HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 06 1952 CM SPMTGHELD 01J L:~ROH 6th~ 1~2 iN ~unr.~;,,~l.~ON ~:Icn _L'nS ~rsnlNu~ OF BIDS ~r,D L~T2I~,~- 0P u,.~ _:~,~To 01[ CON:3T~{JCTI''~'' ~-.te first ite;~: t, be c ~nsidered ' ere the ', e ' ' "- FTu,!iay in tile ~_c~ount of 2,7,zO.31. 'zna ;~2:, T. ;~ .... ,l,'~ol.00 t{~':t ti~e contt':,ct be 'n ',dad to the l{osers F--:r.' Notio~ I-.faS sec-,~do~] ~. Er;les~ 3'~-tsLt!,o. A roi! and :~11 hrustees w~te,] &:,-e. Llob/on c:~.,ea. Ttte No.?_rd accepted -blte !id of the :{olp~a ~ .... -,u ~;--: a; c~,eo]~ v. as :r::ctuz':3~,,f bo h'_m ,:,.b said :q:{cS_lns. :~c'-,edu!e I 6: II ?xe foiio'vinS vohe ,,v?_,~ b,a:;en, i roll c.:'.il ,;f 9.11 LJi',,,)'i l p~ ~oec', ell: %hove ;:c'~edul_e. ~.o:;L:~q ,,; 7'.in b.'kotl CaPPied. Schedule IV: schedule. ) Items )%" ~. (Check Valve and boz,;es--see attached Upon recotnmend..tion c;f -blte E_t:3zne~:r, ',~. :'.,-, Vi, trd :~oved bh t the con'hc.:'mt be a,:,.:~rd, ed to the Idaho Wab,-::r-','iorks Corp. Fhe motion was seconded by %rt. ~en,vick. A rc)ll c'll vote v~'~s t.7',-:en ,,/itt all Trustees anst-:,~inr~ "~-,~e" Notion carried Schedule IV: Items 7 a S. (125 Service meters and Air release, vacu~.m~ valve. ) Upon recommend~ tion of t]~.e Engineer, Valenty moved that 'the contract be awarded to the !da~o Water Wor~cs for the al:eve ms.b~::Pial. [{orion was aeconded ~ ~rt Fe:%vick. A roll call vote v/,~s ta ~en u-ith all_ trustees answering "Aye.[ ~J-otlon ca~,ried. cc. ~edule IV: Itens, ~0, 10, 11 C~ 12. (i.leter Box Covers etc., see Unon recouunend,:tim~ of vhe Ensine~r, ,,. ,,. ,~a~u ~,ovod that t!-~e contract for ~he above ~,2, erial be au'.n-~ded to ',or:rs~ Corp. kobion ~¥a3 seconded by roll vote v/as taket~ v;ith all Trustees Rnsu;erin::Z c ?~Pr'ied. $c½edule IV: Ite:~s 12 ;3: lB Upon ~eco:r, mend. tion of the Ensineer, i,~r. Fenv,-ick ,~oved th t t:~e contract be awarded to t~e~ i~ a. no ~ Y~at,~rnor_ .:s Corp. The :::otion roll call vote ,.,'.:as t?ken v;ith ,q. ll Trustees answerins Aye. ,,zon carried. Schedule IV: Iteus 2A t'r:'u 3D and iV 6 (See attached 3chedule). Unon reco ,m,;end.: tLon of. b'ae,~ Eh_ _.'i n~,~.~ ~ _~ , ~,,z' . Valenty avco:_ t:~t tile con~,ract for the above r~bePi?.l be .:'.?::.'al_ed %o the Eq~ip::tm~t Co. The ' obic~n v.":,.s .sec.::,-~defi b: ',V. ~. ro.:_~, c.::!l vole t-;.xs ~-"- 'tlz all 'lh,,zst,3es ansi'erinS "Aye" ~, o '[, i r)n c ,n.-~'N i c d. Sc:,odule iV: Ibo':ls !3-~, 13 and 1~. (See :~.t.,b~.c' ed sckedu]_c.) Upon :"eco~::zaend, tlon of the 2~n 'ina r, h.r,. ','.~,~ ,,ovcd tinct the conh'act for b!:e above m,:,t~ri:~.i be av:-~rded bo the i;.'~'berv.,-)rks ~quipr::cnt Co., T~ze motion v;as ,second,ed b,~ Art. Fenv;ic~{. A roll call. vote v;s.s ha:ten ~,iu:.. ,,.~ l,lotff~tl carried. Sched~S_e IV: Ite:'~ 16 (~'-o_~nc,r'-,=te }ir, e). l,,otion c q.r'ried. - ' ~"" ' zsle fol!owinSae>. looLon v./9.=x the ~,~ext order of the 3>?xpd: ; e'xt:.r~S aau ,;;,.r:ze,'. ' i ~':tO ,k pa m'r ,,nm ' .J l,J~..bl ? C1 rk