HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 22 2006 CM I I I 191 COUN€IL MEETING MINUTES August 22nd, 2006 Minutes of a regular meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, August 22nd, 2006. Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Richard>Morgan, Attorney Thomas 1. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.. by Mayor England. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG INVOCATION. Pastor .fohn Robinson, Gate City Christian Church. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Mayor England asked for corrections and additions to the Special Meeting MinutesAugust 8th, 2006 and Regular Meeting Minutes of August 8th, 2006. Councilman Kearns moved to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of August 8th, 2006 as read and Regular Meeting Minutes of August 8th, 2006 as read, subject to correction of spelling error, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING. An application by Darris Ellis, 922 Sawtooth, Chubbuck, Idaho for annexation and zoning of remaining land in Park Meadows Planned Unit Development for a Residential Planned Unit Development, (PUD) a combination ofR-l and R-2 sized lots. The property is located west and south of 6th and 7th Additions of Park Meadows Planned Unit Development. Land Use & Development Commission recommended approval. PWD Smart recommended approval of the application by Dams Ellis. Mayor England declared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor England declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Kearns moved to accept the Land Use & Development Commission's recommendation for annexation and zoning of remaining land in Park Meadows Planned Unit Development for a Residential Planned Unit Development, (PUD) combination of R-l and R.2 sized lots on property located west and south of 6th & 7th Additions of Park Meadows Subdivision, Councilm.an Stoddard seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. I I I 193 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) August 22nd, 2006 ORDINANCE #618 - Annexing certain lands, namely Briscoe Estates Phase 1, Sunrise East Estates and Park Meadows. Final Residential Development ground to be included within the boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuck. Attorney Holmes read Ordinance #618 by title only for the first reading and final reading. Councilman Morgan moved to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #618 on three separate days, Councilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Morg~ yes. Councilman Kearns moved to adopt Ordinance #618 as read, Councilman Stoddard seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Morgan, yes. PUBLIC HEARING - 2006--2007 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET - City Clerk Ron Conlin presented the 2005-2006 FYBudget, stating the budget was published as required by Idaho Code. General Fund $ 134,513.00 Law Enforcement $ 2,271,171.00 Fire Control & Prevention $ 833,387.00 Building Impection $ 144,731.00 Transportation Hwy, Streets & Roads$ 750,662.00 Engineering $ 12,550.00 Parks and :Recreation $ 661,651.00 Health & Welfare $ 33,395.00 Other GeU~"G()yemmental $ 9.200.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 4,851,260.00 Sanitation Fund Waterworks Fund Sewer Fund TOTAL EN'l'ERPRISEFUND $ 1,143,704.00 $ 1,800,945.00 $ 1,730.767.00 $ 4,675,416.00 Chubbuck Development Authority $ Special RevenUe Fund $ Parks DediCation Fund $ Employee Benefit Fund $ 1,164,000.00 62,900.00 84,000.00 700,000.00 TOTAL 2006-2007 FY BUDGET $ 11,537,576.00 I I I 195 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) August 22nd, 2006 PUBLIC HEARING - 2006-2007 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET - (cont.) Mayor England ~Iared the public hearing open, there being no comment, Mayor England declared the public hearing closed. ORDINANCE #619 - Appropriating the several sums of money deemed necessary and sufficient to defray all expenses and liabilities of the City of Chubbuck for the fiscal year beginning on the pI day of October, 2006 and ending on the 30th day of September, 2007, designating the different funds to which shall be drawn and paid, and known as the "Annual Appropri~ions Ordinance of Fiscal Year 2006-2007" pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-1003, Idaho Code. Attorney Holmes ..tea<i QrdinatlCe #619 by title only for the first and final reading. Councilman K~atIl$'~y~to dispense with the rule of reading Ordinance #619 on three separate days, CoUncilman Quick seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes, Stoddard, yes; Morgan, yes. Councilman Stoddard moved to adopt Ordinance #619 as read, Councilman Morgan seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; Kearns, yes; Stoddard, yes; Morgan, yes. RESOLUTION #10-2006 - to pay the estimated expenses of said City, that there be levied against all the taxable property of the said City the following amounts for the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and that the same be certified to the County Auditor of Bannock County. CC Conlin read Resolution #10..2006 in full. Councilman KearnsDl()ved to adopt Resolution #10-2006 as read, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT, EQUIPMENT, ETC AUCTION LIST - PWD Smart presented the surplus list. (attached) Councilman KeamstnOVedtoauthorize list of surplus equipment, vehicles, etc for disposal at public a'uction, Councilman Morgan seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer printio()ut claims presented to Mayor England and Council. Councilman Motganrnoved to approve the computer print-out claims as presented, Councilman Kearus8eConded. All council members voted in favor of motion. I I I 197 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) August 22od, 2006 At 8:02 p.m, Councilman Morgan moved, Councilman Stoddard seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. ~~. Ron C. Conlin, City ClerK f -# ........... .; CITY OF CHUBBUCK Public works Mem. To: Mayor England & 0Ity Councilmen Fft1III: Steve Smart CC: o.t.e; 8I22l2OO6 He: AuctIon list Please authorizeth$attached list of surplus equipment, vehicles, etc., for disposal at public auction. .~ftems are contracted through Prime Time Auctions. .. 1 ..-. ,.;~, - City of Chubbuck List of'Surplus Equipment, Vehicles, etc. for Disposal August 22, 2006 Landscape Retaining blocks - approx. 30 pallets w/36 blocks each 1- 5 yd. Dump bed 1- Bobcat Skid Sleer Loader.. SIN #501940315, Model 743, wlbroom & bucket 1- John Deere backhoe bucket 4- Chain Link Fence Oates 4- Tool boxes for small pickups 3- Window ACunits 1- Mikasa Plate Compactor- modelWI-185 1- F eleo sheep's> foot backhoe bucket 1- Graco Presideatairless paint pump, 33-1, ID Tag #226 1 lot- Chain link fence fabric Playground EquiJ.*lent-l-meny..go-round, 1- swing, 2-slide's 1 lot- Score Boarc:f$i 1- 1994 Chevrol. Caprice-VlN#161BL52P4RRI42845, w178,018 miles 1- 1998 Chevrolet Lumina- VIN#2GIWI52K7W9278673, w/52,955 miles 1- 1996 ChevrolOtLumiria- VIN#2G 1 W152M3T9281082, w/3 7,024 miles 1- 1998 Ford Raqer-VIN#IFTYRIOC34PB377, w/59,358 miles 1- Small broW\loffice desk L..."-.eomputer~ .. 1- Computer toWer