HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 14 1953 CM'?~:~ continuation of the reces3~d ...... v .... =~ '~ of z~ugust !lth ,~,.r?.s called to order 9. t 1:2~ i~.~. August ILLth. ~.e following roll call vote was taken: Fe:?,vick p~esent; ~Yard-Present; Giarnlini-Prese~t; Frasure-Present; Valenty- present/ The minutes of the previous meetings were read but not approved until some changes were made. Th.e following motion was made by W. %7ard: ",Due to the fact -that Mr. Hil!man has agreed t o pay all expenses in connection with the legal action on the question of the legality of Ord. #21, },~{r. Black shall be authorized by the Board to defend the Village of Chubbuck against the injunction in connection with Ord. No. 21. Motion was seconded by Nr. Fen,,vick. T~-ee following roll call vote w},s taken: Fenwiok-ye~, Gismnini-no, Valenty-no. Ward-yes, Frasure-no, }Zotion failed to pass as the majority of the Board are of the .opinion that the Village of Chubbuck should not be involved legally in the matter. Ward =~?.s in con~plete a~ee.~ent on the p=opooed '~eoairs on C}~u'~buck road. :o ..... '~ ~ _ ~ i,":eetin,3 adjourned at