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03 11 1952 CM
3;: .3o ~.p · ,,~ '1 :< · '-,_a.~.) ,.3bt'ce __~ ].L1 · __ ,1000 ~]_].,'~,3e :,>'t S Oo;lz ~ :iON ].'! ' ', -t ~0'79 r_. O,')l,l::;,,I ]C]:i'LOi1 0(' 'h'!e ..... ,,/': ~,,,-~,: %Filhl. :3chedule iii Tan:.: Poll call vote 1,7o b.i. on c'~..:r?i ed. i l;h ::,.11 t:e::~ste.c,s vo,,~. :o 2ye. i;r. ii%:,qi!ton brou_ftt ~:.:p t;;ze '::.~.bter - efor, e t]}.e Lo. r,d l;t..,.-b t-qe 7p~ve._ Po,.q_d ,.,1,'i.~l, , . c,.' oh ' ~.-. ~;1S e ~_c~.l~ foronoe ,3~ ',,-~P.~3. ~ Ti).e ~-~iL,:. ~es'~ sub:c~i :ted didn'tj_nn_,_,:d.e_ the .n trl~},:~. - out]_c ts. entire-ty. ~fte_r d'~scuso.~on i~ wRs decided me~c'~t ?,,tonday Eve. at p~:O0 P.i!. to act on'the oPdimance. Pine Line Agr:~ ........ ,;iti~ the. ,J. Govt. v;'.s 3oard It was 2toyed by ~.::~ .{ "',~' heeth~? ;~,lj;~ur~ed 10:1~ 2' U.