HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 08 1953 CM133 ~_e m"'etins was called to orier ah $:1~ Y.>:. Tko trustees ans,-ered tko roll call as fo!~o,-,s: ValentV present, _ _ ere.sent,. Giani¥:ni ~bsemt... , -- ~ _'~PC[Sl.lPe absent , 7.ia~d present. ~%e minutes of the pre~ious meetinG were read and corrected. It w<~.s moved by John Va!enty and sedonded by Art Fenwic],: that a notation be made in the J't!y minutes pertaim, ing to the ~'}!000 ~-' ............. ~.;~nc~d to the vi!!.~se for tko ~a,~ ~ Sl. rS Nr. Ward moved that the minutes be corrc:cted and ~-~o~,;~s Femvick seconded the mbtion. Notion passed. The contractors Nslson and Pederson submitted a bill to the Village in the mno~mnt of }236.70. Th. is m~.~ount represented all of the ,,~ ~- , ,,o_:, done on the apartment and all !aoor in and around the Fire S~ation. Fenv:ick moved that this bill be ,~aid s~d_ . m~k~d__; ~ in full. ~,~o~zon" ~' seconded by~ "~,~. Ward. Yotion c~_ r;ed. Fenv;ick movec] and "- ' ~ ' .. :.'.:.,.ra s~.conded the motion that the rest of the village bills be paid. Notion carried. · ollow_,ns bills v.,'ere read for the ;'Jauer,,~ori{s' so,-s ot~m.' '~:ze final bill for Arrinston Construction '.:;as read and ap-.froved for pa3nnent with the deduction of ~j}136.}~ ~nis represe~ats the .... '~ _ ~,~o_~.~ which the Vi!Iago spent for b[ckfill %nd ! ;_bor. Bal. Rogers Farm Store Power H~ .... on ~,: ?foe!let Waterworks Equipment .30 l.:lr. Hmmi!ton was infoim:ed ]:U tko Bee. rd th.at 'tie meters were t}_o-h v.~or, kinS properly e:'.~d '.v~zs asked to %zl:e tko :iLi'h~her '?~ with '$ .... Vf!li ,31! ' s ..... ~ Z -,~ ,~ !'.r'} P e , -- ' ...... 0' moved u_:.,_~ -biLe uz_±s be a!io:.'ed. !,"_,orion-'~-'con"Zed bY ~ e__.,.~ ' io!l It ~s ,~ov~d' ~ ~-t ~ ' z~:a :s' condcd oy Jo',~ma Vmlenty ' ~ ........ ~t ........... ,,~,1 20 ~s:'~:~b w'z:~ For the ~e'-,:~ ~ub!i~-~-~- of Ord. ~ Ord. ,~5 was read -:.:a full for t?~e first time after heine re-vzritten. ~:To action -zas taken. ~ ,!~r. ,H?mti!ton :v.:~s osked ;~5- the Bo':~.rd to ~"~re fi ......... the exten- ~ ~ - ,~:-~ .~8 O~ s!on of the vr?'~er ~sTs,~em to B~zrn~i,.2e Ro~d. [.Tr. Wa-~d moved to l~ave an 0r~inm~ce dra:,:;~ ~:,~o~ to the of Fort_une tellers ~:oti°n s~conde,fi '--Art licensing · o o~, ~ .......... ~,,'!otion c~.rri~d. An ap-'lication for ~ ~ . Li~uo~ License and Beer ~ice~se ~as o~sen'bed to the Bo~.rd with check attached by Robt. C. Hi!!man. Fenwic~ moved and Va!enty seconded the motion that bhe Clerk i~ue said licenses. Eotionc arried. ~,,~eeting adjourned !1:00 P.!~,,[.