HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 10 1953 CM MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAG~ OF CHUBBUCE,IDAHO HELD NOV.I0 I953 IN THE VILLAGE OFFICES IN THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCE The regular meeting of the board of trustees of the Village of Chubbuck, Idaho was called to order at 8:05 P.M.in the Village offices. ~ne following trustees were present: Valenty, Frasure Fenwick, Gianinni, Ward. All bills were read and approved for payment.Approval motion made by Valenty second by Gianinni. 0~DINANCE Defining Garbage and its disposal. Ordinance #24 was read in its entirety.Motion made by Giantnni sec.by Ward that ordinance be read twice and voted to pass. Roll call vote,Valenty yes Gianinni yes Frasure yes Fenwick yes Ward Yes.Motion passed. Motion made by Valenty that a fee of $2.00 be charged for a pass to use the Scardino dump grounds sec.by Fenwick motion carried. S.A.Mingo was sworn in as Clerk for the Village of Chubbuck. Application for slot machine license for the Green Triangle by Mr. Hill~n.Motion made by Fenwick that license be issued sec.by Valenty.Motion carried. Agreement Contract was brought up by Mr.Hillman whereby he wou~di~a~ll at his expense a 41n. Water main from his place of business The ~entriangle to and connecting to the present 4in.maln which extends south to the present boundry of the Village Of Chubbuck. And at the completion of the installation will convey to the Village of Chubbuck the necessary papers relinquishing all right of owmership to said 4in.water main. In return the Village of Chubbuck will not allow any non- resident of the Village of Chubbuck to use water from said water main,Also a reasonable ~'harg~f~the water used by the Hillman property shall be deducted from the cost of said 4in. water main until such a time that full amount has been used for water furnished. Then Mr.Hillman will be billed the same as other water users. Motion made by Valenty that contract be accepted acce~e~eE~Mote sec.by Fenwick as Att.~ohn B~ack advised its legality. Vote was favorable. The clerk ask that the ¥illage buy a typewriter and adding machine,Valenty made motion that they purchase Typewriter sec, by Gianinni.Motion amended to include Adding machine. Vote was favorable. Represenative of the Bannock Animal Hospital..eq~Atned some fundamentals of the care of stray and ill dogs also the charge for feeding dogs taken in by the vill age in lieu of license 50~per day.Destroy dogsSL00 Attest