HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 18 1952 CM ?he ...... me<'t;n.~ v/as called to o~de~ at ,.~":1~ }.:' b.: o-~.-~' ir.mr~n £ _I ~ Valenty. The Trust~es e!lsv, ered h. he roll as , .] , o,.vs: Vs. lentv p~'.a lent, Fen,.:[ck nresent~ U.'ar.l .'~-~e-)%, Sianinni pre3en[; al-rd FrasuPe hhL. s,P'!t. The minutes ~_? t::e ~--,eviou. s r:eetin,S xvePe r,.s.d ?.:~d '-tl .roved. Art Fen,:.'ick xoved ud ",',~. Ward seconded "o.,_t,,a .,:orion th. t :',.,ne Cotlowins bL!ls !;e aiiored: Chubbuc_k Plu~'q)in.Z 'uud !Ie~'-;ins Be'::t I, ettqr ~'-op iTard~-~ .~nPvice le'~dU ~'ixeq :Uoncrete Co Brenrr~n's Ur;de Ch.ubl ,',_~c '< L ,','~},: ~' .... Billz .Sisnz Ida] 'o State Ida ~o Sills rec:.-ived ~b" ::!-:e Viii'se pertainlnS to ~'n,'~e rec, d It v:.,_s :t,ove! I:W~ 7/ 7;ard and '- ' , · l;bese bills be ~l]cu..-~.-i subject to i.iP :l mlito:l's ,~v; 'oval Notion ca,'ried. It was :l:ov~,d b'- Art ~ "' "~nd s ~ 7 ..... ~en~,,~-ck' econdcd ~:,~ ~eo :hg.e, % flat fee of ~2.~0 v:ou!'~ be cha:',sed for s~-,J~i-tinS off ~-,',ruin~3 on the ~vai:er in ,:~ se of v:~cancy. This dec:is:on is to oe ~ut in ~'},e Ordina:~ce setting rates :.ovzon c~rrzeo. If teN seize di~c~:ssien it rn~.s agreed betv:een i,.,z'. L. E. B':nce and the Bot~.rd of 'rr~,stees ',,h' t Hr. Bunce and sons nould p tke ':::~terial at cost plus frei'iht to install a fire }:?d..an[, on their property. Th~: Vi!l%']e ~',~il]. suNl,!y the 1 '[;0'.FIt!VO ~ or{:.lL~qg'}ne' ' (~ c.,'.r l-~'~ un lice. nsC n~:]__~ ~nlaces ~£ bus.[n~ ss' ' - ~n- -':' t!le-'~ ;':e~tJ-n.S aeoourued >~:15 r.:. erk , !~.i rh s~a'