HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 02 2006 Special CM I I I 171 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 2nd, 2006 Minutes ofa Special Meeting held at the Chubbuck City Conference Room, August 2nd, 2006. Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Richard Morgan, Public Work Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron Conlin. AttomeyThomas J. Holmes was excused. Meeting was called to ot<fet at 5:QO p.m. by Mayor England. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING is to discuss 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Budget. 2006-2007 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DISCUSSION - City Ron Conlin explained the property tax levy. CC Conlin stated the preliminary assessment values are $330,021,719. CC Conlin pre_~ the new construction value along with annexation values. Discussion abouttnilllevy increase for 2006-2007 FY Budget. Council reViewef~ti>l1C;')wingrequests: Transit B1t$Strvice SIECCA FamilyA.lliances Senior Citizens $ 24,987. $ 20,000. $ 6,698. CC Conlin preseatedthe proposed General Fund Expenditures as compared to the proposed General Fund Revenues. PWD Smart presented the proposed water and waster water rates and sewer and water connection fee~lutions. PWD Smart suggested the water and waste water connection fees be impleI11ellted over a short period of time. pWD Smart stated he felt the developers could see the neW connection fees coming out of current business transactions. pWD Smart suggested the fees be implemented 25% every month for four months. Council revieweclspreadsheets for water and sewer rates showing a portion of the connection fees in the water and sewer rates. CC Conlin was directed to see how a 3% salary increase with benefits will impact the individual departments. I I I 173 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) August 2nd, 2006 At 6:50 p.m, Councilman Quick moved, Councilman Morgan seconded, with full council approval to adjo'lltD meeting. ~t'~ Ron C. Conlin, City Cletk 7' .. t J CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING ;"~ CITY OF CHUBBUCK ...,.; ~ Pursuant to Idah6Code Secti()n50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, hereby calls a s~ialmeetingofthe City Council to be held in the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, 5160yeU()wstone, Chubbuck, Idaho at the hour of 5:00 p.m, Tuesday, August 2nd, 2006. The purpose of Special Meeting shall be to discuss 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Budget. fk J .z":t<.<......, - QL. . ./.t.................~..... ........... Date: . .. ...<. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: MA YORANDCOUNOIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO Pursuant to the call se~Jorth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Chubbuck City Councilat~timeand place, and for the object, recited in the call. ~>C ~' Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk .""~..XC' ..A'€KNOWLEDGMENTOF NOTICE The undersigned,"Nfay()randtnembers of the Chubbuck City Council hereby acknowledge receipt ofijfjlice' of the special meeting as set forth above. ~~ ~ D~2~~ oC ~ .A~ Kent Kearns, Council member ftrkd~.u.-- Richard Morgan, Coun ;1 member