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12 09 1952 CM
R~,~wez"in:~ 15Ne ro!l es £ol!ov.~s: pre :~ ent u._ _S :...,u SS 2? .20 330 .,-n,, ~ 1 $. tO 7rio Colio¥:ins bills v:e'r'e read '~fLer a disc::._~sion ~Y,_~ et] ~',rdin?,xoe covePlnS 2:e,dilePs ~ .itl~in covorlnS set.le, 0rd.Ln,!!loe ;,_. v~_~o_ 'ulc~ 0-~r:. ,,-_~ ':.m'] 'eaa -1~1 its entirety bU Atbor':!e/ n~±ack, it ¥~,-}ved l),/ Geo. -?i.xniri.~A to suspenl bile Pules '2.ll(~ ~ ~.vo the 0P,!i~g.u_ce ,~,.,:~_a t,vice mope b7 ', -k~ e. Tke fo!iowins Poll ~eim,'i c k a'/e. Tke :::.tie v:,,.,', b!zen ?:'cad t,.'.:ice more. Yen":ic~, 'rje, V:..!e~b~. -q,=e. Drdin~nce pas~ed. Ord. Ordinance ~18 Sovernins the hondlinz__ . of_ ..... ~.ae ?:'~":,~,,~.,__ .... _ ~_~.,~ ~ystem fo]:' hhe Villefle of 5h~.~i_,,buok v,:.P.s rea~i ill ltS ezl%imet2. It ~¢ao ~oved b,~ John Valenvy '~,d seconded ~assase of t:ze Ordi,~nce be held over :::~t.tl Ne.,..~t[nS adjaurned ai5 ?_1:00 - Cha~an