor of motion. APPOINTMENT OF LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEMBER - Mayor England presented. the name of Morris Kinghorn, 422 Mindy to serve on the Land Use & Development Commission. Morris Kinghorn was present and accepted the appointment. Councilman Mol'pn tnOved to authorize Mayor England to appoint Morris Kinghorn, 422 Mindy to thet.a.nd Use and Development Commission, Councilman Stoddard seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING - An application by the City of Chubbuck to adopt Ordinance Section 18.06.200; definition for resi...,ntialrental dwelling; amending Section 18.08.040 scheduleofgen~~ntrolsu to residential use. Attorney Ho1nJct$~;otd~e by title only for the first reading. PWD Smart explained the ordinance. Mayor England declared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor England declareclthe public hearing closed. Council tabled the ordinance until the October 24th, 2006 Council Meeting. I I I 231 .COUNCILMEETING MINUTES - (cont.) October lOth, 2006 ORDINANCE #624 - To vacate certain easements in the Mingo Subdivision that are not used by the City. Attorney HolmeS read Ordinance #624 by title only for the first and final reading. Councilman St~~imov~dJo dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #624 in full and on three s~.e.t!ays,Q:)\mcilman Morgan seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Morgan, yes. Councilman Keatfis moved to adopt Ordinance #624 as read, Councilman Stoddard seconded. Rollcall Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Morgan, yes. RESOLUTION #14-2006 - Changing the designation of Galena Street as approved in Park Meadows 5th Addition, to Galena Avenue. Attorney Holmes read Resolution #14-2006 in full. Councilman Morgan moved to adopt Resolution #14-2006 as read, Councilman Quick seconded. All coUtlcil members voted in favor of motion. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFSltOF DEDICATION FOR PHEASANT RIDGE TOWNHOUSES PHASE I, PHEASANTltIJ:)GE TOWNHOUSES PHASE II AND KA YS KOVE SUBDIVISIONS - CoUrtcilman Kearns expressed concern about the gate installed at Kays Kove on East Chubbuck Road not being installed as required. PWD Smart stated the Fire De.partment did approve the lock and gate. Councilman Stmtdardmovedtoapprove the Acceptance of Offer of Dedication for Pheasant Ridge ToWnhouses Phase I and II, and not approve the Acceptance of Dedication forKays Kove Subdivision until the lock and gate meets requirements of approval, motion died because oflack of a second. Discussion aboufthe gate and lock not being of the expectations the Council had at time of approval of final plat. PWD Smart stated he felt the Council envisioned a sturdy gate that if locked with a chain the gate could l1otbeopened. PWD Smart stated if Kays Kove is required to install a sturdy gate aswasienvisionedby the City, it will probably take litigation. Councilman St04dard moved to accept the Acceptance of Offer of Dedications for Pheasant Ridge Townhouses Phase I and Phase II and Kays Kove as read, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. I I I 233 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) October 10th, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Dan Bull, 3408 West PortneufRoad, Pocatello, Idaho for a preliminary plat for Homestead Estates Division No.2. Dan Bull was not present, nor did he have a representative at this Council Meeting. PWD Smart stated Mr.. Bull has constructed the infrastructure and there have been some building permits issued in the first Phase. PWD Smart presented the Homestead Estates Division No. 2 Preliminary Plat. This preliminary plat is the entire south half of the 40 acres. Phase II goes over to the west boundary line and will construct the Cole crossing. PWD Smart stated the City Staff has reviewed the construction drawings, the construction drawings are back at the developer's engineers office for some minor revisions. PWD Smart recommended the preliminary plat be approved. Mayor England4eclared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor England declared .thepublic hearing closed. Councilman Kearns moved to accept the Land Use & Commission's recommendations to approve the Homestead Estates Preliminary Plat Division No.2, subject to; 1) Cole Road be called Cole, 2) Cole Bridge shall be constructed in this Division 2 Phase, Councilman Quick seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. HOMESTEAD ESTATES DlVlSION NO. 2 FINAL PLAT - PWD Smart recommended the Homestead Estates Division No 2 Final Plat be approved. CouncilmanM()~tt1oved to approve the Homestead Estates Division No 2 subject to; 1) City Bngi_appr~vah)faH construction drawings, 2) Cole Road to be changed to Cole, 3) Cole B.rj~~~~allbe constructed in this Division No.2 Phase, Councilman Kearns secon~.;'''-lItouncitmembers voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims presented to Mayor England and Council. Councilman Kel,l1"1lS moved to approve the computer print-claims as presented, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. At 8: 10 p.m, Councilman Morgan moved, Councilman Kearns seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. ~c.~ Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk