HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 12 1952 CM7a u,..n ,.,y--p;--o s ant
Gi aniuni- -pz, e s e'~lt
?:'aNd-- ab sent
%%e followinS btils v:ePe r~'ad for aPi.,rov.:A:
BPe l.lll%il ! S
,~' 7 · O0
unu~buc~c Serv. COP31.00
J. ~. Va!euty 0,%.00
Ward's Conoco 12.00
Ke~ne dy ' s 1~ .38
Art. Pen:rick ,uoved ,a~zd %ao. Oianin.ti seconded t]le ', .... ,~u:,_on '6-',,~.t
"~,:~e bills be al..o,.~c,a.] '' l,lob2o~lcaz'.rlea.
The Board asain -'~scu:~sed t>~e "stop-1~' ' '-" .~ '
~ z St,.., the i'ai:.ePsec 6 ion
and the blinker !ishts nov: !n use.
irt Fen,v:'~ck moved a~:d 2-eo. ~ianinni seconded the
o.qe p~,'eset:~ alzn:er zmsnts be moved out ~:ore ~o,?ard t]~e Villase
!ix",its ?'riCh a conl;roqqe~ ,~op-lzoau the za,ersectlon, orion
c %rvied.
'.._;e_::t order of business disc;_:s'sod v.,a:~ the :r*eps.~F::t,.;3!h 3o N~,.e Vill:tse
o O the ql. oney e::pended b--
da'be Rre "}%933,0P. ~ s:u-:~e for t:;e ',','attar system. '--~:pen:~e$ to
It ,-~s u~oved b-r.,, :.~r' ~-u Fenv,-ick and ? ~ l~ - t FPas-:t-r.,e '-'-u:,:,t
~,,'~]-~Dl be ::et,eyed to tile Vill,ise .... nes zmom tile
ooecial. ?Taterv,~op~cs, - acc,nn~t. 7.1o~'u.~.on ca"Pied.
It ~.';as eunounced -'-'- ,-'-
uzr.~ ',.)ids \yore to come i-(l ozl :, lie ~
fop o,le PiPe ouauion.
it was also stated fop the be-refit of t;ze 3oqrd b:~ t r~:r'opc:,~ti for
a,~n- r', v;;:~.s ava[lab±e on. 4he ]till LoP 13200,
will be eb','~zined o~ :;~::_s st.tl~j c~
~e.~ , .oo~rd~ members ~-~,.._sc,ts.~ed tshe s_dvis,~_bil:u-hV' of le~vinS Or~i~ances
dPevs1 on ~1, folqo~-;i}~S : ~utsNill~ d dea-hr~c'Lion o~
property; ."N:-3" Ouns ',q_ti~in Vi].l,:.~le !i~uit, s~ Curfew.
~ o!ac~ ho obte~in ~n?o .~1.o.~ ation
~ne Board .'ieclded to Corlba. c
before defini-he ~:c,-'51on nas
~,leeting adj .... 1~
Ci ~6 i r~i~ an