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07 14 1953 CM
L?he re !i' ............. ] ~-~ me,"tins o'? tb, e Board of ':~ .ste s of -the V']~z__,:,,~',.5e of ChL:bb:lcl{ v.rzs called to order 9. t g:3,s o}r the ChaiPT~:%l of the Bo rd. Bo~d members n ~nt ':/ere J. Vaienty and Art i{eetins~ adjourned. 'mt~l ........... the enl]m.,~m~,___~ monday at 0:00P.¥.,. for !cci,__ of a The continuation of the adjourned meeting of July lk. th was ~a!!ed to order at 8:20 P.r:. July 20th by tb_e ~nairm. an of the Board. ~_ae folio?ring trustees ansv~-ered roll call as fo!!ov~s: Valenty present, !'rfard ~resent, ,~,~ ~resent and ~e~,~,ick ~resent :ir Frasure ab sent. N_inutes of tb_e previous meeting ware ::'cad and approved. %~e follo-~ving bills were read and approved for pa}.Tment: A. U. Gordon (Cess pool) Richard Hall Judge Floyd Hens!ey Leroy Simpson Patton 8: Linton ~. ~. Dar!ey ~: Co (Filing Cab.) ?] 27.80 54.0o ~,0. O0 16.00 !z .So 70.00 hr/.33 ~,le!oon Pederson (uvon Completion) 771.$0 Five-Nile !r_n (Election Di~iers) Chubbuck Serv. Cor. Idaho Power Co Bre_nnsaa, s Hv~de Id~:o St.Rte Journal Chubbuck P!~u~_bins ,?: Heating kT~ ) !1.15 6? .6o ©~, O'~s'~ .......... .... '*,c~-~ PP._: -'~m~-en,'iins T/ater Or,iig_a~ce. ~ ..................... s entirety b:; _:'j;~orne7 S!aci:. · All,% !!-!ye blEe OP'izln._Lzlce re~d t.'.vice more bi,.- title. Tke fo!!o!-,,-./n,: (}i%ninxi yes, ~,',: i Y,~'.:icl: ,,,-~es · ..~;',~'.ion c :'.~ried. '?ie 'title '., ..... . s then -,',~o ~. ~ ....... t"q ce ...o_ ~- ~¢ b.7 ';;-T:~. ,::,_u ::..c 4"' ' . ~=',~.::_.:, foiio,.,/ins roll call vote :,'~a then taken on Ord..C= 22. i.~a!er, by yea, 0r~· '; ::~ v;;;.: ",--"~ in its .~'--; :,.:t~r J:.,~e 12bh L':"'t Fen'..;ick ::~.oved 7m2 L'. T?md zeconded the '._?_orion to ,~usDend bb_a rules a:T:! ~?.ve tke 0r~'~nce ~ t-'~ce ?~_o:.e N~- ~-~tle T',_'~.e fol!~;F roll c.~ xrob~ vm~ ta~_'eu on tke 'motion: Va!enty 7es, !Tard yes, Gi?.nin'~.i 7es ?_:~_ Fen';Lck 7es. ~Oo~ n ow any action ~2e fo!low, nE_ : roll call vote ..... .,_,s .~.f.:en on Ord. :;.':2,.. _: UJard yes, Giani~_xni passed, Femvick yes an:_'. V:~!enty yes. carried. Ordinance the. Last Frontier property Ordinance "'~3 . iF- was read in its enbirety bI Atty. Black It was moved by Art Fenv-ick and seconde~ by ?;. Vie. rd to s:~s~nd the r'a!es and have the 0rdin~ce read trice more by title· After_ some discussibn b-r,, tke Bo:zrd it was deciderS_ to ask ~:~.~ ..... t the boundries of tb_e Lo. st Frontier property as listed in the 0rdina:lce be made smaller. The '--'--~ ' :~ ;vz~_. the consent o_: N.r. ? ,--~ :~ ~,...o on on the fq ocr wRs ,-,~ ~[dra:~ ' ' ~ ~ .... . :' e~.,_O_. and Nr. V;ard in order t'-t:~_t tb.e O~-din~nce be co:'racted mhd prese:~_ted at a sDecia! meeting to be held at [:30 2.N. July 2!st. ;',,-. D". :7,'-~'-d, __, moved ___ ..... _z^o.:. Gianinni s~o'__de.i,~ ' ' ~' %½e motion %0 oi'der a fi!/nq c~,~,z~et z or t":e VL!!ase offices i:~ tko 2i:?e Notion carried. it was move.! })3? :!rt. Fenwick and seconded by 17. !Tard ~;o reluce '-"~.., .,~. bonds for t'~e Tree.-,~_~_ ~ ~_;~ Clerk to :'"~ 000 eack No-~-'~ c¢~rried.