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~' ° re?.tl.~.r m~ :'bins of t'~e Boar.: of trustees of 'V,~ Viq~o-.? of
~.t~ _, . ....
Cna~,ouc:~ !d?.ho vz~s c?.!!ed to order ~t ~:1~ P4~i. in ti~e V/ll~'~.~e
of Cices. ~ae fo!!ov.,in~ trustees ~;~ere ~resent: Va!enty, ~lsur:~,,
Fenv.~ick, Gianinni :..'i tV:~d ~-~:~ ab~=
The bills for oi~in~ the st?eets ,.?ere r<ad and approved for ~a:)nm. ent
subject 'bo ~';:r. E. Spr~ker's. approval. ' '
Bills to be paid from bhe General ~ktnd were read and av:'.roved
for payment. ''
Bills from the Waterworks fund were re.~,d and approved for payment.
A corrected bill ,~om Ham. iq ton ,?: Voe!ler in the s_mount of :i~3~4.30
~.?zas read and ap¥?oved f~r pasm~_ent.
It v~s.s moved by Art Fenv:ick and seconded by E. Frasure to cancel
the old check dravna for this bill and issue a new one. ?assed.
%"ne foll°vting figures v:ere read on the construct/on of the proposed
water line on Burnside road:
Estim'~.ted cost:
Plan -~ :~0~0
b 6900
¢ 25p0
D 3830
-'z2q ~ ? - .
Ordinance ,r w was read in its entirety at the ~ettemoer meeting.
Art Fen?zick moved to suspend the rules and have the Ordinance read
twi6e by title and have the 0rdinac~ put to a vote. J. Valenty
seconded the motion. ~ne fo!lo~ing roll call vote was taken:
Fen~.~?ick yes, Fras:tre yes, Gianiu_~i yes, Vs.!enty yes. Carried.
title of Ordinance ~-~3 ~.',~as ~,.nen .read tv.~ice ~::o-~,e.
The foq~o~.?ing roll c,:q~ vote v,.'as t=~(en on 0re,nan ce 7r-3 ·
-- _ _~_ _ ~ ~ ~ . ~
F~n~'z!c:-~ ~ress ~asLtre nos C-eo ~' ' ' ed
. ,~lani~.~ ~ass Va!enty no.
0~di-,~nce .:.7~ was not vassed ,
It was ?jm~o~tnced b~, u~n_e c.,.~_.~ir~.,~ ~::~':t ~L~ ', ~
..... ' ..... ac=rdini wants ~ ~
....... ,,~1'~0.00
~er yea~ ~nm the Village ~ ~ .~ .
.......... · o~ the privil~dge o~ letting residents
of the vi!l.~.ge ~'~'mu) garba?e ::~t Xis d~ump.
~Tvon the ~'e'~',,.,~ns.,,~on of b'~e ~ ~e~=nt Vi!i _~2~ Clerk bke av'!ic?,tion
of ~,~r. 3. &. ?,[in,i3o '~.~;?~s acted uDo~ ~';ith the
?r. J~b~ VAle~ty'moved and ~.Geo..~iani:~ni seconded the ~:otion
to acce~t the a~lfcat~on:,of L~r. ,~. ,,~ ~,,'!inso as
carried. '
~}e bo'~rd discussed the advisability of purchasing a radio
for the Police car. '
[,'_.'r. Frasure moved to purchase a radio for the ~01ice car.
Gianinni seconded the motion. The follov,-inS ro!Ic~ll vote was
taken: Fenv~ick yes~ Fras~,~re yes~ Gim~inni yes Vaienty yes
~¥[otion carried. ' '
~[eeting adjourned at 10:10 P.~[.
- 'Ch/irman //