HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 27 2006 Special CM I I I 133 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 27th, 2006 Minutes of a Special Meeting held at the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, June 27th, 2006. Present: Mayor Steven M. England, Council members Leroy S. Quick, Kent Kearns, Dennis Stoddard, Richard Morgan, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Attorney ThO'mas J. HO'lmes was excused. Meeting was called to'o~rat6~lO.p..m. by MayO'r England. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETIN(listo discuss 1) PrO'posed adjustments to water, sewer and sanitatiO'n rates; 2) PrO'posed Service and Fee Schedule fO'r Fire Department; 3) Proposed adjustment to' water, sewer and sanitation rates outside City Limits; 4) Proposed adjustments to' Park Shelter ReservatiO'n Fees. PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER RATES ADJUSTMENTS - PWD Smart passed to Mayor England and CO'uncilthe SewerConnectiO'n Fee Study J.U.B. Engineers completed. PWD Smart explained the Sewer CO'nnection Fee Study. PWD Smart presented the City of Chubbuck Water Facility Planning Study on a ledger sheet. DiscussiO'n abO'ut water and sewer connection fees. PWD Smart explained the water and sewer spread sheets, along with comparisons throughO'ut the State. PWD Smart stated the City has had extensive enough growth, we should be looking at new productiO'n, alO'ng with upgrading our water system fO'r increase in PO'Pulation. PWD Smart stated we should take actiO'n immediately. Some of the concerns are: 1. Well 5 has reached capacity. Needs to be upgraded. 2.We need emergency standby PO'wer for all wells. We have nO' emergency standby power at this time. 3.We1l2, Stuart Park has not been used fO'r several years because of the PERC issue. The cO'ncerns are IO'wer now. Staff continues to' test. If the tests turn O'ut positive, PWD Smart recommends we rehabilitate Well 2. 4. PWD Smart stated there are capital improvements in both sewer and water systems that need to be completed. PWD Smart gave examples. 5. Discussion about additiO'nal subdivisions that have been added to the City. PWD Smart suggeste<ithe CO'uncil consider the recommendation of Keller Engineering fO'r the water connection of $2,250. a connectiO'n and $1,000. for the sewer connectiO'n fee. I I I 135 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - (cont.) June 271l1, 2006 PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER RATE ADJUSTMENT - (cont.) PWD Smart stated he has not included in the proposed water and sewer rates any capital improvement funds. Councilman Kearns stated he would like to see PWD Smart's recommended water and sewer rates. Council tabled th~proposed water and sewer rate adjustment until the July 11 th, 2006 Council Meeting.. PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE CHARGE AND FEE SCHEDULE - Fire Chief Eric King presen~ his proposed service charge and fee schedule. 1. FC Kin, expressed concern about the taller buildings and apartments going threearl(lfotlr floors high being constructed, our ladder truck will not reach the top of the buildings. Discussion about impact on insurance ratings. 2. FC King stated he is talking to North Bannock County Fire District about constructing fire stations in their district. Council tabled the proposed Fire Department Service Charge and Fee Schedule until the July 11 Ill, 2006 Council Meeting. At 7 :24 p.m, Councilman Morgan moved, Councilman Stoddard seconded, with full council approval to adjoUl"pmeeting. tfttYVt ~ Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk -::;; ~ ~.. ~ CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF CHUBBUCK Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-604, the undersigned Mayor of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, hereby calls a special meeting of the City Council to be held in the Chubbuck City Council Chambers, 5160 Yellowstone, Chubbuck, Idaho at the hour of6:00 p.m, Tuesday, June 27th, 2006. The purpose of Special Meeting shall be to discuss 1) Proposed adjustments to water, sewer and sanitation rates. 2) Service and Fee Schedule for Fire Department. 3) Proposed adjustment to water, sewer and sanitation rates outside of City Limits. 4) Proposed adjustments to Park Shelter Reservation Fees. 7 fMI(.. J?'1'4 I 'J..oob Date: NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUBBUCK, IDAHO Pursuant to the call set forth above, notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the Chubbuck City Council at the time and place, and for the object, recited in t~e call. c.__,;.~..-. "'-~~.,-".;_ 4vtl ckM Ron C:Conuii,-crryCIefk"" ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE The undersigned, Mayor and members of the Chubbuck City Council hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the special meeting as set forth above. Q>~ j?t . enM. England, . or - - ~ 'IIJ -.. J lAA1L e;J 7 ~ Date: J~ ~~ Kent Kearns, Council member ~.~ Dennis Stoddard, Council member - ~l;t{r Richard Morgan, C~l member 1 2 ~~ CKl)8llljL:K ~"';j1 3 Philse 1 - Treittmc-flt Plant 10 Rio Vista Lift Station $6,914,000 $/,472,000 $558,000 Phase 2 - r-86 L~!l Station, Grav'tv Lines. and For.::e Main $ 882,000 $ 882,000 $- $3,505,000 $3,505,000 $- Pha~4 $8,327,000 $ 10.274,000 $1,941,000 P'1ase :, - Upslream oj Tyree lilt Sl~,I,on $8,679,000 $9,492,000 $813000 Phase 6-Aio Visla 10 Reselvation LittSlittion $9,069,000 $9,069,OCO ,- Tolar Project $ 37,178,000 S 40,497,000 $ 3,319,000 4 Sewer FCilSibility Study 5 6 :J ~~ ~~ 7 q~c. Lv ~ It \~e, 8