HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 12 1953 CM109
The roll v:as called and the '--,"' o ~ -~
- u:uot~ts ans"rere,3, as z o!lows:
~,lu!lo&r~ present; ~'..":~rd, ~z. Pesent; OlalllZ!3ll~ ~P~Sellt; 7~.a.~%~,e,
D?e;0nt; z, env?lc:[, aosenu.
.:.~n~,,es O! uzl~ '$'PeviO].IS ;q!ee'~i!l~ v:ere r,:~'_Rd an,! appPoved.
The.~, Board canvassed the-votes of the election held ApPi! 25, !C~. ~
~:rz o.a. the following z-es~q. ..... ts · Goo Oianinni--ll3; ~r~ · Frasure-'-¢~i30;
L. i{ansen--2[!.; J. Cotant--~8; S. A.
.Oeo Oianir. ni and Er ~-~
· · _.~: asure v..'ere an=~ounced to be t!le~-brustees
elected and were s:voPn into office by the Clerk.
.~o.:.~nau_..ons were omen ..... _,or Chairman o- the Board, Viq]*,.:~oe Clerk,
vz-!,~,.se Treas?.rer, Vill~-:..$e A~torne~, and Fo!ice Officer·
u~¢o Gis. nznnl moved ::nC Er. ~asuz, e seconded the motion that
,l. R. Valen'hV be o!ec.~eo.~ ' Chairman o_,~ the ~o_'.~R ~c.~ %~ne fol]__ov;inS
roll call vote va~.s taken: '.,7':.. r ,',t yes, Geo yes, Er. Prasure yes,
}a!e,..ty no. Not,_on carried
~,,,. ,~,/arc[ n]oved an¢ 9eo. ,~' s!li:~.ni seoonaed .... '~"~ze motion ~%.,'r, Ch-p. rlotte
~e,~..,.,eo? be ulecoec:. ~,z=!.~.se Clerk. ~le ~o!!ov.rznS roll cg!! vote
..:,,.eh: ,;. WaPC -~es,
Va!enty yes. }.;ot ion ..... ~
j .~ tv
~-~. Va!eh moved .... .*, ,-*
...... · . ~eo. Oiani-runi seconded tNe mo-',;ion th~.t
V. H. Kennedy by elected Vill:~se treasurer. ~_e foi!o,.:ins
roll call vote v;as ts:-'en' ....... ~"~s. r8 yes, 9zan~rm~ ..... yes, ~asure yes,
Valen'by yes. Nob'~ on c .... z .
':'-,~ ....... v ...... ~o~-~"-_,=o moved and .q. Gianinni seconded the motion that Carl
llen~le-~__ ~ be retained as Police Officer. The following roll call
vote was taken: Oianin~i yes,
}:'e s ~ ~.~o u~o~ oapried.
The resignation Of J. E. Yalenty as Police Judge
and accepbed by the Board.
v/as read
~;.~±lcat:'_0n of 'o.
.. ~ch,':.rd na!l for ~,ha position of Judge was
read a~d .acc~p~ec~ by ~e Bo._',.rd with the fo!!ot-~inS vote:
Ward ~r~s~ ~ , Geo. Oianin~i ~as, . , Frasure yes, Valenty yes.
~na fei!owing Estimate of ~penses v/as prepared by the Bo~'~.rd:
Stationary .~ Supplies
Garb asa
Water $Tstem ?.,is. inbenance
and accrued interest
~penses of Fire 'Dept
S~ecial Legal ~:.
General ~penses
7 oo.oo
Water System Bond Interest 2000,00
Svster.~ ..... -~
. _ t,,:s, znven~,noe from
reve:~ue s 2200 o00
33fi0o .oo
It was moved by Geo. Gi~i~i and seconded by Er. Fras~e that
the above estimate be accepted by the Board and ordered published.
The following roll call vote was taken: Ward yes, Gi~i~i yes,
Frasure yes, Valenty yes. ~.~otion carried.
','~, delegation,~ of citizens of the Vi]lave_ .¢ was .nresent requesting
t.a~,~ a water line be laid to their property. %ce Board decided
'.to have the ~gineer survey the proposed line and arrive at the
cost of installation. ~ne Village would assu=~e the ,Engineer's
fees for the survey.
%3. e_. Bills were read ~._na- ' alloy;ed.
Black, Black ;_nd Oliver
No~ ~nwe:st Oil Co
Idaho State Journal
Chubbuck Serv. Cor.
Ida;~o Fearer Co
o¢.,~g~s Statloner,s
lo .So
? . 00
~ .07
J. Valenty -moved a:~d ~---
"'* ~i'asd-i'e seconded ='.
· ~.e motio;a that the
bills be allowed. ~'otion carried.
It was moved by ?i. 7;ard and seconded bt., Er. ?rasure that the
Water Svstem~ .. bills "e ~-°]'lo"ed,, subject to '~,,'~r.' 'r~>~:~-'lto~'~'s'~ -' a~prova!
Lotion carried. - ·
Et w.s moved by 7;' ',."..~rd and seconded by J.
. ' - V?.!enoy to nave
.-~ar,.u~er-otone Constr Co fix the" ~-
· ~nt of the Fire
shation a~d also Chubbuck l{oad between the
~,,,oozon carried.. ~ ....... and the canal.
I'~, ,:fas moved by Geo. Gianinni and seconded by W. ~'~'ard to start
t'he charces on the '~Tater system i;'~e first of June. ~:~otion
~-,n~Z '.'...djourned ;?,t !1~30 ?..,,,,;.
1 15
O? Tile VILLb2-E OF CHU3X:ii_;C.['[, I[)<.l{O--.
I do solemnly s,.-~aar~ th-;ct I will uphold the Constitution
of the United .!~tates and of the State of IdsZao and v~ill up-
hold and defend the la~vs of the State of Idaho,
so help me God,
S~,~orn to and signed t~s 12th Day of
May, lpg3.