HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 12 2006 Special CM I I I 199 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 12th, 2006 Minutes of a Special Meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, September 12th, 2006. Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Richard Morgan, Attorney Thomas 1. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and CitY Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor England. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING is to discuss 1) Sanitation Pick up in the City, and 2) Fire Department All HazardlSprinkler Trailer display. DISCUSSION ABOUT SANITATION PICK UP IN THE CITY - PWD Smart stated the City has received a lot of complaints since Snake River Sanitation received the sanitation pick up contract, January P\ 2006. The following concerns were discussed: 1; Leakingofhydrauli.c oil onto street and driveways. 2. Black smoke along the sanitation truck route. 3. Absorbent left on streets to soak up hydraulic oil. 4. Snake River Sanitation will not pick up brush, limbs, etc. 5. Will not pick up construction material in sanitation containers. 6. Picking up sanitation after hours. 7. Trucks are not kept clean. 8. Sanitation trucks are not maintained as they should be. 9. Resident's sanitation is not being picked up all the time. 10. Workman Compensation is cancelled at times. 11. Concern Snake River Sanitation will shut their doors. Mayor England stated, PWD Smart and himself meets with Snake River Sanitation once a month, Snake River Sanitation assures us the concerns will be taken care of, but there are still the complaints. PWD Smart presented to Mayor England and Council estimated costs on the City doing the sanitation pick up. Discussion abo\ltlease purchase of sanitation equipment. PWD Smart asked the Council to review the concerns, along with the possibility of the City doing it's own sanitation pick up. I I I 201 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) September 12th, 2006 FIRE DEP ARTMENTALL HAZARD/SPRINKLER TRAILER AND EQUIPMENT - Mayor England and Council went through the Fire Department All Hazard/Sprinkler Trailer Display. ' At 7:10 p.m, Councilman Morgan moved, Councilman Stoddard seconded, with full council approval to adjourn. meeting. /Zt~ Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk " "' =S:::'T1Z ;::O:J;>CO ~zm~ '--t'-- 'mP> Z Oz.-o ,,)>c.- '"1JZtDc <0;::00 mmn(3 ~"O)>)> omz;::o .-;::o-tm mooOO.. )>0.)> zZz oZo Om Oro zmr- -to 00 )>C z=O ms::: ;::Om ooz -t )> Z o ~ o r= =i iii 00 0'1 o <f. tD C ;::0 o m z -t ;::0 0 .- 0 m 0 )> .~ 00 s::: z 0 s::: 0 'T1 00 m m r= z ~ .- -t 5> Fe r a a z z 00 00 ..... .,::. I\> I\> (J.) (p ~ (J.) ...... ..... (J.) -ER -ER I\> I\> 00 00 - ~ I\> ...... -ER 0 I\> 00 y> ...... ...... 8 .,::. 0'1 (J.) 0> 0> .,::. - g --(. m ~ f ~ ~ .,::. ~. b t M .,::. ...... ~ I\> i:.n ~ .,::. 0'1 b o o -ER ...... ...... 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Conlin, City Clerk ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE .._'..",--,-...~:L The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the special meeting as set forth above. D~~ l.z~ ~ 4~ - -- Kent Kearns, Council member ~~.~ r Dennis Stoddard, Council member RiCh~member