HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 11 1954 CM THE REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTU~iS 0F THE I NVTEEA~L~EGEPI~BUC ~J~Mw.H~DL~ T~SO~N~. MAY 1954. VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK WAS HELD ON TUESDAY IITH. MAY I954. INTHE VILLAGE HALL:IN .THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK. Members present were Mr. Valenty, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Ward. Minutes of the previous meeting were then read and accepted. Bills for the month were then read. Motion made by i,'~. Ward Seconded by ~. Fenwick that bills be accepted. Motion carried. Motion made by M~. Ward Seconded by Mr. Fenwick that the city pump be insured with the Great America Insurance Company of New York. Motion carried. Y~. Black Attorney arrived at the meeting at $.4~p.m. It was resolved to levy 20 Mills on Village Property. Motion made by ~. Ward. to approve. Seconded by Mr Fenwtck. Roll call vote was taken. ~. Ward Yes. Mr. Fenwick Yes. Mr. Valenty Yes. Motion carried. The following Estimate of Expenses was prepared by the Board. Street Maintainance ..... '' .... $[~00.00 Street Lights and Power. 7~0.00 Salaries and Wages .............. 4~00.00 Stationery 'Supplies and Printing.~00.00 Garbage Disposal. I00.00 Fire Department Expense. 200.00 For all other miscellaneous and contingent purposes. 6000.00 ~ Total. ~I3~0.00 E~enses payable out of Special Funds. Principal on Waterworks revenue bonds from special Waterworks revenue bond fund. Interest on Waterworks.revenue bonds special fund. Expenses of operation of municipal Waterworks System. Salary of Superintendent Electric Power. Other expenses of operation. Total Total estimate~ Expenses. $2I.~30.00. That the entire cash revenue of the Village of Chubbuck for the fiscal year ending May ist. I9~4. was. ........... ~iI3.3~I.~0. Passed and Approved this I3th day of May I9~4. '~'"~ 0 ~3 00.00 28oo. oo 720.00 960.00 5oo.oo. ~79~0.00 .Meeting was thenja~j~0~ I~-~ at IO.30p.m. until ii'man. ~0RDiNANCE NO,~28.~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE N0.6. 0H THE ViLLAgE OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY IDAHO, RELATING TO RETAILERS BEER LICENSES CHANGING THE ANNUAL FEE FOR RETAILERS BEER LICENSE WITHIN THE VILL~ GE OF CHUBBUCKFROM $25.00 TO $50.00 PER YEAR: PROVIDING A TIME FOR THE TAKING E~FECT OF THIS ORDINANCE: AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES AS FAR AS THEY ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THIS 0R~INANCE: BE IT ORDained by the CHAIRMANAND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, IDAHO: Section I. That Section No. 3. of Ordinance No. 6. of the Village of Chubbuck, Bannock County, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 3. All applications for Retailers Beer License shall be accompanied by a receipt from the Vil].age Clerk for the required annual fee for the license, and such fee shall be paid into the General ~nd of the Village: upon rejection of any application for retailers beer license, the Treasurer shall refund the amount. The annual fee for a retailers beer license to sell beer within the ¥il]age of Chubbuck Idaho. shall be $50.00. Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take ~$,~ effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published in the Idaho State Journal, hereby declared to be the official newspaper in which to publish this ordinance. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS I3th. Day of May I9~4. Attest: Charles T.Viner, Village Clerk. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK. JOHN R. VALENTY. BY--~ha~maR-e~-~-~ea~-e~-Trustees RESOLUTION. ~. L.~ereas, The Board has under consideration the a~t of money required for the General Fund of the Village of Chubbuck, for the fiscal year, beginning May Ist I95~, and endin~ April 30th. I95~. and find that the requirements therefore, will require a levy of twenty mills on each dollar of the assessed valuatiom of all proPerty in the Village of Chubbuck: "NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, Bannock County, Idaho, that a levy of twenty mills on each dollar of the assessed valuation of all the property in the Village of Chubbuck, be, a nd the same is hereby made for the purpose of raising money for the General Fun~ for the Village of Chubhuck for the fiscal year~ beginning May Ist, I9~4 and ending April 30th. IgOr.and that notice be given by the ~lerk, as provided by law,fixing a time and place of hearing on this levy for said purpose, and that said notice be published in the Idaho State Journal, a newspaper published at Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho, once a week for two weeks, and that notices of said hearing also be posted in three public places in the Village of Chubbuck, as follows: One at the door of the Village Municipal Buulding in Chubbuck: One at the front door of the Bills I.G.A. Food Center and One at the front door of Kennedys Cold Storage. It was moved and seconded that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. On roll call the vote was unamimous. Attest: Charles T.Viner Villag Clerk. John R .Valenty. Chairman of the Board of Trustees.